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  1. Eighteen years of age: old enough to commit to the service of our country, old enough to die in service of our country.
  2. Double drat. I did not see any signs of this virus yesterday, but it is definately back today. Help!
  3. A Pack I know of has done the following. They would have a non-BSA adult evening. This would happen usually in September. They would meet at someone's home, barbeque, have the option of adult beverages, and play card games or board games (Queen of Hearts, Pictionary, etc). There was no or little mention of scouting. It was a method of getting to know one another in a pleasant social gathering. Later on in the year, when folks were contacted to assist or help with a project, they were not strangers to each other. Contact and communication went more smoothly. Also, there had been the opportunity to possibly discover strengths and/or over-views of each other (single parent/ has a 15 seat van, etc). This didn't solve all their volunteer problems. But, they said that it did make it easier to recruit "new" help.
  4. In regards to being registered in more than one unit: there is the option of dual registration (happens for a number of reasons). It is my understanding that one is limited to the number of units (2?). In the council that I serve many youth are dual registered in units. Some are registered in a Troop and Crew, in 2 Troops, or in 2 Crews. (This does not "bump-up" membership numbers, they are still just counted as one member.)
  5. From my own first hand experience, this would totally depend on the individual COR (for that specific ward and church). My sons and I are not LDS members, but were registered and participated with an LDS troop (and team and Crew) for years. That same troop still has many non-LDS members.This particular ward did not register every young male member of their ward. At rechartering they would drop those who did not participate, LDS member or not. I have close LDS friends in our council who chose to not join their ward's BSA units, and joined a local non-LDS-chartered Troop. In their case, their ward's scouting units were mostly "paper only" and they chose another unit for that reaon. (Sometimes trying to redirect or rebuild from within is not a reasonable choice). Within both the council and district that I serve, the LDS units vary just as much as all the other various chartered units.
  6. another place to get the information would be at U.S. Scouting. usscouts.org/aboutbsa/bsa-mappp.html I love google.
  7. Gp to: www.lastfrontiercouncil.org/bsa-councils.htm they have posted a list with all the councils and their numbers. Your unit charter has your council number on it, so should your membership card, I believe. Does this help?
  8. I asked my DE this afternoon about B.R.'s query, hosting/running the district (council also??) PWD and also running a concession whereby the Pack might raise funds for their pack. In our district there would not be a conflict. I imagine that each council views this differently. For instance, we have a troop organizing our District Camporee. The same unit is running a food concession and will be retaining any profit from the concession. The Camporee budget does not include the food concession. (BTW, this troop did the same thing last year.) There is no conflict between troop, district, and council over this, our Council has not objected or voiced any demands for concession "profits". I agree with Scoutnut and Lisabob. Sounds like your pack will have to drop the concession. Bummer.
  9. ok, I have a confession. I do secretly long for a simple teardrop. But, it's not a pop up.
  10. When I came on (twice) yesterday and then again this morning, I did not encounter any pop ups.
  11. In the District that I serve, our DE will print out a scout net report for any youth (or adult). The youth may ask, or an adult may ask. The scout net report has the advancements and trainings that the council has recorded.
  12. Go to page two of this topic or page one, there is a link in there. If I didn't need to look it up, I would repost it here. Hope to see you there It took me a long time to jump through the hoops with my slow dial up, but it worked eventually.
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