First and foremost, congratulations to Adam Hansen! He is a great man and a wonderful example of scouting! I for one think that this is wonderful exposure for the BSA. To really understand what I mean, you need to really know Adam and his passion for life. I do realize some patches were not on correctly, but more important, how many parents thought "this guy likes to have fun!". Maybe some of them even thought "This isn't your typical self righteous scouter that thinks they are better than everybody else."
Adam is always contributing his time to help with other people as are all the people on this site! Let us not forget that we are all on the same side and should be doing scouting to help our youth. If there is another reason that you are doing this, then maybe you should reevaluate your motives.
If you really are so hell bent on the uniform being perfect, then maybe you should look back and remember that this is a volunteer organization. Not everyone comes from the scouting background that some would like them to. I only made it to Star, but that doesn't mean I am not looking forward to the days my 6 and 4 year old boys are in scouts. It doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed my time as an assistant scoutmaster.
Adam is a dear friend of mine, and I know that his scouts love him, and look forward to participating in his activities. We could all only hope to be so lucky!
Quit hating on our fellow scouter and let us all be excited for some positive exposure!