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  1. I have been through five 21st Century courses on staff and one Cub Leader Wood Badge as participant. Each and every course very rewarding. I have read a great deal here about the course not giving Scouters enough experience with the patrol method. Although I believe understanding this part of the scouting program important, it is just one part, and I dont believe it is the primary focus of the course. What you must remember is that this course is not just for BS leaders, but for CS leaders, district leaders, even professionals. If the syllabus is properly followed, participants move through the course, as a boy would, first as cub scouts and then later boys scouts, and briefly experience Venturing. This is to give some continuity with the actual program, but the course is structured to teach leadership regardless of level or position. We have had participants in all positions attend, and many, in this past course nearly half, from the Cub Scout side. Since many of our Cub Scout leaders move on to become Boy Scout leaders, or district volunteers, I think the course proved a good balance of experience, not only of the patrol method, but parts they were familiar with, and skills needed by volunteers at all levels today. I was pleased to learn that many of the cub leaders now have a better understanding of boy scouting which helps them in their role of moving boys on. To avoid confusion, I think it is important that presenters include all levels of scouting in their references to the program. Focus on the boy-led idea, for sure, but also leave teaching the patrol method, and boys about a boy lead program to courses such as NYLT and outdoor skills. I have staffed NYLT twice and I am impressed how well the boys incorporate the lessons learned. Adults allowing the boys to apply the leadership skills learned at NYLT will understand soon enough the advantages of allowing the boys to leadespecially in regard to retention. It seems to me, some of the lessons taught at WB ("Leading Change" for one) have been forgotten, or ignored, by some folks in this posting. Remember, feedback is a gift...and feedback from the course will help keep the course relevant to Scouters today and in the future. Having observed 5 courses, Ive noted that each course has succeeded in its own ways, and the best ones followed the syllabus closelypaying attention to feedback during the course. WB is meant, I think to give leaders the tools they need to succeed as leaders regardless of position. Conflict resolution, communication, listening skills...heck, Ive found these useful in and outside of scouting. The ticket is what will benefit the program, assuming the focus of the ticket stays on scouting. WB models the patrol method. It is up to the leaders to apply the model in their troops.
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