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Everything posted by ScoutNut

  1. It has been 5 for both charter and re-charter for a number of years. http://scouting.org/filestore/pdf/28-402.pdf
  2. You can have "Scout Buddies" T-shirts for all younger siblings. Make sure they are included in all songs and games and other family activities. ALL family members (adult and sibs) who have helped out over the year, should be recognized at either B&G, or at end of year Graduation. It can be something as simple as stocking up on the Valentine heart candies and giving everyone a bag and your "heartfelt" thanks.
  3. From what I understand the new books will be out sometime in September. Nobody that I know has seen any early copies of the requirements from any source.
  4. The only recognition that I want as a Trainer is for my course participants to tell me that they learned a lot, enjoyed themselves, and would recommend the course to others. If you feel the need for any other kind of recognition, then you are doing it for the wrong reason. Being a Trainer is not about adding more bling to your uniform.
  5. Who did you talk to at Roundtable and at your council office? Did you approach your Troop's UC? Any other UC in your area? The District Commissioner? How about any of the Asst Dist Commissioners? Did you discuss this with your DE? Unit Commissioners are appointed by your District Commissioner, and approved by the Council Executive Board. Even though there is a need for UC's, they do not (or at least should not) usually accept just any warm body. They need to know you first. Have you worked with District volunteers in any capacity? Have you volunteered to help out at any District, or Council, event? Do any of the District Commissioner, or Training, staff know you? Can any of them vouch for you? I would recommend that when they ask at Roundtable for volunteers to help at council/district events that you sign up. Show them that you know what you are doing and that you know about Scouting. Let them get to know you.
  6. Somehow I doubt that after 97 years, that GSUSA is going to vanish without a trace. In order to allow a 14+year old girl to earn Eagle the entire program would have to be redone in MAJOR ways, not just slipping it in quietly under the radar. Whoever told you this obviously has a few axes to grind. Or thinks he is being humorous?
  7. We are not talking about den activities here. We are talking about Council Summer Camps. Nope, we don't consider it "cheating the system" to count a Webelos who goes to a Webelos only Summer Camp session. We will also count it if a group of Wolf families all make sure to sign up for the same Summer Camp session. >>"If you are counting things the way you are then I am sure everyone in your pack has the summertime pack award and it really means nothing but in our pack few have it and kids work hard to stay active so they can get it."
  8. My Pack promotes our Council Summer Camps, all of them. We will pick one of the weekends at the nearby (1.5hr away) 2day/1night camp and designate it our Pack's camp date. That way it gives the Pack families a specific date to put on their calendar and they know that there is a good chance there will be others from the Pack there too. However, not everyone can get the same dates off, and some might prefer a longer camping experience (4day/3night), or one specifically for Webelos. We let everyone know about all of the camps, all of the dates, and the camp/date that the Pack has picked, they then decide if/when/where they want to go. All of it counts for the Summertime award (even the Webelos only camp), as they are all Scout activities being done during Summer months, and promoted by the Pack.
  9. You can definitely count summer camp and day camp toward your Pack's Summertime Award. As with all of the other summer events, it does not matter if only 1 or 2 Scouts attend. The dates are set aside for this on your Pack calendar. It is promoted by your Pack to your Pack families. In our council Cub resident camp is Parent/Scout (so new Tigers are allowed). While you do not sign up together as a Pack for resident camp, if you put your Pack number on the registration council will put everyone from your Pack together in the same area (if possible). struax - As of June 1st, BSA moves all Cub Scouts up to the next level. Once you leave a level you can not work in it any more. Your Cubs are now Bear Cub Scouts and their awards are at that level. Fred - BSA now has a Summertime Activity pin for each level. That way when the boys earn it more than once they will not be all the same.
  10. From the 2008 BSA Advancement Policies and Procedures - in BOLD print - "A Scout's unit leaders, assistant unit leaders, relatives, or guardians may not serve as members of his board of review." Yes, this is most definately a RULE!(This message has been edited by scoutnut)
  11. >>"just because the parents are at the meetings, if they are holding BOR's they gey pull up to participate. Is sad because the kids are getting their ranks without really being prepared."
  12. Actually the BSA policy is pretty clear. You posted the BSA Age-Appropriate Guidelines. It clearly states Webelos may only visit at Boy Scout Camporees. The Guide to Safe Scouting states - "Joint Webelos den-troop campouts including the parents of the Webelos Scouts are encouraged to strengthen ties between the pack and troop. Den leaders, pack leaders, and parents are expected to accompany the boys on approved trips." The Cub Scout Leaders Book Chapter 21 - states - "Webelos den overnight campouts provide opportunities for Webelos Scouts to enjoy the increasing camping challenges offered by BSA's progressive camping program, but still within the family environment of Cub Scouting. Webelos camping experiences should help prepare Webelos Scouts for the camping adventures of Boy Scouting without taking away from the type of camping they will experience as a member of a Boy Scout Troop." "Webelos dens are encouraged to participate in joint overnight campouts with a Boy Scout Troop; however, a parent or guardian of each Webelos Scout must still attend." "Webelos overnight camping at Boy Scout camporees and/or events is not a BSA-approved activity." The Cub Scout Leaders Book Chapter 33 - states - "Webelos Scout dens are encouraged to have daytime visits at Boy Scout district camporees and Klondike derbies. The purpose of these visits should be for the boys to look ahead with anticipation to their future as Boy Scouts and observe Troops that they might want to join. Webelos Scout dens should not compete against or participate in activities designed for Boy Scouts. Webelos Scouts should not spend the night as participants at the event if the program is Boy -Scout based" So - To sum it up, camping with Boy Scouts at Camporees - NO, Webelos den/Boy Scout Troop joint overnight camping trip - YES. National said no Webelos camping at, or participating in, Camporees because a Camporee is a BOY SCOUT event, with Boy Scout age appropriate activities, not a CUB SCOUT event. Webelos are still Cub Scouts, and should be following Cub Scout rules, and doing Cub Scout level activities. Many councils will get around this by holding an overnight Webelosree at the same time, and area, as the Camporee. This way the Webelos can visit the Camporee to observe, but still have their own Webelos age appropriate activities. The Webelos generally will camp in their own area.
  13. Usually, if you have received your Take-Order form you can start selling. Contact the person in charge of your Pack's popcorn sale and ask to be sure. If your popcorn chair does not know, then simply wait until after your District popcorn kick-off this Thursday. It is only a few days.
  14. The point is not that it is his son and he can parent anyway he pleases. While I might not agree with what he does, I don't have any say in what names he calls his family members IN PRIVATE. At a Pack event, around Cub Scouts, is another matter. When we sign that adult application we are agreeing to work toward the aims and purpose of BSA. How did his behavior, in front of Cub Scouts, other than his son, achieve any of the 10 purposes of Cub Scouting? Thinking about this, I wonder if this is usual behavior for him. Does he often exhibit questional behavior in front of the youth? Or, was this just a one-time, isolated incident? If this was a one-time thing, where he might just have lost it with his son's misbehaving, then while someone should have still mentioned something to him at the time, I see no need for extreme concern. However if this is his usual behavior in front of Cub Scouts, than it does indeed deserve a good talk by the CC and/or COR.
  15. Someone should have pulled him aside at the event and talked to him then. Unfortunately, everyone just let it slide. At this point you, or the Committee Chair(was he at the event too?), or both, should have an informal talk with your CM and let him know that adults MUST watch what they do, and say, around the Cub Scouts. Adults, and especially Pack leaders like him, are roll models for the boys. Remind him that the boys pick up on EVERYTHING. Ask him how he would feel, and what he would do, if he heard a Cub calling another Cub jerk, or stupid.
  16. Tulip Trace Council has been history since 2006 anyway thanks to GSUSA's realignment of it's councils. It sounds like it turned into a hot potato for the realigned councils in it's area thanks to it's financial situation. Neither of the new council groups wanted to take on the debt. Tulip Trace dissolving, and/or declaring bankruptcy, is simply an expedient financial move for the realigned council group taking over it's area. I think with the realignment of councils into "mega" councils you are going to see a lot of GSUSA property put up for sale. That includes offices and camps.
  17. ScoutNut

    Pack trailer

    >>"Forgive all of us on this thread for wasting your time. I was under the impression that this was a friendly forum for sharing ideas and opinions. My mistake. But if you actually read my original posting, it was a general topic thrown out for discussion. It just included an example. But I guess you missed that."
  18. In that case I would contact the council that is hosting the event you are attending to find out if they require a Tour Permit to attend.
  19. Just checked on the BSA National site and BSA recognizes BOTH University of Scouting and Pow Wow. There is no mention of any kind of a "national curriculum" (and I have never been given one to use in the Pow Wow's I have staffed). http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/CubScouts/Training/powwow.aspx
  20. I have never heard of any Pow Wow done as a District event. Every one I have ever attended, or seen info on, has been done at the council level. There is a LOT of time, effort, and money involved. It would have to be a REAL big district to be able to afford it, and to swing the attendees needed to be able to pay for it.
  21. If it is just you and your son alone, and not a Pack event, then no. If your Pack is doing this as a unit activity, with you simply driving only your son, and everyone else getting there other ways, then your Pack (CC, event chair, Secretary, etc) should be the one to get the tour permit.
  22. >>"Remember you have to buy the popcorn before you get your sales money"
  23. ScoutNut

    Pack trailer

    A few years ago the makeup of the Pack was different. Perhaps when the trailer was purchased the Pack camped often. Perhaps it was purchased with the thought that with the next good popcorn year they could purchase Pack camping equipment to keep in the trailer. Which is actually not such a bad idea. Lots of Packs don't camp much (or at all) because Pack families, many of whom have never camped before, do not want to shell out the money for camping equipment that they will not get a lot of use out of. While it is recommended that the Pack borrow equipment from the Troop, if they have no affiliated Troop finding a Troop who will loan equipment to families they do not know can be difficult.
  24. After providing a new userid and password I have had no problems with myscouting at all. My training looks like it all got transfered just fine. I will say that the need for a new sign on name was not very clearly communicated. However, when I figured out what the system was asking for there were no more problems.
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