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  1. Thanks to all of you who have posted replies containing information on other great camps that are nearby. I'm sure we'll be taking advantage of those!
  2. The Chicago Area Council has tonight voted to see off the entire 4,700 acres of the Owasippe camp near Muskegon, MI. CAC has owned this camp since 1911, and it has provided thousands of boys with a wonderful camping experience in a truly beautiful setting. Unfortunately, the CAC has let dollar signs cloud their visions of what scouting is truly about. This pristine, tranquil paradise will now suffer the scars of development, and our scouts in the Chicago Area Council will have one less camping possibility. In fact, the CAC now owns absolutely no camping facilities. For the past several years, many parties have tried to preserve this scout reservation for the future of our scouting program. Unforunately, the CAC has turned a deaf ear to these proposals, and has only been concerned with achieving top dollar for this camp. It is truly a sad day to be a scout or a scouter in the Chicago area.
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