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Everything posted by Scoutfish

  1. Our first campout of the year is in the fall because of roundup. We get alot of new scouts and families that have never been camping before. We will camp in a huge field and woods that our COm owns ( 8 soccer fields & 6 Acres of woods). We stick close to home so that if new scouts have issues or if something gets forgotten - and it always does - then it's just a 5 minute fix instead of a 2 hour round trip or longer fix. Our second campout is in the early spring. WE used to combine this with our graduation ceremony, but decided to stop because meal times were a hassle. Just scouts at breakfast, but entire families ( aunts, uncles, grandparents) coming for lunch and crossover ceremoiny - but nobody wanting to pay for extra food/ material cost, then leaving before supper. Plus, we spnt about half of the camping trip planning and setting up for the graduation. So now graduation takes place of the very last pack meting at the CO. We moved our spring campout to earlier in the spring and our fall campout to later in the fall to take advantage of cooler, bug free, storm free weather. So far, it's definantly better! We are looking into doing some winter campouts too. And it lays out like this: Half the scouts can hardly stand to go camping twice a year, They want to stay home, watch cartoons, play vidoe games and eat microwave food or Mickey D's. The other half of our scouts would go camping every month , all year long if we set it up.
  2. Our Den leaders keep up with who has earned what beltloop. They turn in a report of how many beltloops they need, what kind they need and who they are for. AC can write all that down. Then AC will send copy to scoutshop a week ahead of time just to make sure there are enough and no backorders. Think about what time of the year it is and what is happening at that time : IE; baseball, soccer, basketball. swimming, etc..... Every pack usually wants alot of the same belt loops at the same time. As far as paperwork, the only paperwork your scout shop needs for buying beltloops is the green kind with pictures of presidents on it.
  3. So, I decided I was going to get an external fram backp[ack. Looked at a few and even got a recommendation from a member here who I trust. Well today, while at the scout shop, I tried on another external frame and it fely really good and comfortable. Can't remember the brand name of model name at the moment. So, I was also turing in some paperwork to our concil registrar. We got talking and she told me she is going to hike the AT next weekend. So we started talking about backpacks and such, and I asked her what she thought of the one I was leaning towards. She then tells me that I should go with an internal frame instead - mainly because an external can catch tree branches while hiking. I told hetr my idea of using carabiners to clip stuff onto the frame and she said that was the second reason to go internal _ to avoid weighing it down b y adding alot of stuff to the outside. Okay, I get theb tree thing, but If I add too much weight, isn't trhat a "me" problem and not a "pack" problem? So, Eagle92 - and others: Which has worked better for you - an external or internal frame pack?
  4. Well, on the rec wing boots, models vary greatly. I used to buy the ones that you had to put mink oil on and the first two weeks after you bought them, you brought your old boots to work also. You would wear your new boots for the first half of the day, then switch to your old ones because you feet hurt too much. After two weeks of this, they finally broke in. WEll, I got tired of that and tried the hikers. And they are just that: hiking boots. They just happen to have a steel toe because....umm..I really don't know why they have a steel toes, but I have to have steel toes for my job , so it works out in my favor. Anyways, these boots are hiking boots first, and whatever you decide secondly. Geat lugs on the bottom that can track dirt depending on the dirt you are in. Not that good for really slick wet surfaces. Seen a few people swear by the Ingrams Five Finger toes shoes. I'd like to try a pair one day, but not for hiking. More for around the house just to see how they do.
  5. Welcome to what I like to call: The "REAL WORLD" of scouting! Forget all the hype you read in the scout leader books, THis is where you find out the real story! We used to use PackMaster, but after it went to an online set up, it became useless. Wouldn't update, wouldn't take info, wouldn't record some scouts. it would never sync between Den Leaders. Scoutnet works great, but only to record and share with council/ National - it doesn't track progress( in the way most people would like). I have heard great things from Scout trax. Never used it myself except in demos, but most all of my leaders do. ( I am the CubMaster of my pack) . It's also free. It was dveloped by a scout leader too. Look up "scout trax" or specifically for "Tiger trax" , Bear trax" , Wolf trax" ,etc....
  6. The best prank I ever did, was no prank at all. One of my friends got me with a parnk, and we all had a great laugh afterward. He then commented that I was a real good sport about it, to which I said: " I don't get mad, I get even. It won't be tommorrow, won't be the next day. It won't be next week. Matter of fact, it probably won't happen in the next 4 months...but it will hapen one day, after you have forgotten about it. Been 5 years now and I haven't retaliated yet. Not going to. The worry this fella has is about 10 times greater than any prank I could ever plan on doing. Now, the trick is, it doesn't work on everybody, so the effectiveness depends on the potential vitim that is being retaliated against. We like to play jokes too. At our last B&G, we pulled a gag on one of our longtime DL's. We gave out tickets for door prizes. Well, we had already marked a ticket for our DL. When his number was called and he came up to get his door prize...he got a door. A hollow hung closet door ! The big trhing is making sure nobody gets hurt and knowing the person you are pranking. I know guys who you could shave their head and they would get and laugh at the prank. I know others that all you have to do is randomly point at them at a pack meeting and they are humiliated and will turn read with embarassment. The prank's acceptability is entirely dependant on who is being pranked
  7. Let's see, I am part English, part German, have some Scandinavian, some Romanian, some Colombian, and some Irish in me. I think German is the biggest part . My last name is Fisher, which came from Fischer. I consider myself American which in a way is a cop out because unles you were Native American, it just means you originated from somewhere else. Now, I think what would describe me best - and keeping in line with para medic, para lega, or any other "para" qualification..... I call my self: Para- Normal !
  8. My CC and I have been mulling over an idea: Pack winter camping. Okay, first thing to realize in that - where we live at on the NC coast, winter can mean 28 degrees high temperature or it can mean 70 dgrees for a low temperature. But it doesn't mean walking across the Himalayas in snowshoes or treaking across the Artic circle. Winter is more of a calendar time than a season around here. We camp in the spring and the fall, but alot of us want to do more. And summer is a time when they are checked out and busy with family and vacations and travel...plus it's just so dang hot and humid here in the summer!
  9. Like others have said, not a YP issue, but it does sound like a possible Troop functiality issue. Okay, so the dad is getting a divorce. Nobody is gonna be happy faced and twinkly toed. I understand that. And the reason for the divorce could just as easily be her fault. Don't know, don't care, don't matter. But, the feel I get from the OP is that - even though it wasn't at a troop function, it has been witnessed by others that dad is "verbally violent" with mom. In what way. Mad? Cussing? Telling her that he will come out on top in the divorce? That she won't get a cent? Nothing extreamly dangerous sounding there. It is a divorce you kn ow. Now, what I am getting is that sides are already been taken here. Mom "says" she is getting a restraining order, and you are already tralking about how dad is gonna get kicked out? You wouldn't be taking mom's side already are you...before anything has even been done yet. WHat if the restraining order is turned down for lack of credible reason? What if mom is just as verbally violnet to dad? Gonna tell her to stay away too? I am not saying you shouldn't do anything, but don't jump the gun. Aside form the parenst and boys, you may give the troop a bad reputation real quick here.
  10. Oh, forgot to mention: I am 6'2" and weigh 252lbs. I'm down from 265. I have a size 13 - wide foot
  11. Funny thing about my taste in footwear over time. IO used to wear my Rebok ( classic) tennis shoes everywhere and all the time. A pair of good Reboks would last me 6 months tops. The current pair I have are about 5 years old and look like they are only 3 months old. At work, I wear Redwing Hiker #6670 6" lace up hiking boots. They have a steel toe, water proof and electrical resistant. Well, I'm not gonn lie, I bought them because they were comfortable. Very comfortable. They feel like youb are putting on an old pair of worn in ( not worn out) shoes. The steel toe - which you do not feel at all - and the electric resistant and water proof are just extra bonuses. Anyways, I wear rthese things all day long every day. I bought a second pair for my scout boots. I prefer them over my Rebok sneakers http://www.redwingshoes.com/red-wing-shoe/6670-red-wing-shoes/6670-red-wing-mens-6-inch-hiker-boot-gray I paid $140.00 for them including corporate discout through my company, but they usually last me a full year....and that is wearing them 5 or 6 days a week , all day long. So, my point was, go to a boot store. You'd be surprised at what they offer.
  12. Second Class, Nah, the carabiners aren't for my hammock, they are for my canteen and my mess kit utensils. They are not big enough to hold any weight They are the 3/16th thick keychain carabiners. I have some tree webbing straps with "S " hooks that will hook to the ring on each end of the hammock.
  13. Tonight is our last den meeting of this scout year. Next week in the cub scout graduation. No morre meetings except summer fun activities. After next Monday - 5/21/12 - they will be considered the next rank by our pack. We give them the necker of the next rank as they graduate. Whatever they earn as far as belt loops will be counted to their next rank as nobody will turn in anything during the summer. Too busy playing and stuff. So, even though it is tecnically June 1st, nothing really gets reported until we start back duing the last week of August.
  14. So maybe he thinks camping out behind the CO is the same as if the scouts set up a tent and camped in their own backyards? And if that was the case, I would understand his reasoning behind it even though I disagree with his final diagnosis based on how you described the property: 10 acrees, no facilities and the clearings are minimal. I guess I could understand if he's wooried that scouts may run home real quick because they forgot "X"> In my troop, we like to meet up, do a shakedown, and then all head out to camp all together at the same time. No, what I just said above does not actually make or break what qualifies for camping, but is something we do as a troop as part of camping. Again, not saying I agree with the SM, but I understand his line of reasoning - IF that is his line of reasoning - even though I do not agree with it.
  15. Okay, let me rephrase that. I am not saying that a SM can deny a scout from taking a MB, but it would be the duty of a SM to talk with the scout if he thinks it's an MB that the scout is not ready for, prepared to take or who does not quite get the magnatude of the requirements of the MB. " I think that if a SM doesn't take into consideration the readiness of a scout to work on a MB to get a meaningful experience out of it, then the direction for obtaining SM approval isn't worth anything." Yeah, but look at the other side of that coin: If the SM does take into account the scouts readiness, knows he isn't ready, but still has to sign off regardless of that, then why obtain the approval? If he HAS to sign it, then it's just a wasted gesture with no actual meaning or worth. Just skip having a SM signoff.
  16. DLChris71, That's a great idea! We have den flags and I always told them they could hang their den awrd ribbons from trhem if they won any - but more stuff gets done as a pack than individual dens when it comes to earning awards. I like the idea of arrowheads and claws and beads. Never thought of that!
  17. Den flags are awesome! We use them at pack meetings mostly, but the boys are starting to use them other places as well. Two dens took it upon themselves to take them to resident camp and parent/son weekemd. Banners? Well.....that's a different story. Not saying you shouldn't use them - that's your choice and right - just saying there are not as many place they "seem" practical. If your pack marches in a parade, I could see a color guard up front with the pack flag and American flag, then maybe the rest of the pack follws behind - each den carrying it's owm banner. Maybe while pack camping or taking advantage of a district or council camp, each den could set up their tents like patrols and have a banner set up as a "sorta" gatesway to their section, and leave the den flag for other things. Den flags are awesome. They buld up camradieri, and bring a sense of friendly den competition amnongst the pack. Banners are great too, although I think their uses are more limited. In Boy scouts, banners make more sense: Scout shows, camporee campsite inspections, parades, competitions , etc....
  18. Okay, lets be honest about it: I am not a fat grotesque blob, but it wouldn't hurt to lose a pound or 30. I am 6'2" tall and weigh 252 pounds right now. That is down from an all time high of 265 pounds. Honestly, all my fat is on my upper body. When I try to float in a pool, my legs sink. Mostly all muscle- barely any fat. My biggest fat area is my abdominal area. You may have a 6 pack, but I have the whole damn case! BUt I am a nice friendly sharing guy: I want to give that case away. I dont care if I get a 6 pack or not, but am tired of the case. I have a 2nd chin when I look down. Other than that, I am within a normal body shape. Older, slower metabolism, and not as active as I was when I met my wife at 21 years old and 157 pounds. So BSA says I need to be in good enough physical shape that I do not have to rely on the scouts to drag me out of the woods? Can't argue with that logic myself.
  19. Even though I am still the CM of my pack, I am also the ASM of our troop - which means I am starting to buy "ME" gear instead of using the "all 500 of us" gear I was used to using in cub scouts. Love the hammock I just bought and just made up the rope knot that secures my carabiner to my canteen. Got my owm mess kit and a untensil set on a carabiner too. Looking at all the new gear I wikll need kinda makes me feel like a kid in a candy store. I have to admit, other than the actual spending of my $$$, I am excited to buy this stuff. So, in your opinion, what was the coolest piece of " you " gear you bought for scouting?
  20. I took it to mean that they took something that was limited so that only a few people could enjoy it, and took it away by making it something all people could enjoy. Meaning the govt took away the exclusiveness on only those who were fit in the use of all thier limbs. Hey, I know how having one word in the wrong order or even missing one punctuation mark can completely change the meaning of what you are trying to say
  21. We live on the coast. Most of our cubs are practically fish. But they are not so much swimming as wading around. They can't be still long enough to swim. More like terrorize the unlucky minnows brave enough to get close. We have a sandcastle building contest, trash collecting contest, fishing competition,etc..... We have 7 trained in SSD and SA . We have 3 BSA trained certified leaders ( also leaders in our sister troop) and we have 2 certified diver/rescue swimmers. And most of the boys rather wade through a knee deep tidal pool!
  22. So, I bought my first hammock today. Military surplus store. The hammock was brand new, still wrapped in original packaging. Rated for 350 pounds. I bought it for $35.00, so if it doesn't hold up but for a year, I didn't lose a ton of money. But I have to be honest with you, it has a pretty heavy duty bottom fabric. Looks like the same stuff the MASH tents are made of. No see-um screened sides and basic tent material top. I'll use my usuall rain fly set of for this hammock, so protection and vetilations should go hand in hand. Granted, I didn't hang it between two trees yet, but I did crawl in it and zip it up. Pretty spacious for what it is. More room than I expected. So, I bought it at Saigon Sam's military surplus, but it's the exact same one sold at Campmore for less $$$ and I don't have to pay shipping. I will let you know how it performs and hold up!
  23. In June, we are going to a Basebal game . It's college players who form a summer league. Kinda AAA-AA or something like that. Scouts get in at half price, will lead the flag ceremony and will get to see fireworks after the game. In July, we go to a soundside beach. Lots of water, lots of sand, but not the current , waves or undertow you have at the beach. August is still between going bowling ( Air Conditioned) or going to the battleship USS North Carolina BB-55, or having a pool party and cookout.
  24. Basement, yeah, that's what I meant. If by camp shoes he meant something different than the shoes or boots worn while hiking all day. When we go camping, I wear my boots pretty much all day. But in the after noon, while hanging out at camp, I change my socks and change into my Reboks and let my boots air out and dry.
  25. Camp shoes? Do you mean a pair of sneakers while hanging out at your daily campsites? I'd say yeah, that way your hiking shoes/boots get a chance to air out and that little bit of dampness from sweat can dry out.
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