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  1. Hi Any new info on wen and wear we can get the Boy Scouts of America Silver Dollar Centennial Commemorative Coin ? I would like to get 4 of them thanks
  2. Thanks for all your input, I would agree with all of you that think that the boys should present as a group. I will be having a meeting with my CM and make sure that he sees things OUR way. I just wanted to say thanks again to all that responded.
  3. Well I'm the TC Den Leader and we do go over the moto, shake, and promise at every Den Meeting and Outing. We meet at least 1 a week. I'm pretty sure that most of the boy will be fine, but I have a couple of boys that are very shy. Even though they know and understand the promise and shake and Moto I dont think they will speak in front of a crowd. I dont want them to miss out on the badge because of this. I'm sorry that I did not state my question more clearly before. I was told by the Cub Master in our Pack that my boys would be asked to stand in front of the Pack and Families and recite the Promise and Moto and then answer a series of questions, as to what I'm not sure in order to receive the badge. Where in the books does it say that they have to be grilled in front of the pack! I should also mention that our Cub Leader leads all the ceremonies and he is the only one with a BSA ceremonies guide. Thanks
  4. Hey there, I have some tigers in my den that have fulfilled their bookwork and we found out that in order to get their badge they will have to recite the scout promise and the law of the pack in front of the entire pack and show the hand shake and so on. A couple of the boys know that stuff but I'm not sure that they will be comfortable in front of a crowd. I thought that I read somewhere that tigers should never be tested in public like that. I thought that a parent or guardian was in charge of the testing. Isnt it about "Doing Their Best" Can someone provide me with some clarification on this, whats the standard? Thanks
  5. 100 Year commemorative coin for the BSA is a great idea. Is there some place to sign up to get one when they are available I would like 3 for my sons. Any pitchers of what the coin will look like thanks(This message has been edited by sanddude)
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