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Everything posted by ScoutingEMT

  1. A friend of mine showed me a interesting trick. Take a wire-tie/bread bag tie, and wrap a small length of it around the loop of the patch. You don't need much, just a couple of inches. It holds the patch on the button, and it isn't seen behind the pocket. Since I started doing this, I haven't lost a patch.
  2. Stupid Question - Isn't viewing the electric map presentation one of the requirements for the visitor center patch (central "Gettysburg" patch). I've walked and biked Gettysburg as a youth, and went back a year ago as an adult. My family has actually taken family friends on the walking tour... it is a really nice way to see the park. If I recall, there are some sections where the trail is a "trail" and isn't really suitable for biking. I'm sure that you could spend some time with a booklet and a park map (or 2) and come up with bike "detours". Have fun... and if you are walking... bring the walking shoes. The Billy Yank trail is LONG.
  3. One of my fellow woodbadgers is involved in this course. He actually phrased it as "NAYLE for adults." Maybe next year.
  4. I used to be an Owl And a good ol' Owl, too. I just finished my 2 weekends...and I'm gonna work my ticket if I can!
  5. I was recently "volunteered" by one of the district commisioner staff to serve as an ASM to an old, established troop in my council. (I was looking for a unit, he said they needed help). I know realize that this unit is a "larger" unit (30 or so active youth) but their idea of uniform starts, and ends, with a troop class B t-shirt. Having grown up in troops where Class A uniforms were mandatory at all meetings, etc... this seems very akward. Also, as a new member, it is hard to tell who the Greenbar are and who are ASM's vs. committe members. They wear Class A for courts of honor, BOR's (I think) and dinner at summer camp. I'm not sure if this is a uniform issue, or a program issue... it just feels odd, and almost "wrong." Any ideas or suggestions?
  6. Wow... I thought I recognized that quote as being from Heinlien, but I wasn't sure. Great point, though. I remember being the fire-builder and desert cook. I could also do pioneering stuff, but I wasn't the guy who could identify animal tracks, or fish, and didn't like long hikes with backpacks. We all "specialize" to some degree, but we need to make sure everyone gets a turn to try everything and find things they are good at.
  7. I've been patiently waiting and searching Ebay for about a year. I found a 40 Long Jac-Shirt over the summer for my father. Looks almost new, and cost less than $50 total. I finally got mine, a 2XL, last week. Just over $90 total. (That is about the going rate for a "supersized" one). The jacket is, as far as I can tell, NEW. I got it for almost half price, compared with $160 something at the local store. If anyone is searching on Ebay, here are the 2 searches I had running for the last year: Search One: Search All of Ebay For "red wool boy scout shirt" Search Two: Search Category: "Boy Scouts > Uniforms, Clothing" AND Search For: "red wool" These two searches sometimes duplicated, but often there were items that appeared on one and not the other. Search #2 also shows many of the Red Berets that appear on Ebay as well. I hope someone else benifits from my trial and error. YiS, Jon
  8. I like this... we are looking for ways to make scouting more intresting. How much of the camporee was dedicated to this event (hours-wise)? Jon
  9. Wow. I forgot how opinioniated folks on here are. My concern is that this article has shown up in a few places where it is phrased as "the scouts are going to be policing piracy." Great points, everyone!
  10. I saw this article on an online news ticker... I haven't been able to fully investigate it - what do you folks think, and does anyone know the "full story"??? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061021/ap_en_mo/scouts_piracy_patch "Be loyal, kind and don't steal mMovies" LOS ANGELES - A Boy Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, etc., etc. He is also respectful of copyrights. Boy Scouts in the Los Angeles area will now be able to earn an activity patch for learning about the evils of downloading pirated movies and music The patch shows a film reel, a music CD and the international copyright symbol, a "C" enclosed in a circle. The movie industry has developed the curriculum. "Working with the Boy Scouts of Los Angeles, we have a real opportunity to educate a new generation about how movies are made, why they are valuable, and hopefully change attitudes about intellectual property theft," Dan Glickman, chairman of the Motion Picture Association of America, said in a statement Friday.
  11. I'd agree with Vicki's views, at least for the Eagle requirements... For Star and Life, I'd be a little less concerned with using Patrol-level positions. In fact, I think my Star POR was 'patrol' scribe, but that was several years ago. I observed an Eagle BOR where the scouts' sole leadership position had been librarian - that was entertaining.
  12. I dunno... it is a gray area. I like the point about "laser tag" I'll have to remember that. Remember also that what is an "air rifle" to scout leaders is a "toy BB gun" to lots of parents. Oh... and as for the red door... "I see a red door and I want it painted black..."
  13. In a recent discussion, it was mentioned that a troop has a policy of how to handle a horrible tragedy striking the troop, with a Scout/Scouter dying on a trip. Do other troops or national have policies on this? It is something we NEVER want to think about, but it has happened before, and will happen again. Jon
  14. "The Window" "Patsy, Patsy, Ore-a" "I've got 6 pence" "Medicinal Compound"
  15. Ed, Any luck with that pool skit??? As for REALLY funny skits... I saw the CPR "Switch" skit last fall... I almost fell over laughing...
  16. "I like the idea of placing it on the RIGHT pocket as a "temporary" patch." I would do this, too - But our Council Camp does the "patch with segments" and, having been doing this long enough, the patch has an impressive amount of segments... and they've sort of become permanant on that shirt... I'm NOT sewing them on again... Many scouts and scouters in the council wear temporary insignia either over the camp patch (in a holder or w/ a button loop, or they wear temporary insignia over the right pocket. As I said - I know the UP folks will have a heart attack reading this... But this is common practice in our council - and as for the UP types having heart attacks - well, this discussion involves those who can help with that -
  17. I thought the yellow was the new one, and the red cover was the older one.
  18. I'm right with anarchist on this one... I'm trained in basic water rescue... my personal PFD has a strobe and a knife on it... I don't think my troop allows sheath knives, BUT a locking knife is recommended/required. I'm thinking about getting a small sheath knife at some point... Until then, I'll stick with the El Cheapo lockback knives I've found at a local hardware store for 5-10 bucks a piece. I tend to lose them easily. Jon
  19. Except for medical reasons and safety reasons, Leaders and Youth shouldn't be in the same tent--- EVEN if they are family. Other cases - what if father/son are on Camporee staff together - why set up 2 tents.. sharing makes sense in that case What if you are short a tent, and have 1 leader or 1 scout who is without a tent - again, for an isolated event, father/son sharing seems OK. I agree that youth should tent with other youth... better social interaction. (except when your tentmate wets the bad... that stinks... ). Jon
  20. The uniform issue is a somewhat common issue. What has to happen is that the BOY-RUN troop leadership needs to be read the riot act and be properly trained. Have the SM observe/supervise while the SPL reads the riot act to the scouts the next time it happens (uniform, rudeness, etc). Jon
  21. I'm equally intrested. We have a "Scoutmistriss" (Long story, running joke). She is going to retire in a year or two, and I'd really like to find a "Scoutmistriss Emeritus" patch... Jon
  22. Several scouters, includng myself, are EMT's in my District, and we do First Aid at District/Council events. We all wear Pennsylvania EMT patches (1 wears a Medic patch). I earned my EMT when I was 16, and I still wear the same shirt as I did when I was 17. My patch is above my right pocket (with room for a nameplate) - this is the standard position for Jambo patches (Calm down... UP folks... I know it isn't sanctioned by National). At least one was Staff at Jambo. His is on his Left Breast pocket. I will probably be moving mine there sometime soon (next time I've got to sew patches). As a Leader, there isn't any emblem on the left pocket.. it is blank. Seems like a good place for me. And yes, if there was a nationally approved "EMS" or even "first aid" patch I would be first in line for it. Jon PA State EMT since 2001.
  23. My troop has a MANDATORY policy that uniforms are worn while traveling as a group. I have NO problem going into the Grocery store or 7-11 before/after a meeting in uniform. 2 weeks ago, I actually promoted our troops flower sale to 1 person because I was standing at the gas station filling up my car - they asked why I was there in uniform.
  24. I don't know if you've got them or not, but Chester County, PA's Horseshoe Scout Reservation has a GREAT COPE program - http://www.hsr-bsa.org/COPE.htm Also, I recently attended a District Roundtable where we had a presentation by the Philadelphia Grotto of the National Speleological Society (Caving guys). http://www.phillygrotto.org/ They seem to support youth programs and seemed willing to assist you in caving expiditions.
  25. I can sympathize with several of you. My younger brother is diagnosed with Aspergers... and I exhibit many of the symptoms myself (I was never diagnosed... my brother didn't get diagnosed until my Senior Year of High school). We recently had a similar issue on an Eagle BOR I sat in on... Scoutmaster wasn't aware of any issues, but thought the Socut attended some form of "special school" I'm sorry - this info is REALLY important for the SM to know... it shouldn't be public knowledge in the troop... but the SM and CC should be aware of the issue and have determined what accomidations are needed for regular activities (Does the duty roster need to be posted the day before?) Jon
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