This announcement song takes longer to sing than the announcement would have taken to say, but the pontificating producer of proliferating points of interest (announcements)will soon learn to keep them few and far between and to call them something other than ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!!!
Announcements, Announcements,
A terrible way to die, a terrible way to die
a terrible dead to be talked to death, a terrible way die,
we lost our cow, we lost our cow,
we have not need for your bull now.
Have you ever seen a windbag a windbag, a windbag,
Have you ever seen a windbag a windbag, a windbag,
well there's on right there, blows this way and that way, and this way and that way. Have you ever seen a windbag well there's one right there.
Keep your announcements short and sweet, short and sweet, short and sweet, there so boring.
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, throw your announcements overboard and listen to them scream.
We found our cow, we found our cow, we have the need for your bull now!
Speak freak.