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Everything posted by scoutdad61

  1. I have just spent the better part of an hour reading this thread. I am utterly amazed and somewhat ashamed at the behavior some of you have displayed toward one another in this forum! Would those of you who have thrown names and slurs at each other do that in front of your scouts? If so, shame on you! At the start of our troop meetings we line up for colors and then as an entire troop recite the scout oath and law, it reminds all of us, boys as well as adults, that we must all live by these principals or the program fails. I now ask you, would any of you want ANY of your scouts to read this thread and see how some of these leaders have spoken to one another?? If you can't agree on what National means by the requirments for letters of recommendation and how to deal with them should they not be received, then continue to do what works best for your troop, district, or council. But do not continue to display un-scout like behavior in a forum that is meant to bring people together to share ideas and maybe learn something new. Debate is good, what some of you have done here is deplorable. With that said, good day all. Scouts Lead the Way
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