I have yet to manage to follow the provided syllabus. I aim to hit on all the points, but the time schedule is unrealistic given that people want to share experiences and have questions answered. None of the other trainers I work with manage to follow the syllabus exactly either. Then again, I only have twenty years experience teaching at the university level. But in that case, I decide on what I present and how. That makes a huge difference.
Nevertheless, I was pleased to see that there *was* a syllabus, and I do try to follow it. I felt much better about what I supposed to cover and how. Giving the training is far more than play the tape, do this activity, and say these words. You share what you know, answer questions, fill in, expand, elaborate, and run out of time. The syllabus gives you a plan and provides some standardization. I wouldn't have been happy to do the training without it. I just can't quite follow it.
If you don't have the syllabus, get it.
If you have an opportunity, take "Train the Trainer". That polished some of my skills.
By the way, we expected 5 people Saturday and had 19 show up. Always make sure you have enough handouts or a way to make more.