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Everything posted by ScottShelhart

  1. Hi all. My name is Scott Shelhart. I am the new Cubmaster for Sagamore council Indiana pack 3160. I am also the Webelos leader (my boy's den) My mother was a girl scout leader for my older sister. I was camping with the girl scouts before I was old enough to join Cubscouts. When I did reach the age, I joined the Cubs, and my Mom became my den leader. She was my leader up through my Bear rank. I earned my AOL as a Webelos scout, and then moved to the local Boy Scout troop (#157). I had a great leader, Mr. Fred Kennedy. Both of his boys made Eagle. So did many others. I think there were 5 of us in my Eagle cerimony in 1981. It's now 20+ years later, and now I'm the leader. I'm out here in cyberspace looking for information on how to best help my pack learn and have fun. Thanks. Scott
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