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Everything posted by ScoutNut

  1. BSA has no problem with bugle calls at campouts, or anywhere else. Bugling is a POR for a Boy Scout. When we have one available, we have a Boy Scout Bugler at our Cub Scout Summer camp. There is no place, and no need, for fake guns, especially with Cub Scouts.
  2. Why don't you discuss this at a Pack committee meeting, and see if the PACK is interested in spending more money, or doing additional money-earning activities, to fund a "fancy" B&G crossover ceremony. BTW - what kind of $$, and how "fancy" are you talking here? Our OA did a wiz-bang job of a ceremony for a $25 donation. If you want to go on a ski weekend, why not, again, discuss it with the Pack Committee? Don't forget to get a Local Tour Permit approved by your council. Consider, for future years, to include the cost of crossover ceremonies, and costly Webelos trips in the Pack budget at the yearly Pack Program Planning meeting.
  3. No, you do not need a BALOO trained leader for all Pack outings. There is nothing in the training that pertains to visiting a Hockey game, going to a museum, going on a bike ride, going to a park and flying kites, etc. B-asic A-dult O-utdoor O-orientation is VERY definitely the first step in the BSA CAMPING training program and it's goal is to give the Cub Scout volunteer increased confidence in his/her outdoor ability, and the willingness to plan a successful Pack overnight camping experience.
  4. Dens are not allowed by BSA to do their own fundraising. From the Cub Scout Leader Book - "Money-earning projects are pack, not den activities"
  5. The Bobcat badge can be worn centered on the left pocket, to be replaced by the Webelos badge (either diamond or oval shape) when earned. or The Bobcat badge can be worn at the top of the left pocket (in the top position of the rank badge diamond), with the diamond Webelos badge directly below it when earned. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34282.pdf
  6. If your Troop's Charter Organization and Committee Chair are happy with your current SM, the most you can do is to mention to your COR that if the current SM ever decides to step down, you would like to be considered.
  7. My Troop only did lodge camping in the winter. Once the weather got reasonable, we were out in tents at the State Parks. The girls didn't mind getting grubby (even the "princess" of the group), but they did like to eat well.
  8. Venture Patrols are a patrol within a Boy Scout Troop. Varsity Teams are a separate and distinct BSA unit with their own Charter Organization. Troop Venture Patrol members can NOT wear Varsity insignia. Troop Venture Patrol members also can not wear Venturing insignia.
  9. Dump the cots, way to much weight and room. Go with a good camp mat instead. Our Troop has Coleman tents for all of the Scouts. Reasonablely priced and they give a Scout discount. Other good tents can be found at Cabela's, REI, Eureka, Campmore, and Alps. Get expedition styles that have a stronger floor, zipper, and poles. Teach the boys how to care for a tent. Zippers can be replaced. Get decent backpacking tents for the Troop that the BOYS will want to use. Your personal preferences (no zipper, no floor) do not really come into play here.
  10. http://scouting.org/CubScouts/Leaders.aspx What BSA has to say about BALOO - "This training is required for any adult who is in charge of planning a pack campout." What BSA has to say about Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders - "Webelos den leaders should attend this training before conducting Webelos overnight camping with the boys and parents of the den." Notice BSA does NOT state that OLSWL is required. Pack campouts are VERY different from den campouts. BALOO is REQUIRED for PACK campouts, only. OLSWL is recommended, but NOT REQUIRED by BSA National for Webelos DEN campouts. Councils can, and do, make other, stricter requirements for their units. Your Council might require BALOO, and/or OLSWL, for Webelos Den campouts. As District Cub Scout Training Chair, your best bet would be to order the newest syllabus for each Cub Scout Training (watch out for the DVD with the new CS Leader Specific Training, it does not work well). Read them, follow them, and make sure your training staff follows them and does not add unconfirmed "requirements", or delete things from them. Talk to your Council Training Chair, the DE, and the Council Staff Training Adviser to find out if your council has any requirements over and above those from National. Have you taken the Trainer's Development Conference yet? I would recommend taking it.
  11. You seriously think a family would register a son of theirs as a "WannaBee"? I doubt it. A Monkey, Cheetah, Snake, or even Lion, yes, WannaBee, no. Just because an e-mail seems to have come out of National does not make it a legitimate one. Lately there have been lots of e-mails going around that look exactly like they are from banks and internet service providers, etc, requesting personal, and financial information, supposedly to verify your account. None of these are legitimate. It sounds like a spam e-mail to me, and I would be VERY cautious about opening any attachments that come with it.
  12. There are 2 or 3 councils that have been participating in a trial Lion program for kindergartners for a few years now. As far as I have heard, BSA has not expanded it beyond those initial pilot councils.
  13. Technically, since the Charter Org owns the unit, they also own all of the unit's equipment and money. THAT is why the CO has the final say on how it wants this handled. What I do not understand is why, when the check was first received back, NO ONE bothered to give the check writer a friendly phone call. Why was this allowed to escalate into this brew-ha-ha? Since you do not want to 1) call the people involved and ask nicely before attacking them with a sledge hammer, or 2) do the hammering that your CC wants, I would say tell the Committee Chair that since she is the one who wanted total responsibility for all of the popcorn money she can be responsible for this nonsense too.
  14. I would recommend that all booth sale donations be used toward purchasing Military Popcorn (if available to you) or popcorn to be donated to a Food Bank. The purchase would be counted as part of the Booth Sale totals, and distributed to the boys in whatever manner you use for booth sales. Any leftover donations either go to the Pack itself, or to FOS (since they were given to support Scouting, NOT a single boy).
  15. Lisa, if you have 2 den meetings, 1 Go-See-It, and then 1 Pack meeting each month you ARE meeting weekly, or at least 4X per month! Why did you stop in January? I know of Tiger dens that meet only once a month plus the Pack meeting. If it works for them, that is OK. However, BSA reccomends meeting weekly (2 den-1 outing-1 Pack). It is consistent and keeps the families engaged in Scouting. Between rank award requirements, electives, and preparing for Pack meetings, there is plenty to keep a den of Tiger Teams having fun all year!
  16. FargoNDSR, you are not going to find any information on "voting members of a Pack Committee" in any BSA publication. It is not there because a Pack Committee, and the leaders in a Pack do NOT VOTE! Instead, in "The Cub Scout Leader Book" you will find plenty of references to "discussing", and "working together as a team". Read the chapters on Leadership (The Leadership Team) and Program Planning (Annual Pack Program Planning Conference - and - Monthly Pack Leaders Planning Meeting). I recommend that the leaders in your Pack get trained, starting with the online Fast Start Training.
  17. Unless they are giving you the printed t-shirt, patch, etc, for free, they are making a profit. It might be very slight, but it is still a profit. http://www.bsalicensing.org/
  18. From the "Guide To Safe Scouting" - Unauthorized and Restricted Activities - In BOLD type, which means it is a BSA RULE - Pointing any type of firearm or simulated firearm at any individual is unauthorized. Scout units may plan or participate in paintball, laser tag or similar events where participants shoot at targets that are neither living nor human representations. Units with Council approval may participate in formally organized historical reenactment events, where firearms are used and intentionally aimed over the heads of the reenactment participants. The use of paintball guns, laser guns or similar devices may be utilized in target shooting events with Council approval and following the Sweet 16 of BSA safety. Council approval means the approval of the Scout Executive or his designee on a tour permit specifically outlining details of the event. So, if it is laser target shooting, it is OK with a Tour Permit that specifies EXACTLY what they will be doing. If it is laser tag, shooting at each other - NO.
  19. If you are using a non-licensed company, you need to make sure you are not using any tradmarked BSA logos, designs, symbols, phrases, etc on your shirts. Contact your local council for information before you order those t-shirts or patches.
  20. ScoutNut

    Field Day

    Pack 42 We Love You! Pack 1 you're lots of fun! Pack 15 is the best! Better than all the rest! Who are you? Den 2! Den 3, Den 3 We're the best as you can see!
  21. ScoutNut

    Field Day

    I don't know about "marching in an orderly fashion". The point IS to have fun after all. Saying thank you to the volunteers. Doing den, Pack, and/or council/district cheers as you go from station to station. Doing an applause for each station before you move to the next. Cleaning up after yourselves at each station.
  22. In my opinion, a Webelos Woods is Webelos oriented, not Boy Scout oriented. Visiting a District Boy Scout Camporee would be a Boy Scout oriented activity.
  23. Check out the "How To Book". Tin can lantern Macrame plant holder Fast drying clay coasters (coiled clay ropes), baking not needed Homemade note paper PVC marshmallow shooters Necker slides - leather, rope, PVC, clay, etc, etc.
  24. Things we do that help - Have an activity area set up for the younger siblings. Have an older sibling, or parent, in charge. The room is set up with chairs in a U shape. We start with the Tigers seated at the top right of the U, then Wolf, Bear, 4th grd Webelos, and end with 5th grd Webelos at the top left of the U. Parents and siblings sit RIGHT BEHIND their Scout. Activities happen in the middle of the U. This is not school, you can not expect the boys to sit still for an entire hour. Move the pace along and mix slower activities up with more active stuff. Include songs & run-ons. Have fun awards presentations. Have the den leaders cover expected Scout behavior at den meetings, including the meaning and use of the Scout Sign. At the beginning of Pack meetings, have the CM remind the parents that THEY are in charge of their children. Discipline is THEIR job. Remind the Scouts of the behavior that is expected of a Scout, including respect and courtesy. Go over the meaning of the Scout Sign. Include parents and siblings in everything possible. Every so often, when using the Scout Sign, after they quiet down, throw in something loud and fun. Do an active song, or a group cheer. This way when they see the Sign, they will anticipate something fun, and not just another droning announcement.
  25. Good for him!! It is fun to watch the young Den Chief grow, and mature, in his leadership abilities, right along side his young charges. Make sure the Den Leader knows he is part of the Den's leadership team, not just a bigger Cub Scout.
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