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Everything posted by ScoutNut

  1. >>"Many AHG chartering organizations don't sponsor BSA units right now, but once they understand that faith specific units are welcome in the BSA, I believe more will."
  2. Do you have your Day Campers sign up individually, or by Pack? We have them sign up by Pack, and require enough adults to sign up with them to cover the 1:5 ratio. If someone wants to sign up individually, an adult is required to sign up with them. Contact those last minute folks and let them know you need more adult volunteers.
  3. Until the new book gets in stock, make a visit to your local public library. Many libraries carry copies of Scout handbooks (and local school books for those who have a kid who regularly forgets his head) in their Youth sections.
  4. Switching is as simple as filling in a transfer form, or a new Youth Application, and giving it to your new SM. Since you have been in your Troop for so long, you must have formed friendships with the other Scouts there. I would think hard before you do this. Consider trying to make your current Troop work first. Have you talked to the Troop Advancement Chair about your issues? Good luck.
  5. >>"What do you think about giving the PLs the ability to log in to pass off requirements on MBs?"
  6. What BSA training courses (aside from Wood Badge) would you want AGH leaders to take? Most of the BSA training is set up to train leaders specifically in the BSA program, and the way that BSA wants things done. It does not cover how other organizations programs are run. Nor should it.
  7. It is most likely a local thing. Perhaps for that one particular GSUSA camp program. An theater camp, where the girls stay in lodge bunks, and have their meals prepared for them, would have no need for the girls to carry any kind of knife.
  8. If you replied to everyone that the CC emailed (I would have made sure to include the COR and head of the Charter Org too), with the correct version of the events, and the fact the Shop staff was in error in what they told you to do, what more do you see happening? As far as I can see the CC now has a carton of egg on his face, and the issue should now be closed.
  9. Yep, I'm with ntrog8r too. Reply to all with your explanation of what you were trying to do. I would include a suggestion to Council/District that they check the ScoutNet database for proof that your son earned the merit badge, and that they train their Scout Shop staffers more thoroughly in this area. I would also include a suggestion to your Troop that in the future, they check their advancement records, and contact the original person involved, before they send off emails to the world that could embarrass themselves, and the Troop. Good grief.
  10. As the opening poster (and others) noted, the BSA National Camping Award no long exists, and is no longer available to earn at all. The new program, BSA National Outdoor Awards, has 5 different areas that awards can be earned in, and a National Medal for Outdoor Achievement for completing requirements in multiple outdoor areas. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/Youth/Awards/NOA.aspx BSA also has a Troop award ribbon, the BSA National Outdoor Challenge Unit Award, for Boy Scout Troops that maintain, or increase their outdoor activity from the previous year. The b
  11. From your story, it sounds like the EBOR overstepped its bounds, and would have been reversed on appeal. BSA SPECIFICALLY states that once a merit badge is signed off as completed by a registered/approved merit badge counselor it can NOT be taken back by anyone. I suggest that you have your Troop only MB Counselors contact the District Advancement Chair for any questions, and for Merit Badge Counselor training.
  12. During the school year, when we have access to the building, we meet weekly, and try to camp monthly. We attend one week of summer camp, and various council/district Camporees.
  13. >>"Scout is willing to start all over, but for the future we're wondering how to handle it."
  14. >>"The new counselor is unsure if he is allowed to accept the data since it was done before he officially became a merit badge counselor."
  15. Here we go again - rank award, whether working toward or earned, has NOTHING to do with the LEVEL the Scout is in. That is determined solely by his age/grade. BSA moves all Cub Scouts up to their next Cub LEVEL on June 1. This is why new Tigers can register with a Pack after June 1, they are then considered to be first graders. The Cub Scout Summertime Award is LEVEL specific. The Outdoor Activity Award is similar. The very first requirement is - "Attend Cub Scout day camp or Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camp". Unless your council is one of the few that holds a resident
  16. Welcome Maple Scout! You said that there are 2 "mega" patrols in your Troop, and 3 "regular" Patrols. With only one vote per patrol, you complain that all of the boys voices are not being heard. Yet, you state that while the Troop Committee has been talking about splitting your Patrol up, you are against it. Why? You have already split your Patrol. Why not make it official and give more boys the chance at leadership experience, and the chance to have their voice heard? When working with your Patrol (whatever size it is) remember - they are not a "little socio-govermental experiment".
  17. ScoutNut

    No CC Knot?

    Sorry, fuzzy head, can't breathe. The DL, Cubmaster, Pack Trainer, and Cub Scouter ARE ALL training award knots. The other areas of BSA (Boy Scout, Varsity, Venturing, Roundtable Staff, various Commissioner roles, and District Committee) also have their own specific training awards. The awards that you are nominated for, and the awards for donations, are separate things, and I believe Cub Scouters can receive them all.
  18. ScoutNut

    No CC Knot?

    >>"YOU WAS ROBBED!.. I even went to look up the Training award knot, it is for everyone in a unit.. But, does not apply to cub scouts all the other units, but not CS!"
  19. I must say BlueJacket, as a den leader (per your profile), you really have little say in what leaders your Charter Organization accepts. It is not up to you to be digging up "dirt" on this individual. The fact that you obviously have a bad history with this man makes it rather look like you might be looking for any way you can to get rid of him. This is something that should be left entirely in the hands of your Pack Committee Chair(CC), and your Charter Organization(CO). As a Pack den leader about all you can do is give your opinion that you do not feel he would make an appropriate leade
  20. ScoutNut

    No CC Knot?

    >>"I'll work towards my DL knots as I go."
  21. There is also this in the "Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America" - >>"All money raised by, or received for the benefit of a unit or local council and all property acquired by a unit or local council shall be deemed to be received or acquired solely for the benefit of Scouting as interpreted and promoted by the Boy Scouts of America."
  22. ScoutNut

    No CC Knot?

    One of your jobs as CC is to recruit needed adult volunteers. It sounds like you badly need to do that part of your job and find, at least, two new Wolf den leaders (Tigers really do not need an assistant den leader if you are using the BSA Tiger program). There is a reason why BSA asks you to only hold one position in a unit. I was wondering why you are upset that there is no knot for CC, yet state that having one for a Pack Trainer makes no sense? Being a trainer, especially one for a specific Pack is also quite an important role. One thing to remember about these knots -
  23. By sending on an application to council, which clearly states the man was convicted of a felony, it will appear to your council that your Charter Organization fully supports, and approves of this man as a leader in their Pack. This will be weighed in the man's favor if the background check does not turn up anything youth protection related. As others have said, if your Charter Organization does not want to have this man as a leader, it should not approve his application - Period. Hoping to pass the buck to your council, that is simply wrong. As for any youth protection issue, be
  24. Not every den will have something to showcase every month. Sometimes it is just pictures of the den at work, or on an outing. Sometimes it is a poster, or craft. Sometimes there is nothing. Encourage/remind your den leaders at your monthly Pack Leaders meetings to at least take some pictures of their Scouts in action. If nothing else they are great used for an end/beginning of year slide show.
  25. We put up tables on one side where dens, or the Pack, can display stuff. Tables on the opposite side are set up for the Gathering craft. This way Scouts and siblings can do the craft, and adults can look over the displays, while waiting for the meeting to begin.
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