Hello there. My husband has been the SM of my sons Troop now for two months, gee seems like just yesterday he took over. LOL.
Anyhoo. The troop has gone through a rocky two past years, lost lots of boys due to the things going on in the troop and Council asked my husband to step up and be the SM. Originally, he was going to be an ASM, as my son joined the troop in March. But Council sees great things in my hubby, so they asked.
Had a committee meeting last night, part of the agenda was to talk about the CODE OF CONDUCT he wants put into place. The committee ripped it apart, does not see why they need one, dont want one. He has already talked with the committee chair in length about this issue and others with the troop. They are going to have one!
Then they talked about how active a scout should be with the troop. They have a couple of scouts that never show up for meetings because they "have a life" other than scouts. One of these that show up once a year for the past 1.5 years and says I want make Eagle, but I have a life, cant give much time to the troop. WHAT do you do with that?
My husband ran it by the boys two weeks ago and asked them what THEY thought Active in the TRoop meant and they gave him their answers. They said attend 50% of meetings, 50% of outings, 80% of court of honors, both troop and Eagle. The parents are in an uproar!!! "Their kids have so many other things to do, and besides, this is pinning them down and Forcing them to do something they dont want, and maybe they will bail". Well, gee, isnt it boyscouting? Am I wrong in thinking that the boy should make time for scouting as well as other things? Hubby wants to institute this and says the boys must abide by the %. What if he would say, 'try' to abide?
MY husband told them that they can come and go as their sports and other things need, but they still balked. ONe even said that they could not attend an Eagle COH this year because they had a bowling party that day. I understand boyscouting is not 100% in all of the lives and the attention ebbs and wains, but geesh.
Am I wrong in thinking they are not putting the scouting in the right perspective? And again, I am sure there are many perspectives.
My husband wants to do more camping with this troop, more outings. Right now they do maybe three campouts, one of which is in a condominium each year. HOw in the heck are these kids getting their ranks without camping? Once they start camping more, there goes the % if they dont show.
I am hoping that once the boys see how fun my husband is going to make the troop, that they will WANT to be at the meetings and outings.
Can you people tell me what your perspective on ACTIVE would be and how to institute it, if it all?
Coming from a Mom of a scout that belongs to a very broken troop.
Thank you kindly.