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Everything posted by scoutmomma1

  1. Wow! Thanks for all the replys! The boys are in 6th grade so this isn't their first time to campout! The excuses are varied, some legit and others questionable. We just want to be consistent so we aren't accused of favoritism. Some of the boys have camped out over 20 nights in the past year since Crossover while others have camped less than 5! So it's not like they haven't had ample opportunities. We have 15 boys and the guys try to spend this campout time working on Rank requirements with them. But if they keep leaving, they won't finish the requirement yet are expecting to be signed off! We just don't have the time or manpower to keep repeating the things these boys have missed!
  2. Does earning the Swimming MB cover the Second and First Class requirements? Second Class-7a, 7b, 7c and First class-9a,9b and 9c. Thanks!
  3. Our Patrol has had a difficult time with a few scouts coming to camp outs for the activity (or part of it) to fulfill a Rank advancement and then Mom comes and picks them up and they do not spend the night. In the BSA handbook, many of the Rank requirements begin "on a camp out". So do we give these boys who leave credit or not considering they did not actually spend the night? Is it fair that they get credit when the other boys have fulfilled the entire requirement? We understand that sometimes there are circumstances in which the scout has to leave but this is a recurring problem of a select few.
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