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  1. For those of you who don't know, Crossfit is an organization dedicated to forging and finding the most elite athletes in the world. Their competitions, are massive to say the least. Going from regionals, to nationals, to international holdings of the Crossfit Games. You do not sign up for events, there are four events chosen at random that test your combination of speed, power, and endhurance. I was wondering if it could be possible to form a scouting crossfit team. This is for anyone who thinks they may be interested or if they know someone who could qualify. A Crossfit team must be composed of 5 people, at least 2 of each gender, the 5th person can be either gender. I'm looking for the 5 most athletically skilled boy/girl scouts in the country. An official boy/girl scout crossfit team would be huge, and I'm sure with enough effort, the BSA and GSA would approve of it and make it official. anyone think it's possible or know anyone who might fit the bill?
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