I'm a newbie to Cub Scouts, and a newly trained TL. I believe the problem is having to many hands in the pot. With up to 9 little guys and 9 plus adults in attendance boredom sets in quickly with the PARENTS not the kids. I've observed the following in just the 3 weeks since we've joined:
clockwatchers, parents that have stopwatches running
icoulddoitbetter (but won't volunteer for anything.)
tooyoungphobia, can't accept they're not toddlers anymore
artistinthemaking, fun is doing scrapbooking and arts-n-crafts type projects (a.k.a non-boy friendly activities) all the time
itstooloudasor, the meeting are never orderly because the boys scream and talk too loud
neverreadthebook, object to everything despite it being in the boys handbook
(feel free to add to the list...)
My opinion, with the uniform and the badge change, its time for the boys be just like the rest of the pack. Do away with shared leadership philosophy. Run it like a republic not a democracy. Parents can still have a say during the Pack Committee Meetings for issues that arises.
Love to hear some opinions, especially from those who been in it awhile.