Ok, I've been reading all your posts about Loosey-Goosey Troops and I can see all the different points of view from all the different "jobs" in scouting I've had. My problem, as a new COR, is that the current SM is just 'making time', but doesn't want to let go... He doesn't follow the training, doesn't want COR or CC interferring, yet we're losing boys and not getting any new ones into the troop. Now, as COR and, with the CC and the Pastor, we want to replace the scoutmaster and we've been trying to find guidelines for this, and I've been reading your posts about Loosey Goosey troops and I thought 'BINGO', here we go and this is part of the problem. I do attend the Church, I'm the COR and I was the CC before, when we first founded the troop. We got off to a great start, and then things happened, and it's been going downhill since then. Now, how do we 'rein' it in and fix the situation... And go back to what the troop was originally aiming for?
HG - Chicago