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Everything posted by scorpionace

  1. oh i,m telling you said ASS! I,M Offended (well, when I got started I was going to edit the word ASS, not that its that bad actually, but just as a hint that scorpionace should shape up, then I saw the member closed account thing and figure this may be a fitting final posting so I will leave it OGE (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  2. smart mouths get smart answers ok i cant stand to hear you cry i will go away boohooo go ahead lil sheep follow the leader don like it when it dosnt go your way i bet you taddled in school too i wont see you later (OGE here, all I did was reduce the size of the word Boohoo, the original was so long it went off the page (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  3. You know, some people never get the hint to cease and desist. OGE here (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  4. yep i think i will start a (new world scout troop) and all fund raising monies will be 110% invested in youth activities. But one thing for certain it won't be a part of the (good ole boys clubs) I already got 3 parents and 8 kids intrested just gotta draw up the laws and by-laws and get the 501 c 3 fish and or camp every 3rd week end
  5. trolls ? don,t they hide in the shadows of bridges and eat lil sheep SHHHHHHHHHHH Don,t wake the troll
  6. have a piece of pie little sheep with some crust and nuts it will make you feel better BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  7. WOW!!! Sheep with hoof in mouth baaaaaa baaaaaaaa poor sheep
  8. cheesy corn bread chili pie Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good on a cold camp out. ya make it in a dutch oven. warm ya up fill ya up but watch out for the gas don't light a match in your tent
  9. Maybe the government needs to take over it like auto industry. i wonder if the BSA CEOs have private jets???? Really they should get audited from the top to the very roots
  10. I agree with Greg Nelson his eyes are open about the lil scam they have going
  11. Whats that BAAAAAAAAAAAAA! BAAAAAAAAAAAAA! The sheep are angry! Poor sheep
  12. what the matter? truth hurts huh a non profit org ceo shouldn't get a million a year i,m not saying all of scouting is bad just some bad eggs think about it sell popcorn,candy bars make lots of profit from the kids labor and the the parents still have to spend hundreds $$$ for camping? and what do the kids get oh wow a patch made in china just like the uniforms cheap labor over inflated cost then you have friends of scouting wanting donations and they will give you a cheap coffee cup or something. the money sure don't go towards the kids Then there is the clear cutting of timber on donated scout land somebody is sure making the money.and like a bunch of sheep you play follow the leader no matter if it makes since or not then get all upset because someone voices a negative opinion. let see last time i checked this is still America and we have freedom of speech or do we?? don't like it dont read it.
  13. I caught them with there hands in the cookie jar and saint louis is turning a blind eye to them
  14. B.S.A B ack S tabing A ssociation $$$ spend spend spend $$$ C E Os with big fat wallets Don,t spend much on the kids So much corruption wont last for another 100 years SCOUT LEADERS WITH SWELLED HEADS BIG EGOS STEELING FROM OUR YOUTH that is what southern Illinois has become
  15. (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  16. Also the scoutmaster and his wife is also the unit commissioner and the asst d c I,ve known for a long time and is a yes man and as smart as a sack of rocks! LOL So does this mean absolute power corrupts absolutely ??? Guess I will have to bite my tong. But I will be very cautious of fundraisers. Without one volunteer parent and me the boys wouldn't have any hikes. Scout master is in his 70s smokes like a chimney and has had 3 back surgeries. The assistant scoutmaster is very much over weight and cant walk much father than 50 feet before losing his breath and sitting down {however he is extremely talented on crafts and merit badge advancements.} One thing for certain I wont let the kids down I too was a scout but my troop had lots of fun and adventure. thanks for the info and letting me vent my problems and pick your brains most you guys are very knowledgeable and some are full of bull. but thats ok. Ive got a cool head and go with the flow
  17. Hey has anyone noticed were most the uniforms are now being made??? From child labor camps in you gUessed it CHINA. Guess the big wigs need more money. We don't want them{CEOs of the BSA} to need a government bail out too huh.
  18. No bones to pick. Been a volunteer since my boy was a cub. He is now a troop leader and he sometimes has one of the misbehaving boys to do this didn't want him to get in trouble, ya know! Just needed input. thx everyone
  19. thx everyone's comments are helpful. My position in the troop is a committee member. the committee chair is the treasure. I have a boy in the troop and he has recruited over half the boys here. I will be more Leary of any more fund raisers and suggest a different account.
  20. Our scoutmaster and the treasurer recently bought a very used (has large hole in bulkhead) box end trailer for a whopping $2000.00 from the treasurers brother in-law. You can buy a new one for $2500.00. They also refuse to show what is left in the bank nor a bank statement to the committee. Shame on them for not using the money on the scouts. After all the scouts were the ones that worked to make that money. Is there anything we can do???
  21. is push ups or sit ups used as punishment considered as carpal punishment?
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