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Everything posted by ScoutNut

  1. I used a template for a sheet of name cards, changed it to reflect PWD, and put in each Scouts information. We punch a hole in the card, and attach the license to a string so the Scout can wear it around their neck. They don't lose them that way, and can easily look to check their car number when they are called.
  2. Our school hall tables are the kind that are on wheels and fold in half like a giant A. We just fold a table up and tape a big sign on it. We have- Registration - Sign in and get car number Inspection - Car gets weighed and inspected Pit Stop - Race repairs, and fixes/corrections to problem cars prior to re-inspection. Parking Lot - Cars are set in lot by car number DMV - Scouts get drivers license with picture and car number Race Central - Announce racers and tabulates results We string caution tape around the 4 pillars in the center of the room, and put the track inside. We will also string extra caution tape directly next to the track on either side, using school parking lot cones, and attach red STOP signs on either side. Chairs are set up in a U, outside of the pillars, behind the tape. Line judges and racers watch the race from the finish line.
  3. Personally, I think that the parent info in the front of the Tiger Handbook is great. It covers what the Tiger program is, how it should be run, and how the parent can help their Tiger. Lots of good info there if they read it. The rest of the Handbook does a good job of explaining the requirements/electives and even giving ideas of things to do to complete them. If you have some area specific ideas for outings, ideas of specific fun things to do for requirements, useful internet links, and Pack specific things they should know, that might be a useful resource for all new leaders.
  4. If posters don't really want feedback, and just want to vent, and ask rhetorical questions, they need to state that up front. General answers to a general question will not always help the specific problem. Pack195 stated that a leader in his district, not unit, stole something. He never said that what was stolen had anything to do with Scouting, other than it caused some boys to quit. Having Pack195 go to his units COR will not accomplish anything if it was not stolen from his unit. One Charter Organization has no say in what another Charter Organization, or a person/organization/business outside of scouting, does. Pack195 states that when he "steps up to tell the truth everyone turns against me". Stealing is a crime. If someone is a witness to a crime, or has PROOF of who committed a crime, they should go to the police, tell them, and let the police handle it. People will not usually "turn against" someone who has proof. If you tell other people that a specific person is a thief, but have no proof to back up this allegation, you should not be surprised if the people you tell this story to 1) do not believe you, and 2) are upset with you for spreading what is basically a nasty rumor. Pack195 stated that "even the district chairman tried to kick me out of scouting". First of all, if you are a unit Scouter, kicking you out of Scouting is up to your Charter Organization, not the District Chairman. If you have proof of, or personally witnessed a person commit a crime, why are you going to the District Chairman instead of the police? If you have no proof, why are you surprised the District Chairman got upset when you started spreading unsubstantiated rumors? If you do have proof, and folks are still turning against you, and trying to kick you out, then I do not know what to tell you as there must be a lot more going on that I have no clue about. Maybe a conspiracy? As for the question - "how do you follow the scout law and oath and expect the other leaders to do the same, and when they dont what do you do ?" You are not the Scout Oath and Law police for other adults. You can not be everyone's conscience. You simply make sure you follow the Scout Oath and Law as best as you can. By doing that you set a good example for both youth and adults. (This message has been edited by Scoutnut)
  5. How about having their star be on the bottom of their string? You can use a thin string that, when doubled, still fits thru the bead. Double the string and tie a knot where the 2 ends meet. Attach the star over the knot. Hang the string with the star, by the loop formed at the top, on a small cub hook screwed into the Doodle. When you want to add a bead simply take the string off the hook, slide on the bead, and then put it back on the hook. As long as you attach the star securely you should not loose beads.
  6. Along with all of those elected positions, the positions appointed by the SPL, and the unlimited Instructor positions, there is another option open to the Scouts. For Star, and Life ranks, instead of holding a Position of Responsibility, a Scout can do a leadership project to help the Troop, assigned by the SM. Considering all of this, there is absolutely no reason for boys to "sit on the side" if they need a POR for advancement. They need to get off their duffs, talk to their Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, and Scoutmaster. No one is going to do it for them. The Troop Advancement Chair should be aware of how this works, and what is required.
  7. Per SR540Beaver - "ScoutNut, http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/TourPlanFAQ.aspx" Yep, as I posted, you can still go directly to this FAQ, and the Tour Plan, if you already have this link. However, if you do not already have this link, there is no way to reach it thru the BSA National site - anymore. BSA took all info about the new Tour Plan off if it's Scouting Safely-Forms page (which is where the above link originally came from). So, it looks like someone jumped the gun a bit. Not surprising with National. They might be waiting to do some kind of announcement before they release the info officially.
  8. While the specific links still work, yesterday evening National pulled all of the info about the new Tour Plan from the Forms page of the Scouting Safely site. It was obviously posted prematurely, and was not ready for roll out just yet.
  9. There are no "official" National rules. There are directions in the boxes. The Packs, and Districts, are free to make any local rules they want. If your District holds a Pinewood Derby I would suggest your Pack uses the same rules or their winners will not be allowed to compete at the District race. It does not matter if changing the wheels really gives one an advantage or not. That is not the point. Following the rules, and good sportsmanship, is the point. If these are the rules the Pack has always posted then they should not have come as a surprise to anyone. You said the rules were just posted. When did the boys get their kits? When is the race? If the race is this weekend, and the rules were just posted, there is a good chance that most of the cars have already been built. A bit late to be handing out rules on building the car, even if they are "old" rules. You also stated that in the past the rules were only "vaguely" followed. That could be another reason for the complaints. They want to see if these are real rules or if they are more for show only. It is no big deal to take out the axles and move the wheels back to where they should be. Of course it becomes a bigger deal if they are solid axles, and not the nails supplied in the kit. It also becomes a bigger deal if they have done other things to the car and now can't move the wheels back. I suggest the Pack stand behind it's posted rules. Enforce them, and you will not have a problem (or as big of one) next year. This means that cars must be closely inspected, and weighed, and that you, and the Race Chair, have no problem with telling families that a car can race, but not win.
  10. It looks like the Tour Planning Worksheet will be replacing the National and Local Tour Permits. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/680-014_fillable.pdf The differences are - One form for all types of tours. It will no longer have to be approved at the regional level, just at the council level. The council keeps the planning worksheet, and returns the plan portion to the unit. It is a fillable pdf that is printed on 8.5x11. No more legal sizes to mess with. A unit contact who is not on the trip must be included. You will now need 3 weeks advance notice instead of 2 weeks. There is now a list of defined instances when a plan must be filed. However, "At council's request" is the final reason, so councils can add more instances where they require a plan. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/TourPlanFAQ.aspx The current Tour Permits are still listed on the National Council Forms page, so this still seems to be in transition.
  11. BadenP, I think you are missing the point. 83Eagle has stated, repeatedly, that he is not starting any coup. He does not want to take over. What he wants is help. He has open positions that he wants to fill. The current CC/COR is not actually doing the job of the CC. In the past the Cubmaster has done both the CM's job, and the CC's job. The CM no longer wants to do both jobs. If the CC/COR wants to continue to have the title of CC, that is fine. But the Pack still needs help in order to be able to run. The CC has had no problem for many years with the CM doing the things the CC should be doing. Why should the CC have a problem with the Pack recruiting more volunteers to take on some of the duties that the CM needs help with?
  12. So, your village of 3,000, now has 2 Boy Scout Troops, and 1 Cub Scout Pack, all with different Charter Organizations? The one Troop is self chartered. Who is the Charter Org for the Pack, and for your Troop? Do all of the Cub Scouts in your village attend the same school? Is there only one K-5(or 8) grade school, private, or public, in your village? Would your CO be interested in chartering a Cub Scout Pack? You stated ->>"The Cub Master/Scout Master had to have some help arranging all of this behind our back and without our representation, who knows what case was pleaded? Two District Commissioners are concerned about the duality of CM/SM in this case."
  13. Maybe I missed it, but I do not remember reading that 83's CC/COR was intent on keeping both titles. What has to be done first, is for 83 to have a pleasant little chat with the COR/CC over coffee or some such. Find out how she feels about holding both the CC, and the COR positions. Let her know that you have new parents who are itching to help out, and that you could really use their help on the Committee. Stress the importance of her COR position, and that, if she is willing, having an enthusiastic parent as CC can only help the unit. If she does not want to give up the position of CC, that is fine too. There is still no need to create false committees, or pretend positions, in order to fool her. If your COR/CC has never turned down an application to date, why would you think she would start now? Simply tell your COR/CC that you need help, and the more active parents you can get registered, the better the Pack will run. Register an Assistant Cubmaster, and as many Committee Members as you can get. Give the Asst CM the CC's jobs that you have been doing. Give the new Committee Members whatever other jobs there are that need doing. It should be pretty easy to explain to any future CM, Asst CM, or Committee Members, what their jobs are. Your COR/CC can still be invited to all Pack Leaders Meetings, and Pack Meetings. I doubt she will feel insulted by seeing new volunteers helping the Pack go, and grow.
  14. Yep, we have shown it to the entire Pack and all the boys had a blast. Call your Council Service Center. They might have a copy. If not, call area Cubmasters. Most Packs got a copy the year it came out. Your local library is also a good idea.
  15. Also keep in mind that with only 2 lanes, you almost have to have every boy race every other boy because it will be very obvious if Jimmy never Races Johnny, but you call Johnny the winner. With 7 boys in a den, each boy will race 6 times, for a total of 21 races. The plus side is that the races should go fast.
  16. http://www.stanpope.net/ppngen.html Use the above race generator. Or this one http://www.wtrfrd.com/pack339/339stern.htm It is harder to work out with only 2 lanes, but it is possible. Also with only 2 lanes with every boy racing every other boy ties should be minimal. We do not worry about making the results transparent. The winner for each race is announced and applauded. At the end of the night the top 3 (we do the entire Pack, not by den)are announced, and they do a final race for position. We don't stress winning. We stress having fun racing. That is why we stay low-tech, and low-key.
  17. Scoutfish, perhaps that is the ratio in your council, but it is not a National ratio for all Webelos den camping. BSA actually recommends that Webelos camp with a parent. Different councils have different ratios for Webelos council camping.
  18. It looks like you are having some server problems. Not encouraging.
  19. Not knocking Eliza in any way, just knocking the concept of paying $300 dollars for something that is usually built with scrap lumber. Eliza, if your District annually holds a Klondike for Webelos, and your Pack regularly participates, doesn't the Pack have sleds? Is the Pack paying for this one, or are the parents in the den coughing up the money? Twocubdad also has a very good point about weather or not this sled would qualify for your Klondike. I strongly suggest checking with the person in charge of the event to verify that the sled can be used. It would be a shame if you spent all of that money only to find that the boys can not use it.
  20. E-Mtns, you have been complaining about your son's Troop for almost a year now. You obviously have a big problem with the SM, most of the leaders, and the program. Your son's Scouting experience is not getting any better, and there does not seem to be any indication that it will get any better any time soon - if you stay in this Troop. Why on earth are you still there? Take your son, visit other Troops, and find one that fits your son, and provides a decent program.
  21. Umm, John, just asking, but are you saying that it is standard practice for councils to give female youth staff less pay and benefits than they do male youth staff?
  22. Moose had the same thought as I did. Register one of the incoming parents, as a Committee Member if nothing else. It might also be a nice gesture to supply the newly registered parent with a uniform shirt decked out with your Troop number. Then, the uniformed parent can officially welcome the new Boy Scouts to their Troop. Hopefully the CM will not kick out one of his Webelos' parents. Good Luck!
  23. From what I understand, IF this was to happen, for ANY rank, it can only be done by the BSA National Executive Board, and it would have to be for "extreme circumstances". Something like getting arrested, or doing drugs, would not cut it. Think more along the lines of John Wayne Gacy. As another indicator of how rare a thing this would be, I have read that only between 9-11 Eagle ranks have possibly (because I can not verify any number at all) been revoked out of over 2 million earned. Keep in mind that having membership revoked is a much different thing than having a rank revoked. As to what kind of form to use, I doubt you will find one on your council Service Center's shelf. I recommend contacting BSA National.
  24. SPL1, I agree with Twocubdad, you need to tread VERY lightly. Quality control of Eagle Service Projects in your Troop is not your responsibility. Especially the project involving your SM and his son, who you have a not so happy history with. From your post, this project was completed around Thanksgiving. By now the paperwork has all been finished, and the Scout should be on his way to his Eagle BOR. Weather or not the project was completed correctly is now in the hands of the EBOR. Could it be that the problem is that your SM's son has passed his EBOR and you are unhappy with that fact? Are you bringing this up because you do not feel he should have passed his EBOR? What would you like to see happen here?
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