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  1. in our troop we will pay a portion of the fee. The yr i took wb, we had $200 in the adult training budget. 3 of us took wb same yr and we split it 3 ways. When our current SM took wb, 3 yrs later, we paid half. Reimbursement is after the course is completed. Our council has scholarships available up to 1/3 of cost. Our course directors feel strongly that the participant needs to have some financial stake in the matter. Used to be a bear SR517
  2. We had the same problem getting members to access our site. our SM would tell everyone to go to meritbadge.com and i'd try to counter with - there's a link on our website.
  3. In our district, Cub Scout Family Weekends are organized by the Packs with help from the Commissioner Staff. The responsibility for chairing the event rotates among the packs or may fall to the Commissioner Staff. On the BS side, the annual Klondike Derby is led by a scouter from a troop. Its a 2 yr committment. Responsibility rotates btwn troops.
  4. Gulf Stream Council SR-819 Feb 23-25, 2007 Mar 16-18, 2007 Both weekends held at Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation $205 www.gulfstreamwoodbadge.com
  5. We had an issue at summer camp this yr and find it necessary to dust off the ol' bylaws. Several months ago, someone posted a parents guide/adult patrol manual. I tried searching archives without luck. Can anybody repost it or send the link. thanks.
  6. We have a contingent of 40 going from Aal-Pa-Tah Lodge 237 (Florida). Our ceremonies team is looking forward to competing at the national level. We also have a large group of dancers. The rest of the guys go for training, fellowship and, of course, patch trading. See ya in 2 wks. sandy
  7. We have visited the space center as a troop once or twice. Camped at Jetty Park.
  8. Last yr we had coffee mugs with course #. This yr we had plastic thermal mugs w/lids that had course logo (axe and log and beads and course number). Same logo was used on hats and T shirts. Sandy ASM Fac SR743 Used to be a bear SR517
  9. Does anybody have a powerpoint-type jeopardy game? I have seen this used at other seminars and would be interested in using it at WB this yr. sandy SR734 ASM facilities/AV
  10. Can anybody give me the "outdated" cub scout jeopardy questions. I'd like to see if they were updated in the new syllabus. thanks.
  11. How about the set of bears from Jambo. I got them, kept one for myself and gave the others to guys on WB staff this yr. I also bought the one from NOAC last yr. Its good to be a bear! Sandy Grinnin' Bear SR517 staff SR707, SR743
  12. We have also used Cool Runnings and Miracle.
  13. If the food this yr was better than in 01, I'm glad I was here this yr! At best it was "camp food". If you wanted to be on a diet, this was the place to be with the portion controls in place. I was at trading post (B for best!). I'd go back and do it again. Even though we worked 18 days straight, I'd probably go back there again. We had the best group of people to work with.
  14. We're getting picked up at the airport for transportation to AP Hill. We asked about showing up in civvies vs uniform. We were told we could wear what we wanted, but it would be easier to identify us if we were in uniform.
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