I was SPL for 2 years but I am no longer. It seems to me that lately at all the meeting absolutely nothing happens. The monthy themes ( including Merit badges, etc,) are being totally ignored. Everyone just sits, goofs off and talks all meeting. This begins at around 7 ( meeting are supposed to start then) then our SM tells the new SPL to start the meeting at around 7:15 and then it starts, but it goes back to goofing off and talking until game time comes around. None of the games are scout skill related. My main goals when I became SPL were to advance scouts and to have patrols.Neither of these things have continued These meeting seem like a waste of time to me. The only time stuff gets done is if adults remind them. Patrols are never used anymore. Is is very disapioting to me to see this happening. I am wondering how to go about bringing these issues up with out offending people especially since I am no longer in the PLC. This is really upsetting me. alot of new scouts are not staying on our troop and have dropped scouts, and it seems some of my biggest accomplishments as SPL have been un-done. Any ideas on how I may go about changing this situation?