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Everything posted by robbyynn
Space Derby plans, supply list, pictures http://www.pack80.net/space_derby/Track_Plans/sd_track_plans.htm
Thank you, Thank you to all! All the information is a blessing and most appreciated.
Thank you ... That is very helpfull So... He would receive 2 service star after he has joined his troop because he recharters in December with the pack and crosses over in February? Just want to make sure I am understanding this correctly.
When are service star pins awarded? The pack I belong to wants to award them at the first pack meeting this year (September). Recharter is in December. Webelos scouts who joined in September 06 .... Should receive a 1 year service star pin or since this is his second year he should receive 2 year service star pin? Thanks for the help! I can't seem to find an answer on the WWW.
thank you so much for the advise.... We have indicated that the boy could not attend without his parent or guardian.... It would not be fair to the rest of the boys and one parent threatened to leave the pack if we allowed this boy to attend with anyone other than his parent or guardian. Thanks again! Robyn
Ok... this is the conclusion I have come to .... Please let me how you would advise your pack in this situation..... Webelos boy wants to camp - he is wanting to leave scouts because he has been unable to attend campouts. His mother is sick most of the time and can not come with him on campouts His father works two jobs to support the family of 4. He can not attend campouts with his son. No other relative can come with him and there is no family friend who is willing to step in a guardian. now.... We have a campout scheduled at a BSA camp ground in a cabin (Webelos and Bears) This is how I view it: Since Bears are attending this campout it is considered family camping and the child must have a parent or guardian to supervise him at all times. This is the conclusion I came to after consulting "guide to safe scouting". If it were Webelos only is says Two den leaders and parent or guarding.... all scouts must be supervised by a parent or parent approved adult (other than the den leader)...... So, a den leader could not be this child's parent approved adult even if this were only a Webelos camp out? Thanks for your years of experience and your advise. Robyn
Thank you to everyone for all the usefull information. A little background on our situation might be helpfull to all. Our Charter Orgainization could care less about us..... We talked about leaving the CO. However, as I understand things they own all our equipment and our money.... so, if we go elsewhere the church would have to say we can take our equipment and money if we left. The scout locker that we keep our equipment in at the church is such poor repair that we have offered to fix it and they told us no.... they were considering tearing it down.... which leaves us with no where to keep our equipment. Our COR is in name only. In other words his name is listed on our charter but we don't know who he is. We have never met him... the church has had some drama recently and is kinda in turmoil. I have taken the fast start training and the youth protection training offered online. I will be going to our council's University of Scouting in January. I did contact our District Director for a copy of the org chart via e-mail. He replied and agreed to fax me a copy of the chart. Once again thank you to everyone for all the helpfull information.
Dancinfox, Thank you! I have sent you a PM. Thank you again.
maybe a picure would help CO | COR | Pack Committee | Cub Master | Asst. Cub Master | Den Leaders | Asst. Den Leaders | Den Chief I hope this helps explain what I need...... I want to lay it out in this format with all the contact from our district and our council ... so I can orgainize it in my head... Thanks to all!
I have the contact name and position..... I just don't know the chain of command ... on several sites (web) there is a cub scout organizational chart but not for district or council level. I am new so I don't know ... If I were asked to do one for the company I work for .... no problem because I know the contacts and what the chain of command is.... see my problem Thank you! Sorry I am so duhhhhh! .... Any help would be appreciated!
Hi All!, Could any of you scout experts lend me a hand. I am very new to Cub Scouting. I have been asked to be committee chair .... I know serious role for a new person ... the old committee chair is training me. It seems no one in our pack knows at district and council what the organizational chart looks like. I would like to hand one out with our districts and councils information..... but I'll be darned if I can find and org chart anywhere.... does someone know the org of district and council.... general not specific... sorta like a chain of command kinda thing.
Thank you to everyone who has responded! I have been blessed to have found this forum to get some help from. The ideas that you have given to me are great and very helpful. I will be attending his next few weeks of meetings. I think all of you are right that this will give me a better overall feeling of how things are run in this pack. Thank you again for all the helpfull advice!
Help! ~ How should I handle this situation: My son has never been a cub scout before. He joined this year. He is a fourth grader 9 years old until his birthday 04-21-06. He had been so excited to join because his Dad had been a boy scout and they talk about it all the time. Bad comunication has turned worse and bad leadership has put a sour taste in my sons mouth and I don't know what to do about it. The pack campout was a disaster.... this was his first exposure to cub scouts.... We were the first ones there... schedule started at 12:00pm we arrived on time... no one else was there. I made a phone call after 15 minutes to his den leader who indicated that the other Web I den leaders should be there shortly. They showed up 15 minutes later. OK.... my son and their son helped the den leaders set up... no organization what so ever. When other cub scouts started ariving I was told to tell them to join the group on the trails..... My husband and myself were tending to the fire (getting it going) and stay going. When all groups returned everyone was sitting around.... when my husband asked about the scheduled activities... he was told they decided just to let the kids have fun!..... MY SON WAS NOT HAVING FUN.... they were playing games like tag, football and such ... but my son didn't know any of the other boys because he was new and no one wanted to include my son (they just didn't know him). So... this left him on the outside wanting to cling to my husband and me. He then informed us that he didn't think he wanted to cub scout next year....that totally broke my heart. He was so excited before... and because the leaders were so un-organized he felt left out. In despare he came to the conclution that this wasn't for him (cub scouts). How should I go about voicing my concerns.... I am more than willing to help.... I just don't want anyone upset or to feel I am critizing them unfairly. Am I being unreasonable or should I put a plan in place to resolve this issue. If this is just a group of un-organized folks .... should I look for another den? Any help or comments are welcome.