some of these comments scare me, seriously.
"A punching contest is a typical guy thing. You punch your buddy in the deltoid and he puches you back in your deltoid. One punch at a time, carefully aimed. The first to flinch or cry "Hold, enough!" loses. It has nothing to do with Scouting, it is just something that boys used to do."
Can we back down a bit on the "typical guy thing" - especially as from what I see its primarily the moms who are shuttling the scouts here and there to activities and meetings,etc. If my son did this at school, he would be suspended. If he did it in a bar, he would probably be sued and/or arrested.
Also I commend HighCountry. And in a lot of ways I wish we lived like that, but we are in a mid to upper middle class suburb of a large metropolitan area. And there are scouts in New York City. Is a trip to Central Park any less of a great experience for boys than a wilderness experience (having done both myself).
If the boys think its fun and its safe and they are LEARNING lessons then its great.