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  1. I have run our packs pinewood for four years and assisted with the district derby for three, chairman this past year. If you or your representative at check in passed the car, then the car was passed, plain and simple. You should have let it race. Yes, a rule is a rule, but why bother to inspect the cars before the race if something as obvious as old style wheels was missed. You punished a boy for your mistake. You could have given them the opportunity to change the wheels to legal wheels, then run a tie breaker round. We always have extras on hand, in case of a crashed or dropped car, This is one way you could have made up for your mistake and still allowed them to finish the race. If I understand correctly, this car had already run eight races, and no one caught thirty year old front wheels? They are the narrow ones if I'm not mistaken. Pretty hard to miss. I would disqualify your inspectors.
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