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Everything posted by scoutldr

  1. I think their main job is to hire the SE...after National tells them who it will be.
  2. We would always do what amounted to a "FOD" walkdown...or "police up the area" to make sure we were "leaving no trace"...we would always find a bit of paper or a gum wrapper or something. It was NOT punishment, or hazing, and there were no consequences. It was just a part of camping and everyone understood that. If an adult found something, it was pointed out...no yelling or bullying.
  3. In today's environment, this unit is a ticking time bomb...I would distance myself. If you are the CC, have a heart to heart conversation with your COR. They have approved these leaders and are the ones at risk here (as well as the Scouts). If I remember my training, you are also required to report these incidents to the Scout Executive. Good luck.
  4. There is ZERO tolerance for hazing or bullying in the BSA now. It is a Youth Protection violation. Review your training and responsibilities and act accordingly. If your fellow "adults" do not agree with the rules, they need to be removed. Period.
  5. I am "old school" as well, but that's an unwinnable argument. Today's parents demand 24/7 contact and awareness of where their kids are and what they are doing. I'm seeing it in my own grandkids, who, at the ripe age of 7 each have their own iPhones. All their friends have them and Mom insists that it is "necessary" and I "just don't understand".
  6. Have all the adults and youth leaders been "Trained" in their positions? Do they attend Roundtable? Are those "teaching" the MB registered and trained MBC?
  7. @5thGenTexan...thanks for your comments. I know it took a lot to admit your struggles, as I have been there, too. I was the bullied "fat nerd" as a kid, and Scouting has been my rock throughout life. My circle of friends is still extremely small as I approach my 70s, but my real friends are all Brother Scouts. Some I have known since I started the Scouting journey in the mid 60s. I thank God for them and, with my wife of 48 years, are the main reason I am still here. I know if I need anything...even just someone to listen to a rant, all I have to do is call and they will be there...even if only on FB across the miles. Peace and blessings.
  8. 98% of taxpayers no longer itemize. That may change if the tax policies of the last administration are allowed to expire. I don't even keep receipts any more...
  9. My morals come from God. Not from popular opinion.
  10. It's already imploded, but they refuse to see. The BSA is a sad shadow of its former self in its quest to satisfy the lowest common denominator rather than set goals that everyone can strive to achieve.
  11. Should be no charge with all the cookies sold.
  12. Please take the mandatory Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense training. As I recall, Cub Scouts are not permitted on running water.
  13. Mine from 64 had the post and clutch back. The simple pin back is probably earlier than that.
  14. Ah, yes..."urban Scouting"...until Bill Hillcourt was allowed to rewrite the Scout Handbook. In retrospect, changes that seem mild compared to today.
  15. Our Council charters a Venturing Crew and each camp staff member is dual registered in the Crew. The Crew number is the Council number. They wear the Venturing Uniform with silver loops. Also helps pad the membership numbers.
  16. Sounds like a job for the SPL and the PLC to take some initiative and organize. I always get nabbed for popcorn by a Cub in front of our local Tractor Supply.
  17. I always liked the European tradition of the true war veterans wearing their awards on civilian suit coats....during the recent English festivities, I looked up some of the medals I saw on Charles, Anne, and the various other royals. Most were of the type of "I was alive during this time" such as "Queen's Jubilee" and "Queen's Birthday", etc. They are also "honorary ranks" bestowed upon them because of position in the hierarchy. The days of the King actually commanding troops on the battlefield are long gone.
  18. That's probably a good enough reason for BSA to remain silent on the issue. One could argue that what one wears falls under the First Amendment, but not when it is part of an official BSA uniform.
  19. So, when a unit recharters on Jan 1, those individuals with expired memberships will be dropped? What about those who lapse a few months after recharter? Will the unit be issued a new roster? That's brilliant. Judging by the high percentage of expired license plated around here because people are too stupid/lazy/clueless to spend 15 minutes online to renew...I have no expectation that this will work.
  20. As I stated above, all ranks wore the same yellow necker, and dens were not separated by rank and ranks were not separated by grade level. You would have also had a Bobcat pin, which was pretty much automatic, and not considered a "rank". I never got Wolf, since I started at age 9, so my uniform just had a Bear and Lion patch. Got our AOL patch upon crossover to a troop at age 11 and there was no Webelos "rank" or patch. Webelos was generally a 1 year program, not 2. I don't even recall wearing a plaid Webs necker, but my sons did. No "colors" or activity pins back then, either.
  21. I was a Cub in the same era...64-66. We were all in the same Den and uniforms were the same until we got to Webelos, then a new den with a male leader. There was only one Cub uniform for all...same cap, same slide, same necker...it wasn't until recently that BSA decided that forcing everyone to purchase new uniform parts every year would be a good ideaI. We worked on our ranks at home...with our parents. The Den Mother just recorded the progress. In the den meetings, at the Den Mother's home right after school, we mainly worked on crafts and the occasional field trip. In the Webelos den, we started our transition to Scouts, but still no camping. The den number was replaced with a large blue "W" on a yellow diamond patch. There was typically only one Web den. Your first campout was reserved for real Boy Scouts and it was an adventure looked forward to with great anticipation...or trepidation. I love the mid-century modern furnishings...MSM is highly collectible now! I can almost smell the stale cigarette odor! Good times. PS: I have seen unit numbers anywhere from 1 to 4 digits. Depended on how your Council assigned them. In a small town, Pack 1 and Troop 1 would not have been unusual. I was in Pack 360. I think the official "national" unit designation was 4 digits, as I have seen my own Troop 99 listed as "3099" on official charter and paperwork.
  22. Advancement should be a by-product of the program, not the purpose of it. SM Conference can be done any time...and as often as necessary. Get in his head, figure out what he wants out of the program. How is his home life? Scouting might be all he has. Don't take it away. If he's pulling his weight, not disruptive, and is having fun, then advancement is not important.
  23. I've sat on many EBOR as the District Rep and don't recall ever seeing any place on either the project write up or the Eagle App for an "Eagle Coach/Advisor" approval. Have things changed? What is the written requirement?
  24. How can one be "trained" but not registered? Do they have a MyScouting account? Did they print off a completion certificate? How do we know they "successfully" completed it? I doubt BSA would stand behind someone without proper proof of training. Like auditing a college course without paying tuition....no credit given.
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