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I would think that ; If you were able to sign them up...meaning they were indeed eligible to be signed up as Tiger Cubs, then they would be Tigers - although not officially earning the Tiger patch yet. So, if they participate in all 3 summer activities, they should get the tiger pin. By the time it comes to the second Webelos pin..hopefully, they will have crossd over already and earning the pin would be a moot point. Even if they do not cross early due to earning Arroe of Light, they will be eligible to be boy scouts by having completed 5th grade. At that point, they can join a troop and will no longer be able to ( or care for that matter) earn the pins.
Our scoutshop changed to a National shop a few years back. The change was better all the way around: More products, shorter wait time if you ordered something, same great employees employess with same great knowledge of products. Now, If I want something, and the scout shop doesn't have it in stock, the store manager will look on her computer and let me know if it is in "the warehouse". If it is, they will have it in two days, if it's not, I know to make plans to do/get/buy something else. Prices have actually become competative with outside retail shops too on alot of things like backpacks, mess kits, stove( pocket rockets) etc....
Where can you buy a 12" X 12" or smaller mesh bag or storage bag for a mess kit? My son has an aluminum mess kit it's the interlocking pan/plate/pot/cup ( courtesy of Basementdweller) . Thing is, the way he hops, jumps, and slings things around, the lockinmg handle dosn't lock "that" good. What he needs is either a mesh or canvas bag to store it in. So far, all my searched come up with 12" X 18" at the smallest, and they just get bigger from there. Thanks! Mark
charmoc, Let's clarify something : When you say term limits, do you mean to say that once a scout has a POR for 6 months, he can no longer serve in that POR ..ever Or are you saying that term limits refers to the time of office of the POR lasting only 6 months before having to be voted on again?? I assumed you were using ( although not correctly) term limit to describe term of the POR lasting only 6 months before elections happen again. As bnelon44 stated, there are no actual term limits per BSA.
You have to figure, you can re-elect the same scout as the SPL over and over if you like. The patrols can re-elect the same PL's too. Where this is a great thing is if you have no limits at all. When do you change things? After the SPL ages out or quits? How long would you have the same QM , Scribe, ASPL, etc,.... for? What if the scouts are not happy with the people the SPL has chosen because they do not do their jobs well or at all? Would you get the SM to makes changes or remove people? How would that be a scout led troop? Think of it as checks and balances instead of term limits. Think of it as a safety net in case the SPL picks his buddies instead of actual capable scouts. Take your self for example: If the SPL is elected, and fills all positions, without assigning one to you. Maybe that SPL is happy with the status qou and has no plans to change anything. Where does that leave you advancement wise? Without having an annual/ bi-annual vote, you could just possibly see no chance of getting a POR until it's too late. Again, if the scouts truely like the SPL, they can vote for him again and again and again or not depending on the job he's doing. Same thing with the patrol: They can vote for the same PL as much as they want...or not if they do not like the job he's doing.
Okay, I know this is probably ( most likely ? ) a stupid question, but I gotta ask. If my son earned his whittlin chip as a cub scout, can he carry a pocket knife as a boy scout? No, not talking about it being the same as a Tot'n Chip, but just for a pocket knife only. Today, we went to the military surrplus store where he bought a cargo ruck sach ( big awesome backpack) . It has A BUNCH of cool pockets and storage places. On the left shoulder strap, it has a knife/ flashlight pocket and he asked me what would go there. So I told him, either a flashlight or knife. It was at that point I thought: "Well no, he can't carry a pocket knife til he gets his Tot'n Chip. But then I wondered, why is it we can give ( after he proves himself) a Cub Scout a whittling chip that allows him to carry a pocket knife, but when the boy is older and "suppossedly" more mature, we wouldn't trust him to use that same knife? Then I wondered why there isn't a boy scout version of a whittlin Chip. Meaning just for using the pocket knife mind you, and not for the hatchet or saw. Or do they even have to have a tot'n chip for just a pocket knife only - without a saw or hatchet? So, lay it on me.
drmbear said it best: Put yourself in the mindset of the cub scouts. Don't be afriad to laugh at yourself and be laughed at. The best thing I learned was after years and years of having to learn to "act your age", you now get to act their age! I dressed up like a pirate, like a cowboy, like an indian, like an overly exaggerated redneck, like a ballerina complete with pink bodysuit and tutu ( lost a bet with scouts) . When scouts arive at den and pack meetings, I greeted and talked to every scout. Not at the scout, but to the scout. I see to many leaders look over top the scouts heads and talk to mom and ad when the scouts show up. As far as my leaders were concerned, I never asked anybody to do anything I wouldn't be willing to do myself. And being CM doesn't mean you just sit back and give orders. No matter what we were doing, I was right in the middle of it too: Cooking sausages, flipping pancakes or burgers, making a 3 gallon pot of mac & cheese, roasting marshmellows. I would keep kids in line, but I also kept parents in line too. Anbd sometimes, I had to get on mom and dads about getting on jr too much while camping. In my pack, we do not use the "children should be seen but not heard" rule. One last thing: when planning menus, plan around the scouts, not mom or dad! If they ( mom, dad, other adults) don't like the menu, they can bring something else!
The transition between blue and tan uniforms...
Scoutfish replied to OwntheNight's topic in Uniforms
"""They can use the same shirt/ pants right on through boy scouts "" Scoutfish: Oh , I don't think so.... I have an Eagle and he has needed no fewer than 3 more shirts....and they didn't wear out! SSScout, No, I don't mean they will wear it completely through boy scouts, I meant they can wear that uniforn right on to when they become boy scouts..Just pull off the cub scout patches instead of buying a new uniform when they reach boy scouts. My son is 11 1/2 years old, 5'&" and 133 pounds. He'll probably be 7'2" and 300 pounds by the time he is 18 years old. At the rate he's going, he will need a new uniform every year. -
Ever notice the fine folks who - the very moment the traffic light turns green - are blaring their horns to get everybody else moving? Those same fine folks have 20 stress lines on their forhead, and probably drank 3 cups of coffee already and are about 2 seconds from a coronary. I have noticd though, as I get older, that I will look down and see myself driving slower than the posted speed limit. Not in a hurry, enjoying the ride, window down and enjoying the breeze radio not on, I don't even use my AC anymore. Son can't understand it to save his life.
Tour and Activity plan--Assistance needed!!!!
Scoutfish replied to frankpalazzi's topic in Open Discussion - Program
scouting.org http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/680-014.pdf -
"Some boys just can't stop yammering." Yeah, we have two in our troop. Brothers. Twins as a matter of fact! Honestly, those tow boys cannot talk without touching whoever trhey are talking to, and couldn't be quite for 3 minutes even if it meant saving their lives! All the other scouts would have a better chance of arguing with a wall than getting these tow boys to be quiet. Some boys are just hard headed, talkative and right in the middle of the stage of growing up where they take charge of their own lives. Rather see that than a boy who never says anything!
Tour and Activity plan--Assistance needed!!!!
Scoutfish replied to frankpalazzi's topic in Open Discussion - Program
You flux capacitor user interface is over dopplegangered! I found out that it is easier to download it in PDF form, then go to edit mode and fill it out, then e mail a copy of it to our council registrar. I also print out a copy to have on hand along with our med forms at camp. -
my son's letter would be almost illegible due to all the dirt smeared all over it. My son...well..if you drop him off in the middle of the Gobi Desert, he'd find a mud puddle and get it all over himself! SMT224, Talking about the mail delivery was said without a single bit of crabbyness. It was actually poking fun at the mail delivery in my area.
Webelos Den Overnight Campout in 3 Days (gulp)
Scoutfish replied to Mush's topic in Camping & High Adventure
FREE TIME , FREE TIME , FREE TIME! Give them at least an hour of free time. Let them run around, burn off energy, laugh joke, goof off, do whatever they want. Other wise, even with all the cool activities, you just planned 2 six hour school days. Other than that, looks pretty good. -
So if I decide that speeding all the time, as well as running stop signs and red lights ...then is it okay? If I had a really good time derinking and driving, can I just ignore the laws and call the arresting officer, the cort system judge and jury a bunch of "Law Nazis" because they are just being too serious in following the rules? "Uniforms and awards exist for a reason - to achieve an objective" Yeah, so do all the rules exist for a reason - to also achieve an objective....for the scouts benefit.
The transition between blue and tan uniforms...
Scoutfish replied to OwntheNight's topic in Uniforms
Put simply: A cub scout can wear his blue uniform as a Webelos scout with all prior patches, arrow points, etc,... and when he earn Webelos rank, he can wear the diamond Webelos patch in place of the bobcat patch. Only thing different is hat and necker - plaid design. Or he can wear the tan uniform without any of the prior ranks, arrow points, bobcat, etc..... Even though you may decide to switch to tan shirt/ green pants, you still wear the blue belt as it is not as wide as green belt. Beltloops will not fit on green belt. Originally, when I was going to be a Webelos DL ( Before I became CM instead) I had grand plans about the boys keeping the blue uniforms until they earned rank. Then switch to tan and green. But reality had to stick it's head in the way when I realized that my son, as well as a few other boys were about to outgrow their shirts and pants. I could not justify buying another entire uniform that would be worn for less than a year before having to buy another one in a different color. If they need to buy another uniform because they are out growing the old one, might as well switch to tan. They can use the same shirt/ pants right on through boy scouts - minus the cub scout patches. -
Well, I think my views on the uniform are clear, but I do agree with desertrat77 in that I think it is rediculous to compare wearing the uniform wrong as a starting point for anarchy in society. People stealing, murder, mayhem, " cats and dogs living togeter..." etc..... I do believe West was a bit uptight. And we should make sure the scouts are having fun. But there is a compromise in the middle: Cut the scouts alot of slack, but leaders should lead by example - which we do even if we are not aware of it!
WOW! Over in these here's parts...the scouts would have to write the letters on the first day in order to make sure the letters got home before they did. If they mailed the letters/post cards on Wednesday, the scouts would actually get home in time to get the post card/letter out of the mailbox themselves after the mailman delivers it thjat afternoon!
I have only one uniform. Tan short sleeve centenial shirt, zip away pants/shorts. It was a Cub Scout uniform, but it is now a Boy Scout uniform. After I became a ASM as well as becoming a ACM ( stepped down as CM) , I went with troop patches since the cubs really care more about what I am doing then what I am wearing while doing it - except when I dress up as an indian, pirate, ballerina, etc.. - they do notice and have fun with that! I also have a secondary pait of scout pants. They are also zip away. They are made of nylon/supplex quick dry, blah , blah, blah. I have a red jac shirt. Bought it on sale. Could not see paying $99.00 for it. But I think my best uniform is one that isn't even a uniform. I can go to my council office scout shop, council camp, District RT, camporees, ect... and most people recognize me by my face. They will also recognize me at Wal-Mart or Outback Steakhouse while in non scouting clothes.
Look, let's be clear.....I'm not a uniform nazi. But at teh same time, since when did following rules make somebody become a nazi? So anyways, when it comes to the uniform, I'm actually pretty relaxed about it - umm others - that is. When it comes to cub scouts, I am especially relaxed. Cub scout wants to wear his popcorn patch...so be it. He's proud, he's happy and he enjoys the program even more - what's wrong with that? A boy scout donates blood or walks 10 miles for Muscular Dystrophy and gets a lapel pin...then wear it proudly! I wore a "Step up for Soldiers" lapel pin for a couple weeks as I was proud to show that my unit helped out a worthy cause. And when it comes to Cub Scouts, " DO YOUR BEST " Is absolutely the law of the land and a great mission statement. But we are talking about people getting an AWARD knot just so they feel better? What about scouts who didn't quite earn Eagle Rank? Would you give them the patch anyways just because it would make them proud? But we are not talking about cub scouts or boy scouts. We are talking about adults. Supposedly grown up, mature, learned, adults. People who are supposed to be leading by example. Why not just hand out knots to everybody who is a leader who has ever been to at least one meeting/outing/ event. They would all feel good about themselves , I am sure! And when my son is close to graduation, I'm gonna petition the school and suggest that everybody gets a diploma no matter the grade s and everybody gets called class validictorian too! And all the parents get a " Parent Diploma " just for being parents! And if somebody actually does anything at all to really earn an award, we'll just laugh at them and say: "WOW! You did all that for nothing!"
The summertime pack award is about the pack offering at least 3 activities - one each month - during June, July, and August. It' s more abvout the pack planning and doing something and not a scout camp that would be a council/district run event. Doesn't have to be a flawless camping adventure, just something that is done for the whole pack. Could be a fishing trip, go play baseball as a pack.....go see a baseball game as a pack. Go on a pic nic. Camp out at a park, the CO, or if somebody has a big field/farm, use that. Go swimming, go to the movie theatre. Just do something on the pack level. Just do it as a pack. And doing it as a pack doesn't mean the entire pack has to show up. It's summer, if you get at least 1/4th attendance.....that's impressive! Just plan a pack activity and not a den activity or rank activity.
"BSA is a funny program. The awesome awards and badges we all enjoy offer the opportunity to recognize achievement but also create a situation in which some are encouraged to berate, belittle, and try to bully others." Yes indeed , I agree. Sometimes people say things like : "There is no way you could ever have pulled that off, Scoutfish, because my leaders are pretty sophisticated and never would have put up with your approach or your communication style. I get results. Been getting them for years. I'll stick to my methods, and ignore the uniform nazis." Yep, call people names for following the rules. A scout is trustworthy ,you know. He is also obedient and courteous. Or is that unless you just don't agree with rules or people who follow them? Never said that non of our leaders earn the knots, and we did not get into scouting just for the purpose of earning them. But we do our jobs , and do them the best we can. If we earn knots doing that, then sweet! If we don't earn them, that's okay too since that wasn't our gaol. We do give out other awards, plaques and certificates. And like I said before, if some circumstances are really outstanding, we call the scout office for guidance instead of just deciding to toss out anything rule that gets in our way. And again, maybe your RT's are worthless, but that's a problem in your district, not mine. Not my fault or my issue that our commissioner can present a great RT and yours can't. As for knots, you can't just buy them, they are a restricted item and you have to submit paperwork.. It maintains the integrety of any and all restricted items that way. If you just knock any and all requirements out of the way, then what is then award about? "ole Mr Jones here was in scouting 25 years and did alot for our district and the boys too. Earned 9 knots in the process. Mr. Smith here has been doing it a year too and we just ignored the requirements and hganded him 3 just so he could pat himself on the back." Yeah, I see how you look down on me. Maybe you could see about getting a purple heart for your leaders too. Just forget those nasty list of things that are supposed to be done to EARN them. Oh wait, you can't hear me, you are too busy sticking your fingers in your ears and making that loud humming sound. You do that to everybody who doesn't see things your way? Then call them bullies and nazis ?
219 scouts at summer camp, 9 leaders at pre camp meeting
Scoutfish replied to Scoutfish's topic in Summer Camp
This was the week ( and 3 days) out meeting from summer camp. 1st session is June 17 - June 23rd. The leaders guide list the chnages, but does not give specifics. Some just say swim check @ Lake and Med Center. Doesn't explain that you do not go to both or have a either or/choice. Med forms go to site nurse @ med center, but does not explain new policy or procedures from last year. We did have a leader from out of council. I live 2 hours from the camp myself. As it turned out, most of the leaders present were the ones who live the farthest fron camp. Again, though, it doesn't seem to be any different than any other planning meeting, RT, council/district function I have ever been too. Won't be the first time we hear somebody at a event or camp say: "Since when did this happen? Nobody told me!" -
Cost isn't really a factor as it would be a one time thing. Or at least only once every 6 or 7 years to replace as needed. BB guns are not that expensive and the cost between a Red Ryder and the break away gun is around $30 in difference. The .22 caliber bb guns cost about $100 or so, but would only be used by older kids who are inherently more careful in the handling on them. As far as safety, it's trhe same wether a bb gun or shotgun. Wouldn't have to be seperate safety instruction there. A far as rank, it's no different than scout summer camp where you are expected to be a 2nd year, 3rd year or have met specific other requirements before working an "X" activity. Once the intial purchade has been made, you would have the different bb guns there on hand. At our camp at least, there are two b gun rabges being run at a time. In that situation, you could have Tiger and Wolf at one range, and Bears and Webelos at the other rabnge which happens to be 20 away. Not a huge seperation as far as families or unit leadership is concerened.
219 scouts at summer camp, 9 leaders at pre camp meeting
Scoutfish replied to Scoutfish's topic in Summer Camp
From what the DD said, this year they changed the line up, changed a bunch of check in procedures and where you check in, they assigned specific check in times to troops, and they have a different way of doing the medical stuff. Oh yeah, they changed the way you do the swim check paperwork if you did a pre camp swim check . You go to a different location entirely Aside from that...with 219 scouts attending, you would think that more than 9 leaders would show up just in case there were big changes or different requirements in place. But I suppose this is standard practice among leaders huh? Why should camp be any different than any other part of the program right?