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Everything posted by ScoutNut

  1. >>"I would be willing to participate in family therapy, but my son will not, so there is nothing I can do about that."
  2. Lone Scouts have been around much longer than you, or your father. According to BSA's Lone Scout Fact Sheet, Lone Scouting was started in 1915 by William D. Boyce. **AS A SIDE NOTE** The Lone Scout program is just as susceptible to helicopter parents as is any other BSA program.
  3. Given all that BSA has gone thru lately in the area of youth protection, they tend to now not mess around with these types of allegations. Unless an allegation can be PROVED false, BSA will likely err on the side of caution, and youth safety, and remove the member from it's ranks permanently. Good luck with the review by National, but I would not, realistically, expect to be reinstated.
  4. >>"should scout leaders assist the child in obtaining the eagle without his parents' knowledge, or should they insist that the boy at least inform his parents of what he is doing?">"there is also a question of their legal right to assist someone else's child in an eagle project without his parent's knowledge and consent. It might have involved the use of potentially dangerous equipment; if harm had come to him or someone helping him on the project, we would have been liable."
  5. It seems that this post is basically a means for you to vent, and/or get support that the SM and his wife wronged you. I am sorry about what you are going thru mbscoutmom. I can understand that you are upset. It is obvious that you and your oldest son have had issues for a while. You state he is adopted (legally, or a foster child?). This can add to the problems. Is he the son on medication for a mood disorder? This can also be a big stress on a family. Your son is now 18, and legally an adult. His Scouting career, and if he did, or did not, deserve Eagle is now water under the
  6. >>"This was reported to CPS, but no action was taken because it supposedly happened three years ago.">"Since there was no investigation, I have not been able to get anything in writing from CPS."
  7. Taserdoc - You keep bringing up that the main problem you have is that the Council never investigated the incidents at all, and that the Scouts, and their parents, were never interviewed. Yet you state that complaints were filed with the Council. How can complaints be filed without speaking to anyone at the Council? "Hypothetically" someone was "interviewed" at the initial complaint filing. Are you assuming "hypothetically" that the Council did not investigate the incidents at all? Because "hypothetically" (and actually) unless you are the SE, or another Council employee who would be
  8. Page 4 of the Current BSA Adult Application, available online, or at your local Council offices - "Disclosure/Authorization Form NOTICE TO APPLICANT REGARDING BACKGROUND CHECK In order to safeguard the youth in our care, the Boy Scouts of America will procure consumer reports on you in connection with your application to serve as a volunteer, and the Boy Scouts of America may procure additional consumer reports at any time during your service as a volunteer in order to evaluate your continued suitability for volunteer service. The Boy Scouts of America has contracted
  9. It seems that your Charter Org(CO) has decided to keep the CC on. Are you sure that it was not the CO that requested that the BSA's Pack meeting plans be followed?
  10. This should have been taken up with his parents long ago, not the Troop Committee. Talk to his parents immediately.
  11. Based on the lack of more explicit "hypothetical" information, Beavah's summary sounds about right to me. If you want more helpful answers you need to drop the "hypothetical" and give us the actual facts.
  12. Having a Scout wait 1 month to receive an award is WAY different from having them wait 3-6 months or longer. Instant recognition is a good motivator for all levels in life. When you do something good at work, don't you like to get a recognition of that from your boss? Doesn't a bit of recognition of your work make you work harder?
  13. Get to know the folks in your Scout Shop so that they will know that you follow thru. When you call, don't just ask "how many". Ask if they can hold the specific number of badges that you need on the side for Mrs Engineer from Troop 1234 for the next two hours until you can get there. I never had a problem when doing this with either a council, or National, owned Scout Shop.
  14. "Actual rank "awards" for rank and MB's are given out only at the CoH's. This keeps the number of trips to the Scoutshop down to a minimum...my wife's other job. A lot of times, the local Scoutshop will only stock the fringe badges one the need is shown in the system." If no one wants to go to the Scout Shop more than two to four times per year (for COHs) stock up on the recognition cards. These can be given out to the Scouts at the meeting directly after they are earned. Your wife should be entering all information on completed requirements/awards/merit badges/etc in Troopmaster on an
  15. LDS churches use BSA as a part of their Aaronic Priesthood Young Men's program. Girls go into the LDS Young Women's program. They do not use Scouting in any way in this program. Is it fun? For LDS Young Women, I suppose it might be. At least as much fun as any religious instruction program is.
  16. As I said - silly stuff. Catholic parishes can't "oust" Girl Scout Troops because they do not own them, and have no control over them. Unlike BSA, GSUSA does not utilize Charter Organizations. GSUSA Troops/Groups are "owned" by their local councils. If the girls meet on parish property (many GSUSA Troops meet in leaders homes), they CAN tell them that they are no longer welcome to use their facilities. However - if the Troops consist of girls registered in the parish school they are taking a big chance that they will be shooting themselves in their own foot when it came to parental (
  17. Nothing new here. This kind of silly stuff has been going around for years. Folks believe, what they want, and invent stuff to back it up.
  18. From the BSA Insignia Guide - "The Boy Scouts of America recognizes the religious emblems program, which belongs to each faith group. Anyone (youth or adult) who, as a member of another youth agency (e.g., Girl Scouts of the USA, Campfire Boys and Girls, a Sunday School class, etc.), has earned the religious emblem of their faith is eligible to wear the approved religious emblem on their respective uniform." Note that this would include female leaders, and Venturers in the anyone(youth or adult).
  19. Tiger Elective #21 - Make a puppet All kinds of ways to make puppets. The Tigers have fun and let their creative juices flow! For those that are not so creative there are fun puppet templates online. Simply print, and copy, a bunch of different ones. The boys color them in, cut them out, and paste them on.
  20. GP1971 states - >>"I bought the Light of Christ book for my boy and it's bilingual. Why does it have to be this way?"
  21. The silver square knot on purple background may be worn by ANY youth OR adult who earned the religious emblem of their faith as a youth, in ANY youth organization. Only ONE square knot is worn no matter how many religious emblems were earned. A BSA square knot device (teeny, tiny, pin) is worn on the knot to designate the level(s) a religious emblem was earned in. So, to answer the OP - YES, a Boy Scout can transfer his religious emblem square knot from his Cub Scout to his Boy Scout uniform even if he never earns a religious emblem as a Boy Scout.
  22. We do not use a single, all district EBOR. We also do not have EBOR's do both BOR's and project approval. Council/district approval is done by ONE member of the District Advancement Committee. This is often the same person who is the Scout's Eagle Coach. EBOR's only have to have ONE member of the District Advancement Committee on them. The rest can be members of the unit Committee, and members of the community. Having only one, single, set of individuals who do all project approvals and BOR's would slow the entire process down to a crawl.
  23. In my opinion, if Billy is working at a personal job, then the money earned is his to do with as he wishes. If he wishes to donate all/part of it to his (or someone else's) Eagle project, that is his personal call. Any money he donates to an Eagle project becomes the property of the organization benefiting from the Eagle project. Any time Billy does a fundraising project, that is expressly for funding his Eagle project (noted on a sign or by word of mouth), that money then belongs to the ESLP benefiting organization, and not to Billy. Scout account money is a lot fuzzier. The Troop c
  24. I am a bit confused. Did the Scout complete his project (and all other Eagle requirements), and then get shot down by the EBOR for the project not having enough hours? Or Did the Scout only do research for his project, and get his plan approved, but not actually finish the project itself? If the first, this is not an extension issue. This is an appeal issue based on the council changing requirements. If the second, how did the Scout get to an EBOR without having a completed project? If there was no completed project, and he is now over 18, I doubt that the excuse of no
  25. rhol, I do not understand why you feel that you are being personally persecuted because you were not chosen as one of the leaders to go to Jambo. Yes, you are highly trained, and volunteer a lot of your time (which I am sure your council/district appreciates), but you DO understand that you are NOT the only Scouter in your entire council that can be said of, don't you? You do understand that your council most likely had a LOT (could be hundreds) of applications for just ONE Jambo slot? The fact that you have a son who you will not allow to go to Jambo without you has no bearing
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