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Everything posted by scoutingagain

  1. It's one thing to have many adults registered and helping with all the positions on the committee actively filled. It's another to have a 2:1 ratio of adults to scouts on camping trips. At that point it's become a manscout troop. SA
  2. "Do we know if they paid people to show up and demonstrate?" Well I don't know if they were paid, but after talking to some Scot Brown sign holders in town the weekend before the election...well lets just say that quite a few did not sound much like Matt Damon. Not that there's anything wrong with that. SA
  3. If this thing ever makes it to the theatres I'll be suprised. It might actually get finished. And more likely will be shown at a few local Tea Party rallies. As far as the threat coming from within...that's probably true. Just not sure which side it's coming from. SA
  4. "At what point do you decide that a Scout is not going to be an Eagle in your troop? " When he turns 18 and has not completed the requirements. In many of the examples described above, a scout has not completed a requirement(i.e. scout spirit, POR) so his advancement has been deferred until he has satisfied the governing authority he has completed it.(ie. the SM) I would hope a good scouter would not decide a scout is not going to be an Eagle until he reaches the age of 18 without completing the requirements. Until then, we hope the scout can eventually fulfill those requirements within the alloted time, if that is his goal. As long as he is allowed the priviledge of being a scout, he should be afforded the opportunity to advance if he desires. But He must meet the requirements. SA
  5. See the thread on Fishy Law and Politics. http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=263191 SA
  6. Frankj, Coakley's work as a prosecutor had little impact on the race. Frankly, after the primaries, she was nearly invisible up until about a week before the general election. Brown worked hard. Did much of it on his own. Had little support from the national party until it looked like he had a chance. Even though I don't particularly think he's a great candidate to be a Senator, based on the two campaigns, he deserved the win. I'm hoping he fits in with the New England Republican contingent and sends the message, if you want to attract Independent voters, you need to run candidates in the McCain, Rudman, Snow mold as opposed to the Palin, Bush, Neocon candidates. At least in states that generally go blue or are swing states. Wouldn't be suprised to see more Blue Dog Dems switch parties. SA
  7. Contact(call don't email) www.alpsmountaineering.com or www.scoutdirect.com and ask about their scout discount. They have excellent equipment and give scouts & scouters a very hefty discount on high quality gear. They occaisionally have clearance items and sales and you can pick up brand new, high quality gear at sometimes a 70% discount. Best of luck. SA
  8. Volscouter, Didn't mean to imply an direct relationship between the companies and Brown's campaign. But I think it's a clear indication there are very large financial interests on the part of insurance companies and health care companies to maintain the status quo, where they can cherry pick who they cover, and charge high fees. So yes, their stocks would go up. Ironically, State Rep Brown, was very much in favor of the Massachusetts Health Care system(which is very much like the proposed national system) when it was promoted by then Governor Mitt Romney®. Romney was one of the few early Republican backers of Brown. Other than Mitt, the National Republican party was visibly absent in his campaign, in stark contrast to his opponent's. In fact one of Brown's arguments against the national health care bill was that here in Mass we have a plan that covers 98% of our people. We've got a health care plan that works, let the other states fend for themselves. Coakley also ran a totally inept campaign. She was invisible until the last few days when she finally realized she could lose. She took the election for granted, and many folks resented the sense of entitlement that seemed to be there. Contrary to impressions outside the state, Mass is not nearly as liberal as folks believe. The largest block of registered voters are registered as independents. 4 out of 5 of our last Governors have been Republican. John McCain has won every primary he's run here. We'll have to see how conservative Brown really is. The state Democrats seemed to have forgotten this. If Brown turns out to be an New England independant Republican in the Bill Weld, Olympia Snow, Warren Rudman tradition, I'll be satisfied. SA
  9. The word "theory" has several meanings. Before a discussion continues on what is theory, fact or scientific law, all should understand the context in which people are using the word. Many folks confuse the meanings no. 1 and 2 below. Theory, Spelled Pronunciation [thee-uh-ree, theer-ee] noun, plural -ries. 1. a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity. 2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact. 3. Mathematics. a body of principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory. 4. the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory. 5. a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles. 6. contemplation or speculation. 7. guess or conjecture.
  10. I find it interesting that Health care stocks are soaring in anticipation of a Brown victory. He has pledged to block the Health care plan currently being debated. Pretty good indication of whose side the Health Care financial folks are on. SA
  11. In our District, the direct solicitation of cash is frowned upon, if not out right prohibited. Sat in on one EBOR, when asked how the project was funded, the scout anwered honestly and indicated that most of the material was donated, but realized towards the end he would be a couple of boxes of screws short, so he went to the store and used his own money to pay for them. The District rep, basically said, "Well your really not supposed to do that". The scout did pass his EBOR. While the direct solication for cash is not allowed, asking for donations of materials is done quite frequently. The expectation was that the scout would make an appointment with a store, or business manager, show up in uniform and explain what he wanted and why. And yes, with the uniform and a statement of "Eagle project" for school, church, town etc. The fact the donation was to support an Eagle project was very much included in the presentation. Theheff, My son did basically the same project for his HS Band. He salvaged materials from an old set of wood cabinets/lockers, got a local lumber yard(using the approach above) to donate about $500 worth of plywood and 2x4s and by using a similar approach as described above with local businesses to discuss the project with the school principal, got the school to use some maintenance funds to purchase screws, nails, stain and polyurethane. He made sure when the article about his project was written up in the local paper that the local lumber yard was appropriately thanked. SA
  12. As a son of a WWII vet that served in N. Africa and Italy I've heard my share of WWII Stories. They usually came up after watching an episode of Combat! with my Dad. After a while in my late teens I sort of realized that anyone from that generation has great WWII stories. I got into the habit of politely asking folks who were alive then what they were doing between 1939 and 1945. I've heard stories about rationing here at home, going without butter, collection drives etc. Stories of a little chinese girl running west across China from the Japanese until her family hit the Gobi desert and her dad decided that was far enough. Of a young Navy CB that spent much of his time in the Phillipines skin diving for shells in tropical waters...or on the orders of his Chief basically comandeering an Army truck to move some of the Navy stuff to a safe area. As others have mentioned. Talk to the VFW. You can get a great story from just about anyone who was there. That old guy down the street, you see on a bus, or in a store just may have been at Normandy, Guadacanal, Anzio, or on a ship at sea running from U-boats, or on a carrier in the Pacific. I found when asked they opened up. SA
  13. While I did not participate all that much in either thread I had been following them. The Gay Question thread had gone off in a creepy direction as Lisabob put it and I agree it should have been closed. The Global warming thread, while getting a bit testy at time had not crossed the line yet, IMHO. One thumbs up, One thumbs down. That said, I agree I'm glad the moderators are there to bring the threads back and monitor them. SA
  14. As ManyHats acknowledges there are many units where adults are serving in dual roles. Usually one lead role and then maybe an asst. role. I.e. CM and Asst. Weblos Den leader. There are some dual roles that should not be allowed period as they would tend to concentrate too much authority (and responsiblity) in one person. i.e. CM + Committee Chair, Or Committee Chair + Treasurer, or CM + Treasurer. I would also hesitate to have a Den Leader also be the CM or CC as all three positions really require someone to concentrate on the roles and responsibility of that position as a lead position. I think they could effectively help out as an asst. den leader though. SA
  15. "Also, if these local options are enacted, there will be troops that allow only Jews, only Christians, only whites, only blacks, only hispanics, et cetera. I believe that the BSA is acting in a prudent and responsible manner in order to deliver a program that proclaims to be morally straight which according to most (though not all) religious denominations would preclude accepting homosexual behavior" Just to be clear, the BSA does currently allow discrimination by individual chartered organizations. For example there are Jewish, Muslim and Christian units that require membership in their respective CO's to be members of their BSA unit. Units may also disciminate against female adult leaders if they want. While not explicitly allowing racial descrimination, in many cases this allowable religious descrimination effectively creates racial descrimination. Ironically National allows COs to be more descriminatory than they are, but do not allow individual units to be less. SA
  16. I've been following this thread with a bit of a chuckle but got a good one with "It appears that the AGW proponents are cherry picking data to suit their needs." Especially if the link used to support the statement is an example of the objective data folks are using to convince themselve AGW isn't happening. LOL. For me the survey posted in the inital post pretty much locks it up. I looked through it and based on those responding there is a general consensus that: Global Warming is happening and Mankind and his/her actions are signficant contributers. After that there seems to be less consensus on just what the consequences will be. For me, I'm relatively certain GW is occurring and I'm relatively certain the governments of the world will never come together to formulate a plan to sufficiently prevent it. So, as I look around thinking about downsizing my abode with the kids out of the house and desiring to maybe closer to the ocenan, I will be looking at properties at least 50ft or so above current sea levels. This is not an idle issue around here. Every year along the coast, houses are literally washed out to sea. But thanks for posting the initial link to the survey. I do believe it was an honest attempt to take some of the politics out of the issue, but to no avail. SA
  17. Have to put a plug in for Camp Squanto in Southeastern MA, just west of Plymouth. See http://campsquanto.net/ Great Waterfront on a kettle pond with some of the cleanest, warmest waters you'll find in NE. As noted, just west of Plymouth, MA, the Mayflower and Plymouth Plantation. Within an hour of Cape Cod and 35 - 40mi. south of Boston. Again they get Out of Council units fairly regularly. SA
  18. This is more than a council loss. It's a loss to the entire Northeast. Our unit stayed there when visiting the city last spring. It is one of the few camps located in close proximity to NYC attractions that allow an out of town unit to come in and stay and be able to enjoy the city without having to commute an hour or more in an out of the city. Really sad. I hope a better way is found than selling to developers. National Park Service? SA
  19. I don't know about your camp fee, possibly, as it might be considered an "out-of-pocket expenses you paid to do volunteer work" but while your milage is deductible, it is not deductible as a business expense at $0.55/mile. It is deductible at a different rate meant only to compensate you for your out of pocket expenses. I'm not sure what the 2009 rate is, but it's more like $0.14/mile, not the rate you show. I'm not an accountant so ask one about the camp fee. SA From Instructions for Schedule A,Itemized Deductions Gifts to Charity Contributions You Can Deduct Contributions can be in cash, property, or out-of-pocket expenses you paid to do volunteer work for the kinds of organizations described earlier. If you drove to and from the volunteer work, you can take the actual cost of gas and oil or 14 cents a mile. But, if the volunteer work was to provide relief related to a Midwestern disaster area, the amount is 36 cents a mile (41 cents a mile after June 30, 2008), see Pub. 4492-B for more details. Add parking and tolls to the amount you claim under either method. But do not deduct any amounts that were repaid to you.
  20. As noted, there is no BSA policy that prohibits the involvment of women in leadership roles in Boy Scouts (as long as they meet all other membership criteria). However the Chartering Organization can set it's own standards for leadership that exclude women if they choose to do so. However, this is a decision of the Institutional Head of the CO,...Not the SM or Committee Chair. I agree with those that believe it would be a hugh mistake to limit leadership involvment based on gender. In today's society many of these young men will enter the workforce or military where they will have to interact with women in positions of authority and leadership. They should learn this by observing adult leaders in the unit and interacting with adults of both genders. Those that do not afford their scouts this opportunity do them a disservice. SA
  21. I've generally held my tongue on this one, but tend to sympathize with Ed. I understand the need for unions and they have done and continue to a lot of good in supporting the working guy or gal. They should and do negotiate the best deal they can get for their members with respect to wages and benefits. If they get too much, that's managements fault for not negotiating better on their part, but unions need to be aware they really can suck more blood out of the enterprise than it has to continue. i.e. the auto industry. I can even support some work rules that ensure qualified workers do specific skilled tasks, but not to save jobs just for the sake of saving jobs. Either there is a task that needs to be done or there isn't. Unions should not force enterprises or governments to create busy work just to keep them paid. Work and employment is a privildge, not a right. When people have a job they should remember that. Having noted the above I can't recall ever seeing municipal workers get laid off for lack of work. The reason municipal workers get laid off is because there is not enough taxpayer money to pay them. Heck in my town volunteers maintain highway islands, paint and clean school buildings, help maintain ballfields, pay for school programs such as sports, band, theatre groups etc. because taxpayers are tapped out and won't pay more in taxes. Let alone the 2 or 3 Eagle projects that might be done a year that would cover maybe a thousand labor hours if that. Just no way I can concieve of a situation where an Eagle project of a several hundred labor hours for a one time effort or task for a town or school would take someone's full job away. If this town is laying off municipal workers, it's not because of an Eagle project. It's because the town's tax revenues won't support the staff they have. SA SA
  22. Don't know if this will help or not. Our council does request reference letters. The form for the reference letter can be found at: http://www.oldcolonycouncil.org/Documents/EagleReferenceLetter.pdf it is an editable .pdf form. Good Luck. In the unit I serve, I have the candidate have the references mailed to me and I turn them into council along with the completed application and workbook. I most cases it takes about a week to 10 days to get all the letters in. Sometimes less, sometimes a little longer. SA
  23. Well one way to certainly increase the interest level of teenage boys in an activity is to have teenage girls there as well. As far a youth protection issues, they would be no different than what's currenly used in the Venturing program. But from a traditional curricullum standpoint, I agree it doesn't seem to make much sense since Venturing doesn't use patrols, and I thought the main point was to train older scouts to lead troops and patrols. SA
  24. "Just in time for Halloween." Well since the statements were made in a hearing held in the Spring of 2008 I'd say they were in plenty of time for Halloween 2009. SA
  25. "He would be planting several small trees, designing and planting a couple of fairly good size plant groupings and may be laying down sod. " Depending on the potential hours of work and number of people likely to be involved this project would likely be approved in our District. In the Eagle project workbook just list the estimated value of the materials that were donated, and indicate they were donated by the benefiting organization. There have been several similar projects performed in our District where materials are purchased by a school or church. The Eagle candidate usually arranges for delivery based on his project schedule, designs the landscaping with approval of the benefiting organization and organizes and leads a labor force. Most have been a few hundred labor hours when all is said and done. Get some before and after pictures for the workbook. For the project plan, it would be good to have a sketch of the finished area. SA SA
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