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Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Has anyone scanned in the number badges as pdf's or jpg's yet? A number of people had done the old, red and white ones years ago. Thanks. Bob Sicklick Troop 42 Norwood, MA
  2. We recently ordered custom two-piece troop numbers and anniversary bar in the Centennial colors, and they only took about three weeks to get. They came out great, and it also seems that most of the new badges are coming with iron-on backing as well. Bob Sicklick Troop 42 Norwood, MA
  3. Does anyone have a numerical list of Boy Scout Troops? Or does anyone have any knowledge of which Troops (existing or not) were the first in the United States? Thanks.
  4. Does anyone have a numerical list of Boy Scout Troops? Or does anyone have any knowledge of which Troops (existing or not) were the first in the United States? Thanks.
  5. Does anyone have any good budget spreadsheets/programs for an annual Cub Scout pack budget? I know I can put together my own Excel sheet if I take the time, but I was wondering if anyone offers it or has done it already? Packmaster has fundraising forms and payment forms, but no budget that I can see. Thanks.
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