My first post as a long-time lurker, so bear with me. I'm glad to see more Dads involved with their daughters' in GS. I am a Boy Scout all the way: Eagle w/Bronze Palm; former camp staffer; former Asst. Scoutmaster (8 years); former Scoutmaster (8 years); current Committee Chairman (2 years). Did Woodbadge, Philmont three times, and OA Vigil Honor.
My daugher is my only living child; son passed away unexpectedly shortly after birth. Wife and I are starting our second year as Co-Leaders of her Brownie Troop. Many of you hit many salient points. There are not many valid comparisons between groups for different genders. Our local Service Unit doesn't necessarily 'frown' on father participation, but at SU meetings--out of roughly 50 attendees--I'm regularly the only thorn among the roses. I was told in no uncertain terms am I to discuss "how we've done it in Boy Scouts" at SU meetings. Eyes would roll as soon as I would try to discuss a topic or idea.
Yes, many parents are overprotective. How do we get around that? As we plan AND implement, we always try to anticipate the issues that the most problematic mother will bring up and have an answer/solution ready for her. That's a strategy I learned at work, and have used for 18 years in BS and two in GS. We also give attending parents a job so they don't have time to constantly hang over their daughter's shoulder. We want parents involved and try to get them whenever possible. Dads have no problem helping when cornered and asked directly. Sending general requests for help usually don't work.
I'm probably ranting by now, so I'll stop. Best piece of advice: Let the parents know up front that you have a lot to offer and WILL be involved(and would love to have them involved). I have a lot of contacts and ideas from 18 years of adult leadership. Our Brownie Troop did more in our first year of leadership than they did the prior 5 years combined. Parents have been ecstatic, and ALL of the girls are returning this year!
Stop me before I rant again!