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Everything posted by ScoutNut

  1. This is all that the Guide to Safe Scouting has to say about knives - >>"A sharp pocketknife with a can opener on it is an invaluable backcountry tool. Keep it clean, sharp, and handy. Avoid large sheath knives. They are heavy and awkward to carry, and unnecessary for most camp chores except for cleaning fish."
  2. From the Guide to Safe Scouting - >>"Swim classification tests for multiunit district and council aquatics activities, such as day or resident camps, are generally conducted on-site by supervisory personnel for those activities. Councils may arrange for swim classification tests conducted by council-approved aquatics resource people prior to camp as outlined in section V of Camp Program and Property Management, No 20-290. When swim tests are conducted off-site prior to the camp session, the camp aquatics director retains the right to review or retest any or all."
  3. Perhaps you could contact some of the other Troops you found online who were doing a similar program.
  4. >>"The jury decided on April 13 that the Boy Scouts were negligent for allowing former assistant Scoutmaster Timur Dykes to associate with Scouts, including Lewis, after Dykes admitted to a Scouts official in 1983 that he had molested 17 boys."
  5. This is NOT a District that has NEVER had a District Key 3, or District Committee. We are talking about a temporary, not permanent, breakdown in the District Committee. There are still trainers, commissioners, and leaders, in the trenches doing what they do every day. >>"the winner of the Pinewood Derby won't go on to compete in the District Pinewood Derby without a functioning District Committee.">"Mrs. Smith will find it more difficult to get a tour permit for a Pack overnighter without the requisite BALOO training that a functioning District Training Committee would offer."
  6. How old is your dd? If she is a Senior in HS, you can purchase a lifetime GS adult membership for her at a reduced rate. Even if she does not use it right away, she might appreciate it later on in her life. That, combined with whatever else you do for the Gold Award, will be a nice combo for her.
  7. >>"Many BL and pins MUST be earned at Council/District events"
  8. The fact that there are only 5 active youth, and 2 active adults, puts a bit of a different spin on things. The SM feels he must attend his church on Sundays. If there are only the 2 of you camping with the 5 (or less) boys, perhaps he feels that youth protection would not be served to leave some boys at the campsite with you alone. So, to be on the YP safe side, he has everyone accompany him to church. TALK TO YOUR SM. If their are boys who are not comfortable with attending his church you BOTH need to come up with alternates for them. Have you talked to him about a Scouts Own Service? Can one of the other parents (who do not want their son attending the SM's church) attend the campout also, thus leaving enough adult supervision at the campsite for those who do not want to go with the SM? Can the SM attend a later service on his own? If he absolutely must attend his church, with nothing working as a substitute, then perhaps the campout can be ended very early on Sunday so everyone has time to get to their own worship services. You don't know if you don't talk to him. As for your training. The online training is great, and necessary. U of S is also great for additional training. However to be considered by BSA to be fully trained for your position of ASM (which you will need to be in order to take Wood Badge) you also need to take Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training, and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.
  9. The most common "error" for new families is to use any and all activities the kid has been involved in since he could walk. Then you get the amazed "You mean we can't use that trip to the zoo when he was in preschool?", "But he went to a bowling birthday party in Kindergarten, why can't that count!"
  10. Thanks John! Finding stuff on that site (even things you KNOW you have seen) can be a real challenge sometimes! Edited to add that of course it would be under the Youth area and not the Adult area! Why would an adult have a need for this? And then they put 3 separate links for the pdf in the one, 2 sentence blurb!(This message has been edited by Scoutnut)
  11. Yeah, the more pins than belt loops is a BIG red flag. Take a look at the requirements for what they say they have done (all requirements are online at BSA National web site, and a pdf of the last book without the new loops is on the ScoutStuff National shop site), and then have a talk to the parent. Does your Pack have a policy about what/how they cover the loops and pins from the A&S program? If not, perhaps the CC and Treasurer should come up with one.
  12. John, where in ScoutSource is that link located? The only thing I could find was references to the publication, but not the actual link. Thanks !
  13. >>"But, from what I was told, the den leader must now sign the books, not the parents. So even if the family works on advancement at home, they will need to start coming to the den leader, and the scout must tell them what they did, then the den leader will do the sign off."
  14. I've used - http://bellevillehobby.com/ http://www.a2zhobbies.com/ http://www.ehobbies.com/ I have used others as well, but can't remember names off hand. As I stated, I have never had any problems with any of them.
  15. 2cub - What you stated was - >>"If you are a church-sponsored unit and the church wants the boys at their services, that is their call to make.">"Members who do not belong to a units religious chartered organization shall not be required to participate in its religious activities."
  16. Talk to your COR. Youth can/should not be FORCED to participate in religious activities when they are not members of that religion.
  17. Look at the online hobby stores. Some are cheaper than others, some might have sales going on. There are also bulk/educator kits from other manufacturers. Look for bulk pack engines too. I just usually browse and find the best deal. I have never had a problem yet. I recommend sticking with the lowest level. If you need the launchers and all of the rest, some of the kits include those too. Have fun!
  18. >>"I also dont understand really why we make our Tiger DL's do leader specific training, and then we make them do it AGAIN the next year as a Wolf DL."
  19. >>"The only issue I have with it is that you have to take WELOTS to be trained to take your Webelos den camping (Council requirement) and then you have to come back on a seperate weekend to to take IOLS to be a trained ASM or SM."
  20. Yep - Note it states SHOULD - not MUST. Webelos Outdoor training is recommended by National, but unless YOUR COUNCIL has additional/different rules, it is not REQUIRED to take a Webelos den camping. The same is true for BALOO training. National does not REQUIRE it to take a Webelos den camping, but YOUR COUNCIL might.
  21. Oak Tree, you would be OK with your local council charging every member an extra yearly council fee on top of National registration? Capital campaigns are wonderful, and ongoing in every council. Unfortunately that money only goes so far, and you can only go to the same corporate donors so often each year. In these economic times many companies are cutting back on their donations. What many councils are doing, and what many council members are complaining about - is selling off council camps, and downsizing council offices.
  22. So you gave a $50 donation to your local council last year, and a $200 donation this year. That's great. That's more than most families donate. And, as a bonus, donations to you local council can be used as charitable donation deductible on your income tax. However your council never REQUIRED a specific donation amount from you. Doesn't really have anything to do with weather or not you attend any council, or district, events either. Scouting Magazine is included in your National registration fee of $15 (NONE of which stays in your local council BTW). There is no way for your local council to process any type of subscription payment for the magazine because it comes from BSA National in Texas. You could have given your local council an additional FOS donation of $12 however. I am sure Beth would have appreciated that. If your Pack is not interested in a monthly payment schedule from you, and keeps on putting extra money in your sons Scout Account, even when asked not to, why not simply do the monthly payment anyway? Put your $10 in a coffee can at home each month. Pay your $18 registration money out of the can. Use the rest of the money you put away all year to purchase Handbooks and neckers for all incoming Tigers to the Pack. This will help out the Pack, and help out the brand new Scout families! BTW, as for selling popcorn, based on my councils average profit scale, if my son sells $500 in popcorn, the council would still get their $200, the Pack would get $150, my son would get experience in salesmanship, goal setting, merchandising, public relations, math, handling money, public speaking, and more, plus what ever sales prizes he earned. About the only down side is that I would not be able to declare it a contribution on my taxes. I really don't see a problem here.
  23. What activity is, or is not, able to be used to complete a requirement for a merit badge is COMPLETELY up to the merit badge counselor, and it is YOUR SON'S responsibility to discuss it with the MB Counselor, NOT yours.
  24. >>"Personally,I'd rather give the council $30.00 a month straight out and not sell anything."
  25. I was not responding to you Moosetracker. I was responding to Cryskiel's comment - " I didnt know if i should waste my time sending her information if she doesnt want to participate."
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