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Everything posted by scoutingagain

  1. You may also want to check out the Entrepreur Merit Badge, where one of the requirements is to start a business and keep records. SA
  2. We recently returned from a statewide jamboree. At the jamboree there were a number of rock climbing walls available for the scouts to try. They were very popular and lines were long. Because of the lines scouts were usually given one shot at the wall. If they fell (They were tethered to a line that lowered them slowly) they had to give the next scout a try. One of our new scouts (11 yr old.) waited patiently in line. When he was given his turn he was directed by one of the guides to the more difficult section of the wall. He tried, but got maybe a half a step up and then fell. I cringed when I saw the dissappointment in his face. He started to undue his harness and give it up when the guide, who saw what had happened, moved him over to the easier side of the wall. The kid scampered up 30 feet of the wall, hit the button on the top indicating he made it that far and floated back to the ground on the tethered line with a smile a mile wide. He couldn't have been happier than if he'd scored a winning touchdown or hit a game winning home run. SA
  3. Thanks everyone. There are some good ideas here. I've looked at some possible hikes in the Berkshires(western, MA) mainly because the elevation changes are not as challenging as VT, ME or NH. We could also fit a trip in this fall without snow maybe. (It snowed in northern NE over the weekend.) I was hoping someone had a specific trip they had done. If it helps, we are in eastern Mass, but most of our trips are in New Hampshire. The only other caveat I need to add is, I have approached the troop in the past about sending a crew to a high adventure base, but many balked at the cost. I know there are many fundraising ideas, but the troop in the past has done fairly in expensive outings. Part of my desire to do some introductory backpacking is to wet their appetite so they will get a little more ambitious. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll follow up and get back. BTW I grew up in NJ and some of our best trips were in the Pine Barrens. SA
  4. Hello all. Since I've returned to scouting as an adult after an absence for sometime I've been monitoring the forums and have appreciated much of the information that has been posted here. I have not had the need to post directly since many of my questions have been addressed in other topics and discussions. I've been waiting for someone to ask this question, but have finally decided to step forward and ask. As a former scout who attended Philmont many years ago, and did some backpacking in New Hampshire I believe backpacking or other high adventure activities provides scouts with an opportunity to learn skills and challenge themselves is ways they are not likely find in other activities. The troop I work with is fairly active with 20-25 active scouts and 5-6 active adults. We camp year round, go on ski trips, attend summer camp etc. But we do essentially no high adventure activity. The camping we do is mostly car camping in very familiar locations the troop has been going to for several years. I am looking for suggestions for an easy overnight backpacking trip in New England that will introduce the current troop members to backpacking and hopefully more challanging camping and adventure trips. Ideally I would like a suggestion for a trip of a hike of 5-10 miles over relatively easy terrain, with an overnight camp in between. Eventually I'd like to get to the point where we could do a challenging 3-4 day hike in the White Mountains or on the Long Trail in Vermont, but right now something that challenging would turn the guys off. Even most of our older scouts have never been backpacking so we don't have a lot of experience to draw on. I have to admit it's been a long time since I've been on the trail for any length of time myself. I know there is a wealth of knowledge in the members of the forum and am hoping for some good ideas. Thanks Scouting Again
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