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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. well, i am a JASM. I will try to lend out my JL book
  2. hi, my scoutmaster is running the troop, he lets us "plan" the year, but before he does, he gives us a list of dates and things to do saying "i would like to see you do this" and we said we wanted to do a hike, so he jumped up right away "oh, lets the the AT trail, 22 miles, it will be hard" so every week we are doing hikes for our meetings, and when we have regular meetings, the SPL (who is unqualified for the posistion) has no clue on who "he picked" for the different posisitions and has no clue on the meeting, he will recieve a paper saying what we are doing today and all, i just dont know how to ask hi to step down, please mail me at pack100webpage@yahoo.com with your responces. THANK YOU
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