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Everything posted by scoutmaster106

  1. Thanks for all the ideas! I came up with the idea of using fire tacks to where the boys have to locate them to get to next station.And use compass to find the next station. I talk to a scouter who is helping put on a camporee this weekend,they have 330 stations. I dont need that many,but have more than what the patrols can actually finish. And have one or two stations between each patrol so that there isnt any backups. Let me know what you guys think..
  2. Thanks for the heads up on glo sticks..very good idea...I have found a couple camporees where they had over 200 stations to complete..You can use alot of those for night stations. Keep the ideas coming in! Your comments are only going to help others looking for help,especially me...lol
  3. WOW!! Those are very good ideas! Thank you for the info,if you come up with other ideas please send them my way. I want to make sure its a camporee they never forget.Im bringing troops in Friday evening and for Saturday we have a aviation club willing to give airplane rides and a local helicopter plant that is willing to give them also. We do a Golden Kettle cook off every year so we will still do that Saturday evening. Then start night events later..That is my plan as of now,I had planned on finishing around 1:30 or 2:00.. But like your idea of even later. So,is it a big hit with the scouts compared to day camporees? Thanks alot!
  4. Ive been ask to do next years fall camporee for our district. I know its a year from now ,but I want to do a night camporee.I have ideas for the day time on Saturday. But I need Ideas for a night camporee. Anyone every been apart of one? Heard of one? Most camporees are merit badge related or skills. I want this to be an all out fun camporee. After talking to scouts thru the district ,they want something different. Ive seen the Mission Impossible Night Camporee that is on the web. I like some of those Ideas ,but not all..Throw me some Ideas out here,would love to hear from you. Thanks!
  5. we have a great turn out on both younger and older...we just came back from camp powhatan in va...they have 3 or 4 different high adventure options..so older boys can keep going and do something different each yr...
  6. hey..thanks for all the great comments...im new at this on here and love it already....ive been scoutmaster for 8 yrs now...probably right about there not being a list out there...so maybe if everyone can give their fav and where it is...would love to hear about all camps but especially in east i guess....packsaddle u said u went to Goshen...thats in same council as powhatan...how was it?...powhatan was a really nice camp..best we have been at..looking for camp that has great high adventure for older boys and venturing crew..ours goes with us....and good selection of merit badge classes for younger boys...and its alway great to have a good dining hall and other facilities....powhatan had alot to offer..great staff..older than most camps have....no camp is perfect..but let me know your favs...happy scouting
  7. can anyone tell me where i can find out where the top rated camps are for summer camp?...maybe a web site...we are always looking for the best camp we can give to the boys...need your help..thanks
  8. can anyone give me a website or some way of finding a list of top 10 scout camps in country..not just someone personal favorites,but official..our home camp is davy crockett...just went to camp powhatan...
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