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Everything posted by Rooster7

  1. By the way...Does anyone know why my posts are being duplicated? I'm only hitting the SUBMIT button once.
  2. I know the answer to your question, but I'm afraid it would offend you. If you really want to know the answer, pray about it and seek His face. If you think you already know the answer, then why ask me?
  3. Okay! My account is working. You guys are in trouble now... OldGreyEagle said - "I was responding to the comment that people who read the bible will be safe on 'judgment day'. I guess I got off track from the Gay theme of this posting, but I get irritated when I get Christianity shoved at me like there are no alternatives. Many fine moral, religious people live out exemplary lives and have never read the bible." I have two comments to make concerning this statement: 1) Anyone who believes that reading the bible will make you "safe" on judgment day is not a Christian. "For man believes with his heart and so is justified, and he confesses with his lips and so is saved." (Romans 10:10). Man is saved by Grace through Faith. Jesus makes one righteous, not one's reading habits. 2) Being a Christian means giving glory and honor to the one and only true God. Being an example to others is desirable but not mandatory. It's not fair to knock Christians, especially if you're not representing them fairly. In response to - "What happened in West Hollywood, if reports be true, was a disgusting and perverted spectacle, but I still insist it would be wrong to say all gays are like the perpetrators of these actions." This is a fair statement, but it still doesn't make homosexuality right. If there was a "Pedophile Pride Parade", I'm sure you'd see similar behavior. Nevertheless, pedophilia by itself is rather disgusting and perverted. In short, we are talking varying degrees of immorality. Wrong is still wrong. Claiming to be a Christian is only wrong when it's not true. Thanks for listening to my perspective.
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