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schroeder's Achievements

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  1. As a first year Webelos leader, I was faced with this challenge as well. What I decided to do was to create a sign up sheet for the school year showing each Webelos activity badge section based on the Webelos Scout Leader Handbook and broke them out by month. Within each month I listed the estimated meeting dates. Then, I had a parents meeting where I told them I couldn't do it all and would need them to take a look at the list, review the different month's activities and then sign up to host at least one meeting, more if possible, in months where they had an interest in the activity. I got very good feedback. Two weeks ago, within Showman, one of the moms, who is a professional singer, hosted the meeting and had one of her bandmates there with instruments, microphones, etc.. It was a ball!. This week, in Craftsman, one of the dads, who is a plumber, is hosting the meeting. Another dad has signed up for two meetings that have to do with Fitness and Athlete. And, so on. It works on several levels. First, I'm off the hook for four or five weeks, at least. Second, the parents really like it. Third, the boys are given an opportunity to "show off" their homes, their parents and their leadership. It becomes kind of a bonding experience for the den.
  2. A suggestion from our Cubmaster for our Webelos was to give them Den Chief duties at the pack meetings--assign a Webelo scout to each of the younger dens to keep the other boys in check. BUT, this was just a suggestion and as of yet we have not implemented it. It does help them to develop leadership and by extension, keeps the Webelos in check as well. I agree with the skit ideas--we just completed Showman by building a puppet stage from a refrigerator box, making the puppets, writing the script and then performing at the pack meeting. They got the activity badge all in one fell swoop and they were very excited to be performing. The feedback afterwards was great for them as well.
  3. Scouts4me, thank you very much for your assistance in this. Fortunately, our council headquarters are not far from where I work so I will head over there today and see if they have the booklet. I appreciate you taking the time to contact your Webelos leaders on this, as well. And, you're right, it does take some time to grasp the Webelos requirements. We'll keep plugging away until we get it right...
  4. Thanks, Scouts4me, for responding and trying to help. The booklet I'm referring to is in the Fitness section and is part of earning that activity badge, which is required to get the Webelos badge. After posting my request, I found a Scout site that said that this booklet is available out of Dallas for $20 per 100. Needless to say, I don't need 100 of them for my five boy den. Also, apparently, this latest booklet is a new release replacing another one that was used to satisfy this requirement. Any help you can provide is much appreciated.
  5. Try this website: http://www.lighthousedistrict.org/links.htm. It may take you to where you can find the activity.
  6. Try this website: http://www.lighthousedistrict.org/links.htm. It may take you to where you can find the activity.
  7. Our Webelos are required to read the "Take A Stand Against Drugs" booklet, but it's nowhere to be found. Does anyone have a copy I can buy from them or is there a place on the internet that I can download it from?
  8. The most cost effective and successful way I've found is to join a Toastmasters group in your area. Most Toastmasters groups are very affordable and the choice of times for meetings vary widely. Try www.toastmasters.org to find a club in your area. Visit a few clubs and see which one works best for you, both timewise and philosophically. I've seen persons who couldn't say their name in front of a group become very accomplished and innovative speakers in short order due to Toastmasters.
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