Well, I may be a few years removed from Scouts, but I will give my thoughts of what "Scouty" is:
"Scouty" is going on your first camping trip coming in scared to death and coming out ready for anything.
"Scouty" is going on a hike and talking afterward not about your feet hurting at the end, but what you saw and experienced along the way.
"Scouty" is Swimming The Mile and even though you are the last one out, your troopmates are there to cheer you on and congratulate you when you finish.
"Scouty" is seeing an emergency and instead of panicking, you are calm, know what to do, and do it.
"Scouty" is learning that leadership is not about bossing people in a lesser position than you, but rather guiding them so they can soar above you in the future.
"Scouty" is not only knowing the Scout Oath and Law, but also living by them.
"Scouty" is knowing you belong to one of the largest brotherhoods in the world.
I may be 10 years removed from Scouting, but that is what I remember and have carried with me the entire time.(This message has been edited by russdwright)