However this is not a boy scout outing, no tour permit filled out we approve the project simply that he can use it towards his advancement. The project sponsor has already approved it first
The council would not be providing the insurance the project sponsor would. This is not a boy scout project thats why you dont do it for them. This is a scout using the leadership skills gained thru scouting applying it towards a non profit project and using it towards his boy scout advancement
If you are asked about her membership your response "so and so was denied memberrship" that's all If you went snooping after learning that, that part was inapropriate
Best idea keep the new scouts together with an older troop guide, let the patrol develop on thier own, remember during patrol time they will be working on a different skill set then life scouts, oh and btw that's the way the program is designed
Nothing special, the treasurer would keep a log but, let me remind you that the money belongs to your charter if something bad was to happen, unless your opening seperate bank accounts with the scouts name on it
I recently turned down approving a project (yes I'm the 4th signature) at best he is a promotor of the event, nto a project leader. Steer him in another direction