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How was Woodruff ?
Anyone going to Woodruff SR this summer 2012?
Be_Prepared replied to Tampa Turtle's topic in Summer Camp
how was your week at Woodruff ? -
Woodruff Scout Reservation - North Georgia Mtns - Atlanta Area Council - 8 weeks. In addition there is 1 Venture Week
Check out this one http://www.campagenda.com
Obama not speaking in person at Jambo
Be_Prepared replied to shortridge's topic in Going to the next Jamboree?
Following are presidents that have attended National Jamborees 1937 - Franklin D. Roosevelt 1950 - Harry Truman 1960 - Dwight D. Eisenhower 1964 - Lyndon B. Johnson 1989 - George Bush 1997 - Bill Clinton 2005 George Bush In 2001, George Bush was unable to attend due to inclement weather on the night originally scheduled, and had a schedule conflict on the rescheduled night. Ronald Regans 2nd polyp surgery was July 13, 1985 - before the Jamboree (July 24 - 30). He hosted a State Dinner July 23, followed by a trip to Camp David, so would have been well enough to travel -
GEOCACHING MB Requirements Released by National Council
Be_Prepared replied to John-in-KC's topic in Advancement Resources
Does anyone know where to get the Merit Badge ID number and an image of the badge ? Thanks -
To answer your original question - who can conduct a swim test for a unit swim - Any conscientious adult who is familiar with basic swimming strokes and who understands and abides by the guidelines can administer the test. The guidelines being the statement of the swimmer test - Jump feet first into water over the head, level off, and begin swimming. Swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: side, breast, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy, resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be completed without stops and must include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating. Now to the other question - who can give a pre camp swim test for summer camp - Aquatics Instructor, BSA; Cub Scout Aquatics Supervisor; BSA Lifeguard; certified (Red Cross, YMCA or other similar certification) lifeguard; swimming instructor; or swim coach - however - the camp aquatics director can accept or reject any or all of the swimmers for whatever reason - and have everyone redo the test at camp. He/She has the final word.
pre camp swim tests are definitely the way to go, if the aquatics director allows it. The camp I am associated with has over 800 scouts per week, plus several hundred leaders - so Sunday afternoon at the waterfront gets busy. About half use pre-camp checks some week. Just having the buddy tags filled in alone is a time saver !
Need some help. Looking for a song to use at a camporee campfire - a song that has some audience participation - sort of on the lines of "grand old duke of york." Anybody got a good one they've seen ?
The troop I work with has always gone to two camps - one in early June, and the other in mid July. The troop is about 70 registered scouts. About 50 go to the first camp, and about 25 to the second. Some scouts go to both, some go to one, some the other. One is in council, the other out of council. There's ususally 1 or 2, sometimes 3 high adventure trips during the summer. Some scouts do everything, others just high adventure. There are enough active adults around to support all this. This gives scouts that can't make one camp the chance to go to the other - or scouts that want to work on merit badges different opportunities
For wigwag, the Figure 8 is used so the flags don't wrap around the pole. If you take a flag from the 12 oclock position, then wave it down to the left, then back to 12 o'clock, it has a tendancy to loop around the pole - so for 3 dahs, you might wrap it around 3 times. If you wave it down in a figure 8 pattern, you can keep the flag from furling. Most of the scouts I work with can pick this up pretty quickly.
BSA Lifeguard has not been replaced. The two courses, "Swimming and Water Rescue" and "Paddle Craft Safety" were announced in 2009 and are new courses. Oddly enough, unit swims do not require a certified lifeguard - only someone 21 or older who accepts responsibility. The Swimming and Water Rescue gives training for that purpose BSA Lifeguard was enhanced, and is designed for professional lifeguards - resident summer camp staff, for example.
Change in BSA Health and Medical Form
Be_Prepared replied to BrentAllen's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Sorry, ignore my last response. I was looking at another change that happened, not body fat % addition. As you were -
Change in BSA Health and Medical Form
Be_Prepared replied to BrentAllen's topic in Open Discussion - Program
The was announced and released almost a year ago. There are a number of threads about this. Here's one that discusses this alot http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=222035#id_222345 -
Well - supposedly he said: Man, Nation, Maiden Please call it Baden. Further, for Powell Rhyme it with Noel
I generally play it in about 23 seconds ( that's leaving out the 4 measures at the end, during the repeat ) - which makes it the shortened version. If the flag is still being raised/lowered when I get there, I give it the full - which adds about 5 seconds to the call.
Answers as follows: 1) Unit Swim - as stated - no "lifeguard" is even needed 2) Only BSA Aquatics Instructor can pass off BSA Lifeguard 3) Red Cross lifeguard can be lifesaving or swimming MB Counselor 4) Crossover Challange - for Red Cross or other to become BSA Lifeguard. Must demonstrate ALL requirements. 5) Recert from existing BSA Lifguard to new 2009 BSA Lifeguard. Must demonsrate ALL requirements, except the 2 hour lifeguard session
Woodruff has a private lake ( 80 acres ) with its own dam, and fed by numerous springs. The drought ( which I think is over ) has had no effect. The camp, though, last year, added a 2nd well to supply water for troop sites, as a precaution. No effect on aquatics programs. Late June will be cool at night, no bugs.
As stated earlier, the First Aid merit badge is to be earned as part of the overall requirements of E Prep, just like any other requirement of the badge, to be done in any order, unless stated. There are very few merit badges with other merit badges as a pre requisite. If there is one, it is stated in the requirement. The only merit badge like that to come to mind is Whitewater, which has this statement: WHITWATER: Before doing requirements 4 through 13 earn the Canoeing merit badge if you will be using a canoe to earn this merit badge. As opposed to the E Prep Statement E PREP: Earn the First Aid Merit Badge.
2009 Requirements ( I have not seen them online anywhere ) Prerequisites Before doing requirements 6 through 25, complete the following: 1. Submit proof of age. You must be at least 15 years old to participate. 2. Submit written evidence of fitness for swimming activities (signed health history). 3. Swim continuously for 550 yards, including at least 100 yards each of the following strokes in good form: front crawl, breaststroke, elementary backstroke, and sidestroke. 4. Immediately following the above swim, tread water for two minutes. 5. Starting in the water, swim 20 yards using a front crawl or breaststroke, surface dive 7 to 10 feet, retrieve a 10-pound object, surface, swim with the object 20 yards back to the starting point, and exit the water, all within 1 minute, 40 seconds. Requirements Complete the following requirements within a 120-day period: 6. Demonstrate reaching assists from the deck using an arm, a rescue tube, and a pole. 7. Demonstrate throwing assists using a throw bag and a ring buoy with a line attached. Throw each device such that the line lands within reach of a conscious subject 30 feet from shore. 8. Demonstrate: a) Rescue of a conscious subject in deep water using a rescue board, kayak, rowboat, canoe, or other rescue craft that would be available at your local facility. b) Repeat for an unconscious subject. 9. Demonstrate an entry and front approach with a rescue tube to a conscious subject in deep water 30 feet away from shore. Extend the rescue tube within the grasp of the subject and then tow the subject back to the entry point, providing direction and reassurance throughout. 10. Demonstrate an entry and rear approach with a rescue tube to a conscious subject in deep water 30 feet away from shore. Grasp the victim from behind using a scoop technique under the arms to support the subject against a rescue tube squeezed between the victims back and the rescuers chest. Reassure the subject and tow the subject to shore. 11. Demonstrate use of a rescue tube to assist two subjects grasping each other. 12. Demonstrate both front and rear head-hold escapes from a subjects grasp. 13. Demonstrate a feet-first entry in deep water with a rescue tube and swim an approach stroke 25 yards within 25 seconds while trailing the tube. 14. Demonstrate an entry and front approach with a rescue tube to a face-down unconscious subject at or near the surface in deep water. Use a wrist tow to place the subject face-up on the rescue tube and use a one-arm tow to the closest point of safety. 15. Demonstrate an entry and rear approach with a rescue tube to a face-down unconscious subject at or near the surface in deep water. Use a scoop technique to position the rescue tube between the subject and the rescuers chest, then either lean back or rotate to bring the subject face-up. Tow the subject to the nearest point of safety using either a two-arm tow or switching to a one-arm tow. BSA Lifeguard Instructor Manual7 16. Demonstrate an entry and approach with a rescue tube for use when an unconscious subject is submerged face-down at or near the bottom in 6 to 8 feet of water. Bring the subject to the surface and tow to the nearest point of safety. 17. Remove a subject from the water using each of the following techniques in the appropriate circumstances with the aid of a second rescuer: a) Vertical lift at the edge of a pool or pier using a backboard b) Walking assist c) Beach drag 18. Participate in multiple-rescuer search techniques appropriate for a missing subject in murky water: a) Line search in shallow water b) Underwater line search in deep water without equipment c) Underwater line search in deep water with mask and fins 19. Demonstrate head-splint (extended arm rollover) in-line stabilization for a face-down subject with suspected spinal injury in very shallow water (18 inches or less). 20. Demonstrate head-splint in-line stabilization for a suspected spinal injury in shallow water (waist to chest deep): a) For a face-up subject b) For a face-down subject 21. Demonstrate head and chin support in-line stabilization for a suspected spinal injury in shallow water (waist to chest deep): a) For a face-up subject b) For a face-down subject 22. Demonstrate in-line stabilization for a suspected spinal injury in deep water, swim the subject to shallow water, confirm vital signs, and with the assistance of three others, remove the subject from the water using a backboard with straps and a head immobilization device. 23. Correctly answer 80 percent of the questions on the BSA Lifeguard written test covering Safe Swim Defense, aquatics procedures at BSA camps, guard duties, emergency action plans, surveillance, and water rescue. Review any incomplete or incorrect answers. 24. Show evidence of current training in American Red Cross First Aid (valid for three years) and American Red Cross CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer (valid for one year) or equivalent (includes any training for a camp health officer recognized by BSA national camp standards). 25. Serve as a lifeguard, under supervision, for at least two separate BSA swimming activities for a combined time of two hours. Afterward, discuss the experience with the lifeguarding instructor.
Here's the CPR Requirement Show evidence of current training in American Red Cross First Aid (valid for three years) and American Red Cross CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer (valid for one year) or equivalent (includes any training for a camp health officer recognized by BSA national camp standards). The Aquatics Supervision courses are designed for unit leaders holding unit swims or boating activities The BSA Lifeguard is designed to train lifeguard for resident camps As to what you need, it depends on what you're planning to do. The current BSA guidelines today allow for a unit swim with nothing more than a 21 year that says "I'm in charge" and has done the online Safe Swim Defense. No formal training - just get two guys to act as lifeguards. The Aquatics Supervision courses fill the need of giving some training for swims and boating.
In regards to the Aquatics Supervision Courses. These are both hands on, skill oriented courses. About 8 hours or so each, and are taught by a BSA Aquatics Instructor. Certification lasts 3 years. The purpose of these courses is to give unit leaders ( and youth 16 or older ) the skills to conduct unit swims and boating activities. Neither is now required for unit aquatics activities, but recommended. Key an eye out, because they may be required on down the road. Requirements for both were just recently released, so many summer camps probably won't be set up to handle them this year. Also, they may not have the skill set to teach them, since Aquatics Instructor is required. Many summer camps may also drop teaching BSA Lifeguard, again, since the focus has changed, the age requirement increased, the time needed increased, and the CPR Professional requirement added. Some camps probably do not have the resources to do this.
On a side note - the link that was posted earlier referenced the old requirements. BSA Lifeguard has changed. It is now focused on training lifeguards for work, such as summer camp, and not for troop swimming. The two new Aquatics Supervision Courses do training for troop work ( Paddle Craft and Water Rescue ) Age requirements are now 15 to start, and involve more training. In addition, CPR for Professional is required.
The troop I work with had a scout last year that did not want one either. The scoutmaster presented it to him at his house after church one Sunday. Just his family and a few friends were there. We've had formal COHs, casual ones. One scout had a bar-b-que dinner for his. One scout invited a few friends, had a hike up to the top of a local mountain, and had his ECOH there.
The troop I work with does not. Our local summer camp does not have camper program expenses needed during the week, so the only money needed would be trading post / snack bar items - or items for handicraft, which they buy on Monday. We encourage parents not to give them a bunch of money to take, since they don't really need it. Several reasons we don't: 1) We take a large group ( 50 + ) to camp, so it would be a lot to manage 2) It does encourage keeping up with your money, and the downside is minimal, i.e. - if you lose it or spend it early - you can't buy a coke later in the week. Other summer camps I've seen have expenses, such as money for rifle, shotgun, archery, etc. that are collected during the week at camp. I could see how a leader may want to take up and hold that money - since it is for program