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Everything posted by RRichmond

  1. Even here in PA. we have seen Lfe jackets pulled off on the Yough. Water can really do alot of things BUT Correctly fitting and putting the PFD on is the Key. I actually lean against a tree or lay down and have the person with me use their foot to push against me and pull the PFD straps tight. If I can breath they may not be tight enough
  2. Just Got back from a meeting at the Hill. Security will be tight.Adults entering will have to produce picture ID's All cars drivers will need to produce owners cards and insurance papers when entering the gate,bags etc. will be searched under normal BAse security Guidelines as to ALert Level.There are still many staff positions in the Action Centers both Adult and Youth.Remember all Units visiting must file and Present upon arrival and "National Tour Permit" regardless of distance traveled. Visitors are not permitted to take part in any activities they can only observe.
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