Dear 'ScoutMKE' & 'Eagle92' - these are postings by bonafide Scouts or Scout Leaders, for the benefit of other Scouts. They had an outstanding time sailing with us and simply want other Scouts to know what they experienced! Sail School Bahamas has not 'Spammed' anyone, we have been operating since 2005, have advertised with since 2006 and have not posted anything here previously. Also, we see other private organizations featured here or referred to on a regular basis by Scouts for other Scouts. Although we are not nationally accredited our trips are run in line with BSA policy regarding leadership requirements and trip guidelines. We have taught hundreds and hundreds of Scouts to sail from across the US and as anyone in Scouting knows there are insufficient High Adventure options and as we have been told by numerous Scoutmasters and Adult Leaders that they wanted to do everything possible to spread awareness of our programs these postings provide folks in Scouting with an additional option if they need to book a specific week, are unsuccessful with the Lottery Draw or simply want to focus on actually learning how to sail. We have enough support from Scouts, Scoutmasters and Scout Councils throughout the US without having to resort to spamming, these postings are by BSA Scouts who have actually sailed with us and know what they are talking about - why don't you contact them! They probably thought this was a website/forum for Scouts to help other Scouts with information, ideas and feedback.
We previously spent 3yrs working with BSA High Adventure Bahamas SeaBase and continued to help them out with a trip this year when they needed our support to avoid letting down Scout Troop 20 from Birmingham, AL as the SeaBase boat was inoperable. As this is not a 'BSA only' site but as stated below 'This is a private community provided by SCOUTER Network and reserved for Scouting related discussions' we feel your comments are unfair and unfounded and we are certain the 'Scouts' who posted these comments will agree!
Surely, since SeaBase in the Bahamas is consistently fully booked, more Scouts sailing and experiencing a professionally run HA trip in line with BSA policy is a good thing for Scouting, good for retention and good for increasing membership...? Have you even seen the website or read the testimonials?
Regarding Facebook, we receive postings from BSA 2010, Venturing, Double HH Ranch, and numerous Scout Councils etc, on a regular basis. 'We' fully support the BSA and Scouting in general, that is why we focus on working with Scouts! You may not be aware but Facebook offers a mutually advantageous reciprocity that is good for Scouting, otherwise they would prevent non-BSA organizations from posting on their own walls.
Finally, we would not have noted that our trips would count towards the 'Triple Crown' if that was untrue - a GA Troop who sailed with us this summer bothered to actually check with their Council and were told that as far as they were concerned it was a local Scout Council decision and they would accredit their trip, so, if that information is incorrect surely your time would be better spent speaking with them or your local Scout Council instead of us.
In order to be fair, impartial and objective we'll highlight this issue to everyone who has sailed with us, if they're not already registered here they can register as new members (which is surely a good thing for too!) so they can let other Scouts know what they think and everyone else reading this topic can make up their own minds.
Thanks for your interest in our programs.