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Everything posted by scoutldr

  1. When I earned Tenderfoot back in the stone age (around 1966), I asked my mom to sew it on. She said, "no, this is YOUR job now", and showed me how to thread a needle and do a simple stitch around the edge of the patch. It was crude, uneven, and crooked, but it was mine. I got better over the years. I hate the newer patches with the raw edge of the twill cloth sticking out around the edge...looks cheap and amateurish. I much preferred the embroidered edged patches which would hide the stitch better.
  2. After our troop folded (all Eagled/aged out), and no parents willing to step up, I took on district and council roles (Training and Camping Committees). Then the fee increases started and health began to decline, so I threw in the towel right before COVID hit. After being almost continuously registered in the same Council since 1964 (Eagle 1970), I called to let them know I wasn't going to recharter, the only response I got was "OK, thanks." That told me I had made the right decision...no one cared.
  3. Your Council Training Committee should be offering the BSA "Train the Trainer" course....however...I doubt that showing him some BSA publication or attending a 1 day training course is going to change anyone's personality. I have dealt with these authoritarian types before. The best thing to do is isolate him from direct contact before you get a YP complaint lodged with Council. If he refuses, dismiss him from membership. THis is something that only the CO/COR can do, but you can recommend it to the Committee. You and the Committee need to act promptly or else your troop will not survive.
  4. Contact your District Executive and District Commissioner. One of the responsibilities in the CO Charter agreement is to facilitate a safe and appropriate meeting facility. If they are not fulfilling the contract, the DE needs to help you find a new CO. Annual-Charter-Agreement-Charter-Orgs_2023-2024-Year.pdf (scouting.org)
  5. Yes, the CO can give the unit anything they want. They just can't raise funds in the name of Scouting or the BSA. Scouts can participate in the CO's fundraiser, but not in uniform.
  6. We were always told that they care, because they need to protect the name and image of the BSA, therefore any fundraising approved needs to follow the policies of the BSA... which is to NOT imply BSA endorsement of commercial products (although producing patches with commercial trademarks seems to be ok for some reason.) BSA uniforms are not permitted to be worn while fundraising, except popcorn, without Council Executive Board approval. And no asking for direct donations...money received must be in exchange for a legitimate product of value (and some may argue this with popcorn.) Some units have agreed to give Council a "cut" of the profits, which seems to assuage some of the objection of the Scout Executive. Finally, I will say, the Unit Commissioner is not the ultimate authority when it comes to answering questions or spouting policy. We were once sent a Unit Commissioner whose only Scouting experience was one year as a Den Leader. 34427.pdf (scouting.org)
  7. You seem to have a good grasp of how it should work. Congratulations! Scouts BSA is NOT a co-ed program and was never intended to be. The boy troop and girl troop are separate units and should operate that way. Anyone who disagrees is in violation of BSA policy. Good luck and welcome.
  8. I am more concerned about a manmade Carrington Event, which is more likely in my opinion. Read "One Second After" by William Forstchen. Scouting skills may indeed beccome a matter of life and death.
  9. Well, I was a District Training Chair in the 90s and taught that YP course with the VHS tapes. We were directed to tell people to NEVER report suspected abuse to the authorities. ONLY report directly to the SE, who "knew what to do and how to report it."...and NEVER discuss it with anyone else...when you call the Council Office, tell whomever answered the phone to "put me through to the SE for a YP matter" and he would respond immediately. That never sat right with me, being the spouse of a school nurse who was a "mandatory reporter" and knew the process.
  10. I did appreciate my DEs and got to know them on a personal level. Ours spent almost the entire summer at Camp and was even seen cutting firewood so the Council could sell it. He showed up at almost all of my training sessions to help out. All of my classes were full, but I ended up training more from other Districts as I did my own. Sadly, some fellow volunteers just viewed the DE as a "spy" or the "fun police" to interfere with our programs. I did appreciate my DEs and got to know them on a personal level. Ours spent almost the entire summer at Camp and was even seen cutting firewood so the Council could sell it. He showed up at almost all of my training sessions to help out. All of my classes were full, but I ended up training more from other Districts as I did my own. Sadly, some fellow volunteers just viewed the DE as a "spy" or the "fun police" to interfere with our programs. I did appreciate my DEs and got to know them on a personal level. Ours spent almost the entire summer at Camp and was even seen cutting firewood so the Council could sell it. He showed up at almost all of my training sessions to help out. All of my classes were full, but I ended up training more from other Districts as I did my own. Sadly, some fellow volunteers just viewed the DE as a "spy" or the "fun police" to interfere with our programs.
  11. Those salaries are pathetic. Less than $20 per hour, based on a 40 hr work week. And how many DEs will be successful working ONLY 40 hrs a week? And expected to work most nights and weekends? No wonder there is low quality and high turnover.
  12. "Shutting down" a unit means giving up the charter. That is really the domain of the Chartered Organization, not the volunteer leadership. Scouts and Scouters should make their own individual decisions whether to re-register. Give the CO warning that key leaders will be leaving. Then let the chips fall. All funds and equipment technically belong to the CO, so I would do what I could to expend those assets on program as much as possible and quit collecting new assets and funds. Paying for all expenses and registrations is certainly within the realm of "program". Any equipment purchased by individuals can be reclaimed by them if they want. That's how we did it.
  13. The MOST important thing is YOUR scout's experience. Take care of that. Whatever it takes. It's obvious no one else is interested in that and they have no loyalty to you or your efforts. Thanks for trying, but no one can do it alone.
  14. "Observation" means "no participation or interference" in what you are observing. Many parents can't do that.
  15. "Show Scout Spirit" is still a requirement for EVERY rank, is it not? Quit checking the box so readily and remind everyone (SM Minute?) that Scout Spirit means exhibiting the Scout Oath and Law in everything they do. No Scout should be awarded the next rank without it.
  16. My advice is to invite her to dress however she feels comfortable. If she feels comfortable adding Scouting elements to her attire, that's fine. I don't think it's something you need to be involved in, unless she has questions. I'm sure BSA would have no problem with whatever she decides. Could be an excellent opportunity to teach Scouts (and Scouters) about different cultures and religions. As @SunnyD says, there are many different interpretations among Muslims about what is acceptable. My wife was recently in the hospital and a nursing student and her instructor came in to start an IV. The instructor was Muslim and wore the traditional Hijab (head covering), but otherwise wore hospital scrubs and name badge/lanyard.
  17. We are paying for Granddaughter's soccer. $265 per month. Scouting is still a bargain. Just matter of priorities.
  18. Just pointing out that Old Gray Eagle (or OGE as we knew him) is no longer with us. He died unexpectedly and prematurely. From his untreated OSA? We'll never know.
  19. You communicate with all the parents that Cub Scouting is run by parent volunteers. Tell them that, without adequate volunteer leadership, the Pack will not recharter and meetings will cease. Then do it. It is not fair to put the entire burden on a few volunteers filling multiple positions.
  20. The BSA has long held a policy that a custodial parent is permitted to attend and "observe" ANY scouting activity in which their child participates. If they suddenly told me that I could not do that, I and my child would terminate our membership. It smacks of what school boards are trying to do, blocking parents from seeing what they are doing with our kids.
  21. We had a Sea Scout Ship that was all Muslim. The troop that my Dad and I founded in 1965 recently folded because the Baptist Church CO could no longer abide the BSA policies that run counter to their moral teachings.
  22. Nothing new under the sun. I was a member of an Explorer Post in the early 70s chartered to a Vol Fire Dept and Rescue Squad. We got all the same training in Red Cross First Aid, and Fire training along with the members. I reached Instructor status, and at the age of 18, we became full-fledged members. No G2SS back then. We provided an ambulance and first aid support to all Council activities. You had to be over 21 to drive the ambulance, but our Advisors served that role.
  23. Unusual, certainly, but it sounds like a CO who actually understands the Chartered Organization model and their rights and responsibilities. Nothing I've read appears to be in conflict with BSA policy. Few Scouters realize that the Unit and all of its assets belong to the CO and the adult leaders serve at the pleasure of the CO.
  24. Appears to be self-explanatory. Volunteers at all levels, starting at chapter/lodge level. It appears they want you to work your way up through the levels before reaching National level.
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