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Everything posted by scoutmom5

  1. At a recent committee meeting our Committee Chair stated that he though the scouts should attend 60% of the camp outs in order to advance. I replied that "outings" shouldn't be strapped only to monthly camp outs. I would hope that each individual boy is considered when he is reviewed for his activities. Has he helped out with eagle projects, helped with the Church clean up, demonstrated helpfullness with the young ones...etc. Between Sep and Feb it seems the older boys fall out a little due to School activities. I do think that the boys should attend the camp outs don't get me wrong, that is very important to scouting (yes yes I've heard the term without outing there is no scouting)Then the CC went on to say that summer camp should not count as an outing. WHY??I asked. "because everyone wants to go to summercamp it's fun" Please help me Lord. Aren't all the camp outs fun? My boys live for the monthly camp out. As a parent footing some of the bill for these outings, I would like for summer camp to count. I can't for the life of me figure out his reasoning, so I've come to you the very experienced, wise and diverse group here at the scouter forums. Maybe it's something I'm not getting. Or is it that this CC wants complete control?? Doesn't the scoutmaster have some say? Thanks for all the advice in advance.
  2. I agree that the webelos are a vital aspect to the troop. Most of the adult leaders involved have no children in younger packs, the only one I can think of is the Chairman however their kids are former cub scouts. My husband's main goal at this point in time is to revitalize the boys' morale. I've had many parents tell me that their boys are on the verge of quitting, stale meetings etc. With a troop of over 50 members keeping them active and happy is a great task. We have about 8 fathers that come to every meeting. Some parents have commented on the fact that in the past they sit at the table in the back and talk, drink soda (the boys are forbiddend to drink or eat at the meeting)read the paper, etc. I have stopped going to many meetings because I'm sick of hearing complaints, gripes and watching the eyes roll during meetings. The BOR's are painful. 9 times out of 10 they are tested on knots, cpr,plant and animal wildlife and so on. Tenderfoot and 2nd class take up to 1/2hr to complete. It was my understanding that this event is to find out how the child feels about the troop, what does he need help on, what would he change if he could, what are his goals> Like I said, it's getting old FAST. We have a specific ASM that deals with the Webelos and fosters them into the troop with input from the SM. My husband's goal is to make this a boy run/led troop. I know like any project this will take time, the boys are hungry for it. It 's the adults that are dragging their feet. I also agree that the scouts should be involved with the packs, we have several that are leaders in the packs, we have a yearly family camp out that is expressly hosted for the up and comings, by the troop. My husband has a much thicker skin than I but even he is growing frustrated. he feels like he's swimming upstream every week. Hopefully this weekend hike will lift his spirits, he LOVES the outings with the kids.
  3. Hi all. Our Coucil sponsored a Camporall this year. I am confused about this event. What is the bottom line for the event? It was my understanding that the boy scouts are invited by the webelos as "guests". And that the pack pretty much pays for the boy scouts' expenses. If anyone has any sites that explain this event please feel free to post them, I'm a bit confused. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi all. As you know from previous posts, I am relatively new to scouting. I am a Committe Member. My husband was an asst scout master, however due to the SM getting injured on an outing, my husband is now the new SM. He was the only one to step up and volunteer for the position (thinking it would be temporary). HIs official position took place in June 2005. He got to work quickly as he had to have the boys create the calendar for the year, and get it approved by the Committee. The boys were great, they were thoughtful and THRILLED to have this task. (a task we've read SHOULD be theirs) There was much resistance from the beginning. It seems to me that the troop adults merely want a SM in theory, and were hoping my hubby to be a push over. My husband wants this to be a BOY RUN troop. However, the adults want to oversee and gently push the boys into certain directions. The boys unanimously did not want to participate in this year's Camporall. However, were out voted by the adults and committee chair along with some board members. The boys wanted to go for a weekend hike during the foliage color change. In the past this hike was in the winter, and they froze. Being new, I have a few problems with this troop andn am not sure if I've a right to be upset, or need to get better educated. Do to the adults pressing, the boys now have 2 outings for October, the Camporall and the weekend hike. I believe about 15 kids went to the Camporall out of 50. (Many went because their parents made them)These parents/adult leaders are very involved with the cub scouts,webelos etc. They believe, and I agree to a point, that we need to interact with the young ones to ensure they cross over to our troop, to keep it alive. Like I said, I agree. However it seems that we are catering to them. You wouldn't believe the shouting match over the Scout Sunday and following Pancake Breakfast conflicting with the Cub Scouts Blue and Gold weekend. We hold our meetings at a local church. On Scout Sunday the boys introduce the troop and invite the patrons to come to the following weekend Pancake Breakfast, for a nominal fee. The troop gets to show the church what they are about and mingle with the members. However since this conflicts with the Blue and Gold weekend some adults didn't want to thiink about it, Blue and Gold is where the Cub Scouts make their money! It took another month before the schedule could be satisfactory with the committee. It's very tiring, and I for now DO NOT enjoy being on the committee. Personally I wouldn't mind if my husband stepped down. It has been nothing but a struggle since day one. From arguments from the leaders about bolo vs. neckerchief, to calendar problems, it's just too much! thanks sorry, about the rambling, maybe I just needed to vent.
  5. Hi all, first let me inform you that I am fairly new to scouting. About a month ago I became a Committe Member. I have a few Tenderfoot, 2nd and 1st class BOR's under my belt. I've done much reading and preparation for my role in Boyscouts. I was recently asked if I could be a part of an Eagle BOR for this week. I have done some research, including searching this website. I am wondering if any one out there has some good questions. This rank is very sacred and respectable and I don't want to let the scout or the committee down. I think I'm overly stressing, but it really is important to me that I be sincere. I've come up with a couple already, please tell me what you think, and please throw in some favorites you've heard or given yourself. 1)What does it mean to you to be a good leader/poor leader. Please give some examples in your personal life and in scouts have you been a good leader/poor leader. 2)In your opinion who should share the blame for the desperate situation in New Orleans. What could/should have been done ahead of time to prepare the city/state/region? Please be gentle, like I said I'm a newbie. Thanks for your response's in advance.
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