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Everything posted by scoutldr

  1. Fully agree. I always believed that our job was to provide the OPPORTUNITY to succeed and advance. Some of my Scouts made Eagle, and some didn't (including my own two sons). It was entirely their decision what they did with that opportunity.
  2. Is not the cost of the patch part of the registration fee for the event?
  3. Reading this thread has convinced me that letting my 60 year membership in BSA lapse was the right thing to do. It was a good ride.
  4. 40 year career in Health and Safety (OSHA) here. Certified Industrial Hygienist. We never used the word "accident". There are either unsafe acts or unsafe conditions, and both are foreseeable and preventable. If there is a "mishap", there is always an identifiable cause. I believe the term used now is "negligent discharge."
  5. Your District Camping Committee is responsible for approving Cub Scout camp venues. And I have NEVER seen one that has trash service. Pack it in, pack it out is a rule they need to get used to. Welcome to our campfire!
  6. Good answers by @fred8033. In my view, the two main issues were a) the scout should have appealed to the District Advancement Committee, and b) the other unit should never have agreed to examine a Scout they did not know, thus usurping the authority of the Scout's own unit. Since the Scout has already been told he is a Life, and it's recorded, I don't think District will take it back at this point. If I were the Scout's CC, I would invite him to continue his journey in the other Unit. As CC, I would also take @fred8033's point #4 on board and examine the Unit's role in all this.
  7. I have seen arrow points down to the knees...literally.
  8. Do they no longer teach this in position-specific training?
  9. Depends on what you will be wearing to the interview. If BSA uniform (are you still registered?)...you wear the Eagle Square Knot and also the medal if you wish. If you have "aged out" and are not registered as an adult Scouter, you would NOT wear the uniform. On civilian clothes, wear the Eagle lapel pin if wearing a suit or sport coat.
  10. I have seen it done for Eagle Scouts, past SMs, Silver Beavers, significant donors, etc. "Hard-working" is a pretty subjective criteria, and I would think could lead to omissions and hard feelings. Unless there are objective criteria such as I mentioned, I would vote no.
  11. Patrol meetings should be led by the Patrol Leader, supervised by the SPL, who is mentored by the SM/ASM. The Committee has no role in this. It is permissible to work on rank requirements concurrently, however a rank cannot be awarded until the previous rank is earned. Are you a trained, registered adult?
  12. Yep, we all knew what the plan was...(wink, wink). Now that the LDS and others have left, they are free to execute. I was a member of one of the first co-ed Explorer Posts in the early 70s. I won't say it was unpleasant, as we were all in high school at the time. There was definitely a lot of "Exploring" going on after Taps.
  13. I had a 60 year "career" with the BSA, including cubs, Scouts, Explorers and adult. I always took the Uniform and Insignia Guide to heart and wore my uniform in accordance. I feel adults should set the example for proper uniforming and would never shame someone for properly wearing an award that was earned. Of course, I grew up in a military family and had a 32 year career as a civilian in a military organization and being "out of uniform" is simply not done. Even BP continued to wear his military honors on his Scout uniform.
  14. "because children had control of the vote had no idea whom they were voting for ." Kinda like our National elections.
  15. Establishing new Charter Agreements is in the job description of your District Executive. Your District Commissioner should also be assisting.
  16. I think they've been doing that for a few years. Our SE said he might waive it if they hit the FOS goals.
  17. When I was teaching YP (before online videos), the message was clear. If you witness or suspect abuse, you are to call the Scout Executive directly on his private number, and NO ONE ELSE. We were told the SE knew who to call and would handle it. My spidey-sense was telling me this was wrong.
  18. As I recall, and unless it's changed, there is only one position on the Committee, that being "MC" or "Member of Committee". The tasks assigned to those members are at the discretion of the CC, Committee Chair. The SM and ASM(s) execute the program as approved by the Committee. The Committee handles the admin tasks such as record-keeeping.
  19. I believe the local city or county health department would have jurisdiction.
  20. Think long and hard about the personal liability you are assuming if you do this. I personally would not put my home and personal assets at risk. Even in the old days, I carried $3 million in umbrella liability at the advice of my financial advisor.
  21. I nominate Mike Rowe. He's an Eagle Scout and an expert at "Dirty Jobs".
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