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Everything posted by scouter6

  1. okay, that could be possible. do you know of anyone that will give scouts a deal?
  2. anyone know where our troop can rent canoes and trailers up by St. Ignace, Mi in May? We are planning a campout just east of there and will need to haul the canoes to where we will be going.
  3. Our biggest age to lose Scouts is during Middle school years. It ain't cool, sports are really kicking off, teasing kicks in about scouts, fights get started. Then to high school-- freshman year- it starts to get easier about being a scout then easier as the years go. Partly due to the teachers that hear and know about the eagle rank. But some youth still don't want it broadcast-ed that he's a scout. Others are proud and don't care if its known. Some of the kids that did the teasing in middle school now would say- scouts eh? okay for you, that's your thing.
  4. that is true, but it's stage that some of the older boys get into. I'd like it if they would stay more in contact with the younger ones and get to know each other better.
  5. Thanks jet for a couple of ideas. We just hit 53 youth in the troop. We have 8 at 15+ and are working on their Eagle with 3 that have just earned it. The Jan. (winter) is a tubing/snowboard at a ski hill( they love this one). The Dec. and March is a cabin camp-out with not much planned by anyone. The other ones are tent camp-outs in the woods with one being attended by the Webelos. When asked, the older youth say they don't know what they want to do. And suggestions that have come up, get voted down. A couple ideas that they have had- they did not follow through with. As Jet526 says " happiest when left alone to do their own thing."
  6. "The planning weekend lays out the calendar for the upcoming year. It is mostly just what they want to do for a particular month - rather broad idea." We do this already. The area we seem to be lacking in, is in planning as to what will happen on the camp-out. The patrols will plan, buy and cook their own meals. Sometimes make a duty roster. I'm still looking for ideas that other troops do for older youth activities.
  7. What do you mean by planning and carryout the camp-out? Are they doing the leg work to getting the place for the camp-out and then plan all the activities? getting the list of who's going and making sure enough adults have signed-up? currently, the boys plan out the monthly camp-outs in feb and march for the following sept-august.
  8. that's part of the problem. Some don't want the responsibility, some feel that they are babysitting the younger ones, some don't want to be around the younger one's anymore. Our main camping season for the troop is Sept-May up here in Mich. They don't know what they really want to do on a camp-out. Suggesting the Scout themes haven't worked out so far. What have your youth done on camp-outs? I'm trying to get some ideas to bring back to them to take off from. The one winter camp-out they really enjoyed is the ski-slope where they go tubing and snowboarding.
  9. I'm a ASM, we would like to try and get more of our older youth onto the camp-outs. What kind of activities do you suggest/provide to get that excitement back into the camp-out for them? They seem to do the same thing over and over again, and are looking for for something more. But they are not sure what that is. ANY Ideas out there????
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