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Everything posted by scouter.claude

  1. Your probably right Vicki, it seems that in scouting we change the names of things and don't change much of the content.
  2. My council is one of a few to put on a pilot program using the Trainers Edge format. EDGE stands for Explain, Demonstrate, Guide and Enable. It is an 8 hour course, and I thought it was beneficial. I took the old TTT (Train the Trainer) many years ago so to compare the two I can't do. The new format covers a whole host of topics from how to deliver training to body language to putting on a sample training session. If you get chance to attend the course I would suggest you do.
  3. Help!!! I tried to view the DVD that came with the new syllabus and wow I don't know if the DVD is messed up or if I am. The slide jump from slide 1 to slide 10 than slide 100, 101, 102 and so on. I can pull up the PDF version which is ok but that does me no good. Is it me, my computer, or the DVD? Please help if you know anything about the problem.
  4. I have been comparing "NLE" and the new "CSLPS" syllabus, all of the info covered in NLE is covered in the first two parts of CSLPS without the references to Boy Scouting or Venturing. At the start of the training the "Scout Laws" are reviewed but there is no other mention of Boy Scouts. I know what Scouting Mag. says but that was 6 months ago and the latest vervion is just now out. All I know is what the chart states in the very first section of the syllabus. I have been reviewing it for several days now making comparisons between the two. If NLE is reruired after taking CSLPS than you would be covering the same material over. It is all included in the first two parts.
  5. Reference is made to New Leaders not existing leaders in the syllabus. There will be three parts to the program, first being Intro to Cub Scouting, second being How We Have Fun each being 45 minutes in duration. Finally there is the Leader Position Specific training which is 1 hours long. The six positions being trained are Tiger Cub D. L., Cub Scout D. L., Webelos D. L., Cubmaster, Pack Committee and Chair, and finally Pack Trainer. New Leader Essentials is not mentioned as a training course, only Fast Start, Youth Protection, the three parts listed above and Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelo Leaders. Baloo also wasnt mentioned. Several options for training are listed. Group training along with Boy Scout and Venturing Leaders but it says the Cub Scout Leaders will begin with Intro to Cub Scouting. This is different from the old New Leader Essential where all leaders were started together. They also suggest splitting up the training into several evenings with the first evening dedicated to Intro and How We Have Fun. District and Packs can put on the training in conjunction with each other, or the whole program being put on by a Pack Trainer. The idea isnt how do we get more leaders to training but how do we get more training to the leaders. I also read somewhere in the syllabus, but at this time I cant find it, that the leader must complete all of the training to be considered trained. From what I have reviewed it seems to be very good, most of the program is what was taught in the past just a different format.
  6. I was the Ranger Director for 3 years with our Districts day camp in the early 90's. I only had a problem with one Cub Scout and had to remove him from the range. We laid the law down the first day and all the scouts knew if they didn't follow directions they were out. We had close to 150 cubs those years and did BB's on Mon. Wend. and Fri. Archery on Tues. and Thurs. I hknow I had a great time and I hope the scouts did too.
  7. [Please re-post in the Issues & Politcs forum] (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  8. As stated in other posts, the problem isnt just Popcorn its no involvement. In the past I have tried having a parents night, remember to have refreshments and make it a fun event. Put on a mini training session where you describe each position, BSA standards as far as one person one position and so on. This might help. Good luck.
  9. I just wonder how many CEO Dan Beard had on board. Hummm
  10. Been there, done that. My ex-wife decided that getting our youngest son (who lived with her) to the troop meeting on Monday nights was just too hard. I offered to pick him up but was told it wasnt my night to have him. I was the Scout Master and our other two boys (who lived with me) were also in the troop. Not much can be done when an adult acts more like a child than the child. My youngest only made it to first class, unfortunately missed out on a lot of campouts and events, and eventually dropped out of scouting.
  11. I agree, it seems as if the BSA is stuck in the 50's on some issues. I often wonder if it has to do with who the majority of Charter Organizations are.
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