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Everything posted by berkshirescouter

  1. I knew people who could receive 25wpm by ear they were not writing it down. The ham extra class licience, at one time, required 20 wpm. Now it is only 5wpm, too easy.
  2. CW is still used in amateur radio though not a requirment beyond 5 wpm. I had to send/receive 13wpm for my test years ago. It is still used on the Ham bands now. Paul WB2VLM ASM Troop 12 Dalton Ma
  3. I have been checking most nights at 9pm. I will be on another chat tomorrow (Tuesday). Paul
  4. Follow up: The group is under Recreation-outdoors-Boy Scouts its group 807 Paul
  5. I think it is still too new to show up on the list . You can send an blank e-mail to the address I gave above or email me at prokoff@yahoo.com and I will send a invite. Paul
  6. I vote for 9pm eastern. Now subscribe to the group. Paul
  7. Times for me are hard. I travel for a living, scout night for me is Thursday. I am home after 9pm then. I have chats on Tuesday night. The best thing, to start, would be is set a specific time every night and who ever drops in enjoy. Paul
  8. I forgot to add this; To Subscribe: scouter_chat-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Paul
  9. I forgot to add this; To Subscribe: scouter_chat-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Paul
  10. Its up! Its called Scouter_chat. You may need a Yahoo ID for the chat and also load their program. I have used this on other forums and it works well. Paul
  11. It would be very easy to set up a private group in Yahoo. They have chat and audio chat available. It takes about 10 min to set up. I will be happy to do it. Let me know. Paul Rokoff ASM Troop 12 Dalton Ma prokoff@yahoo.com
  12. Rooster7 The old saying was 'live and let live'. However current PC can't allow this. Scouting still does. Paul
  13. Hi As a Jew and a Scouter the more important point is that we can agree, as Scouters, to respect each others 'truths' or faiths. Thus show that we are the more tolerant then those who profess Political Correctness. Paul
  14. ON MY HONOR: BOY SCOUTS AND THE MAKING OF AMERICAN YOUTH By Jay Mechling The University of Chicago Press, $30, 318 pages I just finished the book. As a new Scouter I found the techniques used on working with boys helpful. Mr. Mechlings social commentary, for me needs more thought. There is a reveiw on rec.scouting.issues or rec.scouting.usa that is worth a look. Has anyone read this book and have any thoughts? Paul ASM Troop 12 Dalton Ma
  15. Unless a 17 year old or any scout of any age is running around and making a loud public statement of his sexual orentation no action would be taken in our council. Paul
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