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Is Wood Badge over as we know it?
scamp replied to wrhatfield's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I support Barry's assessment of Wood Badge for the 21st Century. As one of the early posters on this thread almost a year ago, and as a staff member on the first "new" course offered in our council, Wood Badge now offers advanced leadership skill training to all Scout positions. The techniques taught in 21st Century Wood Badge mirror exactly those used in the business world for the past several years. Its great to see Scouting move in that direction too! Although I felt our particular course had a little trouble integrating the Cub Scouters, I think that challenge will be overcome in time. All the experienced staff on our course were experienced Boy Scout Wood Badgers, so they were having a some difficulty fitting the new syllabus into their Wood Badge experience. It sounds like many other councils are not having that trouble. -
Our Cub Scout Adventureland hopes to build a replica of Lewis and Clark's Ft. Clatsop by next summer. When not being used for summer camp, the facility will hopefully be used for several community events relating to the Expedition, such as demonstrations of cooking and other activities of that time period, presentations on animals and plants in our area and native american populations of that time. Since we are far from the original trail, all activities will be geared for our location (southwest Michigan) but to the time period of the Lewis and Clark expedition. You can check out the Ft. Clatsop website and also the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commission website for more information and ideas. Good luck!
I think "by the book," the District Training Chair had no choice but to deny the Tiger Cub award. I was in the position of having to deny awards because the leaders only put down that they had served in the position from September through the following year (the school year, which is when the program ended from their point of view), and not the full 12 month tenure. However, I think the CC should appeal to the Council Training Committee and see what happens. I really like NJCubScouter's suggestion that some Cub Scout leader awards should be modified to recognize service at different levels of the pack at the same time. I know when the award requirements were modified a few years back to clarify the "registered in the position" requirement, the intent was to get more people involved and recognize their commitment to one position at a time. But I'll bet many packs have to deal with this same frustrating situation and a good leader is being denied recognition he truly deserves.
Scouting at all program levels is a 12 month program. Parents pay annual dues and families deserve a 12 month program. Therefore, it is not wrong, and it is encouraged to have a year-round program. If that is to include den meetings and pack meetings, good for you! Most packs do not because they can't get the leaders to commit to continuing through the summer. Everyone wants a break. That is why many packs offer several summer activities that are not den or pack meetings, so they can offer a program and to earn the Pack Summertime award. Check out the requirements for the Den Award in your Cub Scout Leader Book. It's been awhile since I read it, but this award is to encourage dens to maintain a 12 month program, I think. If you have the energy, time, leadership support, and interested families to hold den and pack meetings throughout the year, go for it! You just may want to be flexible about attendance in the summer.
The crossing over ceremony or bridging ceremony is a sore spot for me, since it appears many packs mis-use it. The crossing over ceremony is to recognize only those boys who have committed to joining a troop and they are "crossing over" the bridge to Boy Scouting. The Arrow of Light ceremony is obviously for Webelos who have earned the AOL. So, in my opinion, if it is done correctly, a pack may have up to 3 ceremonies. First an AOL for those who have earned it. Secondly, a pack may want to have some kind of graduation ceremony to recognize those who have completed Cub Scouting. Finally, a crossing over ceremony, with representatives of the troop(s) present to greet their new members as they cross-over to Boy Scouting. I frankly think that boys (and their families) who have made the commitment to continue Scouting deserve special recognition. However, many packs are reluctant to just ignore all the other Webelos (I guess that is part of our society's current initiative to ensure that everyone is treated equally and made to feel good about themselves, no matter what they did or did not do, but that is a different "soap box." :-)). My solution is the pack graduation ceremony. It may not be possible, practical or necessary to hold so many different ceremonies at one pack meeting. Pack leaders may have to carefully discuss how to proceed. Cross-over ceremonies, to be most effective, need coordination with the receiving troops. I believe it should be impressive and in front of the whole pack, so the Cubs get the impression that becoming a Boy Scout and joining a troop IS something special and deserving of special recognition. Thank you for listening and I apologize to those who have heard this from me before.
Do Tiger Cubs still have a separate promise and motto, or do they now start learning the Cub Scout Promise and Law of the Pack right away, since we now have Tiger Cub dens and den leaders?
LauraMO-- The rumor you heard may be partially correct, depending on what it said. I attended the BSA National Conference in early June and attended a workshop led by two members of the National Cub Scout Committee on Outdoor Activities. Based on my notes: The following have now been added to the list of approved activities for Cub Scouts: skateboarding, snowboarding, snorkeling, hockey, flag football, and pack overnighters. This information will appear in the new editions of the Wolf, Bear, and Webelos handbooks which should be out during 2003. New sport belt loops and pins have been approved for ice skating, roller skating (roller blading, inline skating), snow ski and board sports and flag football. The new requirements will be out soon, but ONLY after the Scout Supply Center is equipped to provide the belt loops and pins. Requirements for the shooting belt loops and pins have been modified. The new requirements will be published during this fall to enable groups to be ready for summer camp 2003. A new revision of the Leaders book for Academics and Sports is due out in a year or so. So stayed tuned. Keep checking with your district and council trainers and your council program person for current information. We were told in no uncertain terms that the requirements for the new loops will not be available until BSA can supply the belt loops and pins to go along with them. Good luck!
When we really got into Scouting in 1988 we were stationed at NAS Signella, Sicily. We had the opportunity to interact with the Italian Scouts at several activities. Italian Scouting is generally co-ed from the beginning. One event we visited was a camp-out with Scouts and Scouters, male and female, all together at one place, from the youngest to the teenagers. There are several subtle differences in the Italian structure (they have almost no paid staff, everything is run by volunteers), but overall, it worked. I think it can work here too. While BSA and GSUSA have long had a good relationship, the bottom line is that the Girl Scouts do not offer the same kind of program that the BSA does, and some girls want that. Secondly, without trying to get on the homosexuality/duty to God issues (that's another discussion thread!), the GSUSA have NOT taken the stance that BSA has, and that makes a difference to some people!! My Scout Executive (whom I trust to be mostly in the know) has indicated that there is a new all-girls organization forming that follows more of the BSA line and that it could become quite popular. My personal opinion is that we will see more and more co-ed programing, but that it will be very gradual. But I also agree with the many posters who state that girls and boys do act differently in co-ed vs. single-sex situations and that there are pros and cons to both.
OK, you got me on a bunch of these. I read that Boyce was travelling THROUGH London on his way to Africa, when he was helped by the unknown Scout. He met with Baden-Powell on his way back through London to the U.S. In other words, he did not go to London to meet B-P. He didn't know anything about Scouting until the legendary fateful night in the fog. One source I read suggested that Boyce had an ulterior motive for promoting Scouting in the U.S. -- a ready-made corps of newspaper delivery boys for his newspaper! I thought the plaid on the Woodbadge neckercheif was connected to the gentleman who donated Gilwell Park to the Scouts? I didn't think it had anything to do with B-P's plaid, if he even had one. I thought the original Woodbadge beads were from a huge necklace GIVEN to B-P by an African chieftain (not taken from a deceased one) as a sign of respect for B-P. Wish I had my official BSA History of Woodbadge book here at work with me to see what it says about these things! I believe the book is out of print now, but has some good stuff in it.
Which Usually Comes First - COR/CC or SM?
scamp replied to andrews's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I have to agree with andrews. In my experience, the success of the troop usually started with an individual willing to be SM and the rest went from there, but I know it doesn't always work that way. In an ideal situation, the CO would seek out Scouting for its youth and build the unit from there. I have never yet been involved in a unit where the CO is actively involved in recruiting adult volunteers. Most say, we are OK with you here, but we can't provide leaders. So far, every unit I have been with, the leaders are recruited from the parents. And, surprisingly, in most of the units I have had experience with, very, very few of the families in the unit are associated with the CO. Strange, uh? I certainly wish it wasn't that way! -
I agree with those posters who recommend giving their gift directly to their council and not through the United Way. In our area one United Way said they would not accept donations for Boy Scouts because the council refused to sign the non-discrimination agreement. So, lo and behold, that United Way's total donations DROPPED because people reacted by donating directly to the council. I also heard that even if you designate your United Way donation to Boy Scouts, all monies will be put in one big pot and distributed. So keep giving to United Way if you want to support a broad range of organizations, but if you want to make sure that BSA gets your gift, give it directly to them (or do both -- some to United Way and some to BSA -- in amounts that are comfortable for you).
Great ideas to keep the merit badge program interesting and relevant. I think working new technology into an existing merit badge is good. I also think we should try to incorporate the teaching of Morse Code and other signalling methods into the program again, maybe as part of the Communications merit badge. Movies like "Independence Day" point out the foolishness of relying on our technology too much. Part of survival is not having electricity and technological gadgets.
Go for it! I have heard of many others that were volunteers and then got into the professional scouting end. It can be done. I also recommend that you speak to some trusted members of your current professional staff. The hours are long. As a professional you must mostly make yourself available when your volunteers and the Scouting activities are scheduled -- that means weekends and evenings. As pointed out, moving up the career ladder means relocating, so your family needs to be good with this. Finally, make sure you understand how your performance will be judged. A professional has to be the consummate people person. You have to sell Scouting to potential charter partners (for new units), donors (to meet fund-raising goals) and volunteers (to meet membership goals. Good luck!!
When my son turned 18, he became an ASM and went to summer camp with the troop that summer. Since then, his interest has waned because he is away at college and feels he doesn't have a connection with the newer scouts. I continue to hope that he will want to get involved again sometime. I believe the 18 year olds who are not interested in participating in a Venture Crew can serve as effective ASMs if they worked well with the younger boys previously. They can be a big help as role models and mentors.
Opinions on Patrol(Den) vs. Troop(Pack) Fundraising
scamp replied to ScouterPaul's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I'm afraid I don't totally agree with eisley on this one. My purpose for suggesting ScouterPaul contact the DE or Council office was to get confirmation of the BSA policy on fund-raising. However, eisley's suggestion of contacting the unit commissioner to ask questions and clarify the situation is the first person to contact. The unit committe does not have the authority to circumvent or change BSA policies, just as they do not have the authority to change advancement requirements. Therefore, this is an issue that goes beyond the committee if there is some confusion. In other words, if the committe does not know or understand BSA policies/rules, then someone better find out! BSA has clear policies describing money-earning activities, when it is appropriate to wear the uniform, advancement requirements, membership requirements and others. I also agree with eisley that this particular situation may go beyond just money-earning issues, but programming issues. Why should one den need to earn more money than the rest of the pack? These are issues that should start at the committee level, but if there is a question of what is the correct policy, there are resources beyond the committee.